
  • 1、The world breaks everyone,and afterward many are strong at the bro ken pl aces、
  • 2、那一年,花开得不是最好,可是还好,我遇到你。那一年,花开得好极了,好像专是为了你。那一年,花开得很迟,还好,有你。 汪曾祺《人间草木》
  • 3、It’s ridiculous how much I freaking miss you、

  • 4、在这世上,你不努力,永远不会有人对你公平,只有你努力了,有了话语权以后,你才有资格为自己争取公平。
  • 5、嫉妒是一把刀,最后不是插在别人身上,就是插进自己心里。
  • We are so busy watching out for whats just ahead of us that we dont take time to enjoy where we are、
  • 6、We are so busy watching out for whats just ahead of us that we dont take time to enjoy where we are、
  • 7、The beauty of a woman is very dangerous, but the elephant died because of ivory, fox fox died because of、
  • 8、我们一路走来,只是为了告别往事,走入下一段风景。
  • 9、You know the feeling of missing someone、 Like drinking a glass of icy water、 And then use a very long time to flow into tears、
  • 10、当泪水划过嘴角,才知道那种苦涩的味道。
  • 11、Where you go is not important, it is important that you will not come back。
  • 12、If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered、
  • 13、The more let the fear of things, is often the things you must do、

  • 14、在这世上,你不努力,永远不会有人对你公平,只有你努力了,有了话语权以后,你才有资格为自己争取公平。
  • 15、Strive to make every day joyful and meaningful,n ot for others,but for myself、
  • 16、嫉妒是一把刀,最后不是插在别人身上,就是插进自己心里。
  • 17、寒冬落魄你不在,春暖花开你是谁。
  • 18、You know the feeling of missing someone、 Like drinking a glass of icy water、 And then use a very long time to flow into tears、
  • How much truth of heart in one’s life is told in a joke?
  • 19、How much truth of heart in one’s life is told in a joke?
  • 20、错过,其实一点都不可惜。两个人就算再合适,可是没有在一起的强烈欲望,只说明不够爱。对于不够爱的人,就算错过,那也不过是路过了某个人而已。真正爱你的人,是不会错过你的,因为爱会让他疯狂。一切被动等待的人,只是没那么爱你。因为爱,就是主动。
  • 21、When there’s no expectation, losing won’t bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised、
  • 22、去过的地方越多,越知道自己想回什么地方去,见过的人越多,越知道自己真正想待在什么人身边。
  • 23、If you love walk back and forth in front of us are too long to wait for a moment; walk back and forth if the love in the end, waiting for too short a lifetime!

  • 24、Sometimes your plans don’t work out because God has better ones、
  • 25、错过,其实一点都不可惜。两个人就算再合适,可是没有在一起的强烈欲望,只说明不够爱。对于不够爱的人,就算错过,那也不过是路过了某个人而已。真正爱你的人,是不会错过你的,因为爱会让他疯狂。一切被动等待的人,只是没那么爱你。因为爱,就是主动。
  • 26、去过的地方越多,越知道自己想回什么地方去,见过的人越多,越知道自己真正想待在什么人身边。
  • 27、去过的地方越多,越知道自己想回什么地方去,见过的人越多,越知道自己真正想待在什么人身边。
  • 28、我们一路走来,只是为了告别往事,走入下一段风景。
  • 29、The beauty of a woman is very dangerous, but the elephant died because of ivory, fox fox died because of、
  • 30、你之所以觉得时间一年比一年过得快,是因为时间对你来说一年比一年重要。
  • 31、You can’t have a better tomorrow if you don’t stop thinking about yesterday、
  • 爱情有时好像在等公交车,不想坐的公交车接二连三频频为你停留,而真正想坐的,却怎么也等不到,像是一场存心的恶作剧。等到公交车终于姗姗来迟时,却像约好似地结伙成行连来两三辆,让人不知如何是好,无论坐上哪辆,都抹不去心头淡淡的怅惘,总担心错过的是否才是最好的选择。
  • 32、爱情有时好像在等公交车,不想坐的公交车接二连三频频为你停留,而真正想坐的,却怎么也等不到,像是一场存心的恶作剧。等到公交车终于姗姗来迟时,却像约好似地结伙成行连来两三辆,让人不知如何是好,无论坐上哪辆,都抹不去心头淡淡的怅惘,总担心错过的是否才是最好的选择。
  • 33、How much truth of heart in one’s life is told in a joke?

  • 34、If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem、
  • 35、那一年,花开得不是最好,可是还好,我遇到你。那一年,花开得好极了,好像专是为了你。那一年,花开得很迟,还好,有你。 汪曾祺《人间草木》
  • 36、Where you go is not important, it is important that you will not come back。
  • 37、寒冬落魄你不在,春暖花开你是谁。
  • 38、Not hammer-strokes, but dance of the water sings the pebbles into perfection、
  • 39、The world breaks everyone,and afterward many are strong at the bro ken pl aces、
  • 40、The beauty of a woman is very dangerous, but the elephant died because of ivory, fox fox died because of、
  • 41、在这世上,你不努力,永远不会有人对你公平,只有你努力了,有了话语权以后,你才有资格为自己争取公平。
  • 42、你之所以觉得时间一年比一年过得快,是因为时间对你来说一年比一年重要。
  • 43、Youve got to get up every morning with determination,if youre going to go to bed with satisfacti on、

  • 44、The more let the fear of things, is often the things you must do、
  • Love every moment of my life, no matter its good or not、
  • 45、Love every moment of my life, no matter its good or not、
  • 46、当泪水划过嘴角,才知道那种苦涩的味道。
  • 47、The world breaks everyone,and afterward many are strong at the bro ken pl aces、
  • 48、嫉妒是一把刀,最后不是插在别人身上,就是插进自己心里。
  • 49、How much truth of heart in one’s life is told in a joke?
  • 50、You know the feeling of missing someone、 Like drinking a glass of icy water、 And then use a very long time to flow into tears、
  • 51、The beauty of a woman is very dangerous, but the elephant died because of ivory, fox fox died because of、
  • 52、我们一路走来,只是为了告别往事,走入下一段风景。
  • 53、寒冬落魄你不在,春暖花开你是谁。

  • 54、与其热闹着引人夺目,步步紧逼,不如趋向做一个人群之中真实自然的人,不张扬,不虚饰,随时保持退后的位置。心有所定,只是专注做事。安妮宝贝 《素年锦时》