
    1、Do not seek the difficult problems, first of all, the middle grade is good。

  • 2、In the family the parents hardship involved hope that students want to light Triumphant news。, Ouxinlixue is gold plate。
  • 3、滴水穿石战高考如歌岁月应无悔;乘风破浪展雄才折桂蟾宫当有时。
  • 4、顺境的美德是节制,逆境的美德是坚韧,这后一种是较为伟大的德性。
  • 5、尽管我们用判断力思考问题,但最终解决问题的还是意志,而不才智。
  • 不自强而成功者,天下未之有也。
  • 6、不自强而成功者,天下未之有也。
  • 7、Don't ask the harvest, but the hard work! God helps those who help themselves。
  • 8、Without think not ask for advice, do not move the text book。
  • 9、Learning is like spring seedlings, but not by its director, Japan; like a stone dropped out, but not its reduction, when a loss。
  • 10、Weak utilitarian, move forward; without pay, not to complete, firm and indomitable。
  • 11、Positive thinking leads to positive life, while negative thinking leads to negative life.

  • 12、The first cantilever cone piercing, brush, women's book midnight fire, even chicken Qizhi; man, battle pen write hubei。
  • 13、哪里有意志存在,哪里就会有出路。
  • 14、Good understanding of the previous college entrance examination, by analogy。
  • 15、Ten years studying in the final years of the June exchange smiles; hard won the bright future of universe。
  • 16、Be kind to your love, don't let them get out of the way, to make them learn to serve。
  • 17、Practice is the college entrance examination, the college entrance exam is to practice。
  • 18、The college entrance exam is a practice for a million people。
  • A hundred feet tall Wu, hold up a round of the moon; the number of rafters house, locked the five night of reading。
  • 19、A hundred feet tall Wu, hold up a round of the moon; the number of rafters house, locked the five night of reading。
  • 20、There is a high level of collective, only a high level of personal。
  • 21、谁也不能剥夺我们自由的意志。

  • 22、一切理论都反对自由意志;一切经验都赞成自由意志。
  • 23、Never forgive yourself for carelessness。
  • 24、The college entrance exam is a practice for a million people。
  • 25、思想的形成,首先是意志的形成。
  • 26、For a go grind sword for a decade in June, Feng is really me!
  • 27、The body often moves, the heart is often quiet。
  • 28、Be kind to your love, don't let them get out of the way, to make them learn to serve。
  • 29、本来无望的事,大胆尝试,往往能成功。
  • 30、青年时的失败要比壮年时的胜利,老年时的成功更令人满意。
  • 31、天下无难事,只怕有心人。天下无易事,只怕粗心人。

  • 32、没有意志的人,一切感到困难,没有头脑的人,一切都感到简单。
  • 33、There is no easy place in the world。
  • 34、没有伟大的意志力,就不可能有雄才大略。
  • 35、立志工作成功,是人类活动的三大要素。
  • 36、积极思考造成积极人生,消极思考造成消极人生。
  • 37、Dickens is good, ask Yu, extensive exchanges, in-depth discussion。
  • 38、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。
  • 39、万事皆由人的意志创造。
  • 40、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。
  • 41、Little effort often teach hoze Kyushu; water drops of sweat to learn to fight for territory in ancient Central China yong。

  • 42、行动才能成功,教练改变人生。
  • 43、Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from hard work。
  • 44、Sixty students from the twelve hard share sb。's joys and sorrows; spring and autumn wind and rain in the success of this year。
  • 世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。
  • 45、世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。
  • 46、Plan to be fine, do it early, to implement the。 Plans and goals, action。
  • 47、Get ready, there is always the most difficult time in the examination room。 To see the true colour of a hero。
  • 48、沉浸于现实的忙碌之中,没有时间和精力思念过去,成功也就不会太远了。
  • 49、Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from hard work。
  • 50、最成功的人往往就是敢冒大险的人。
  • 51、Encounter will do the title: careful; encounter will not do the title: calm。

  • 52、The most difficult question, for you, is not necessarily the last one。
  • 53、大多数人想要改造这个世界,但却罕有人想改造自己。
  • 54、你想有所作为吗?那么坚定地走下去吧!后爱退只会使你意志衰退。