Delay is the deadliest form of denial。

  • 1、Recall the past will be tears, the heart is harsh reality is too cruel, even the dream never give, once thought have different shed your tears again in the future.
  • 2、每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。
  • 3、在分手的世界里不止是要你最好别想我的分离,也需要我最好别想你,那样不会那么痛。
  • 4、Even himself into a peck of dirt, as long as it is spread on the road to truth, to let his friends fast blunt past, is also the biggest happiness.
  • 5、我只是替身,一个卑微的替身。

  • 6、说好了的念念不忘,现在却被扯的只剩下单薄的言语。
  • 7、Light goods enough to gather, law have been enough to justify; Wide enough to gadites, body first enough to rate, will be able to endure people can stand touch of mind for a person to his undertaking.
  • 8、知识就像内裤,看不见但很重要。
  • 9、爱情就像一双袜子,越是瞧起来不顺眼的袜子,越有可能永远陪在你身边,越是喜欢的漂亮袜子经常会少一只。
  • 10、人生试题一共四道题目:学业、事业、婚姻、家庭。平均分高才能及格,切莫花太多的时间和精力在任一题目上。
  • 11、You must learn to enjoy in life, to enjoy work the cheerful, enjoy friends laugh, enjoy the warmth of family, enjoy the joy of creation is to enjoy the sweet fruit.
  • 12、别等不该等的人,别伤不该伤的心!
  • 13、Never curious about could be a bad thing, or you may be the life. Never make a decision when in pain, otherwise you will regret it later.
  • 14、总有那么一个人让你湿了眼眶,你却还是笑着原谅。
  • 15、抱怨!是一块坚硬的石头,横在心间如果不放下,久而久之你会发现,因为这些怨恨,自己的人生便处处有绊脚的石头。

  • 16、正因为爱得不够,才借口多多。
  • 17、The so-called escape, just can't face.
  • 18、想起在一起的日子,我笑了,苦涩的笑了。
  • 西施虽美心无情,表面美丽情无影。村姑农夫爱恋深,一生一世满怀情。恩爱有佳心相映,甜蜜无间不离影。男耕女织情深深,美满幸福显真情。
  • 19、西施虽美心无情,表面美丽情无影。村姑农夫爱恋深,一生一世满怀情。恩爱有佳心相映,甜蜜无间不离影。男耕女织情深深,美满幸福显真情。
  • 20、伪装幸福,或者伪装坚强,有时候也许只是因为好胜。拼命咬著牙的人,往往並不是强悍,而是苦苦憋住眼泪。
  • 21、试想自己有一日可以悠闲于热带海滩中,或含饴弄孙,不用再每日早起上班。要早日实现退休的梦想,您得及早计划。
  • 22、Actually I have been very cute, at least with certainty enduring as the universe.
  • 23、一个真正爱你的人,却能从你的眼中看到你的痛苦。
  • 24、你张得不像屎,但屎挺像你的。
  • 25、Every time I think about you, I look up at the sky at 45 degrees, so I don't have tears in my eyes.

  • 26、伪装幸福,或者伪装坚强,有时候也许只是因为好胜。拼命咬著牙的人,往往並不是强悍,而是苦苦憋住眼泪。
  • 27、你自认为懂我,应何不知错过便了然。
  • 28、奋斗人生的诀窍就是经营自己的长处。经营自己的长处能给你的人生增值。经营自己的短处必然使你的人生贬值。
  • 29、不要因为没有掌声而放弃梦想,我们需要的是坚持而不是观众。
  • 30、总有那么一个人让你湿了眼眶,你却还是笑着原谅。
  • 31、会比以前快乐,即使难过,也要微笑着面对。学会冷血,只对对我好的人好。学会孤独,没有谁会把你当宝护着。
  • We are understanding tired, is often wander in the persistence and give up between; The reason we are suffering, is the pursuit of too much; Not that we have too little.
  • 32、We are understanding tired, is often wander in the persistence and give up between; The reason we are suffering, is the pursuit of too much; Not that we have too little.
  • 33、习惯你的一切,到头来不习惯没有你的全部。
  • 34、骄傲自满是我们的一座可怕的陷阱;而且,这个陷阱是我们自己亲手挖掘的。
  • 35、勇敢的离开,就像风筝那样,飞向,蓝得那么灼热的天。

  • 36、我和你注定是两条平行线,永远不会有交点。
  • 37、生活的温馨和幸福不过在于,有个人能在黄昏之前为你读一首诗,然后然后为你念诗的人在流连的暮色里倾身吻你。
  • 38、Follow me, don't you like it? If you don't like it, I'll follow you.
  • 39、骄傲之心得时时处处保护自己,为自己辩护,他在看不起别人、指责他人的同时,必定也会招来许多不愉快的回报,人生必不平静。
  • 40、Know why love you? Doll face fun phase, panda panda body phase, protruding ears good lucky countenance, steps shook humor, appreciate you most conjunction show.
  • 41、想你的时候,把你的名字写在手心,摊开是想念,握紧是幸福。幸福就是简简单单的依靠,就是手牵手的温柔。
  • 42、人们最出色的工作往往在处于逆境的情况下做出。思想上的压力,甚至**上的痛苦都可能成为精神上的兴奋剂。
  • 43、一生中,我多次撒谎,却始终诚实地遵守着,一个儿时的诺言。因此,那与孩子的心,不能相容的世界,再也没有饶恕过我。
  • 44、有一种爱叫放你的手牵别人的手。
  • Do you think that the sourest feeling is to be jealous? No, the sourest feeling is to have no rights to be don not you are jealous, that is the most acid acid.

    45、Do you think that the sourest feeling is to be jealous? No, the sourest feeling is to have no rights to be don not you are jealous, that is the most acid acid.

  • 46、Time is like a scale, it did not tilt to anyone; Time like a torch, it work hard for people to light the path to success.
  • 47、幸福其实真的很简单:有人爱,有事做,有所期待。
  • 48、Today you say to me love me, tomorrow you said to her not to love me.
  • 49、Dream is visional, it is his dream; Who is humble, but his post; House humble, is your home; Tzu chi is small, it is their own pursuit.
  • 50、岁月没能把你我带到最远处,终于你我走上绝路,你平静孤独,我一场虚无。
  • 51、学会赞赏吧,它能拉近朋友间的距离;乐于赞赏吧,它能鼓励朋友不断上进;自我赞赏吧,它能激发自身的潜能。
  • 52、伟大的成绩和辛勤的劳动是成正比例的,有一分劳动就有一分收获,日积月累,从少到多,奇迹就可以创造出来。
  • 53、成长是一段稚心的疼痛,不计后果的那段,叫做青春。
  • 54、You love me, I love you, then you do not love, and I do not hinder you.