
  • 1、Never trust another what you should do yourself 自己该做的事,决不要委托给旁人做。
  • 2、Rest belongs to the work as the eyelids to the eyes.
  • 3、人们说得好,真理是时间的女儿,不是权威的女儿。
  • 4、希望是惟一所有的人都共同享有的好处;一无所有的人,仍拥有希望。
  • 5、Think big goals and win big success.目标远大则成就伟大。
  • Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'! 一切皆有可能!"不可能"的意思是:"不,可能。"(奥黛丽•赫本)
  • 6、Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'! 一切皆有可能!"不可能"的意思是:"不,可能。"(奥黛丽•赫本)
  • 7、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
  • 8、If you're lucky enough to be different, don't ever change.如果你很幸运能够与别人不同,请不要改变。
  • 9、梦就在前方,路就在脚下,未来就握在手中,祝全体同学都能圆梦!

  • 10、You are more beautiful than you think.你,要比你想象的更美丽。
  • 11、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
  • 12、做人要像竹子一样每前进一步,都要做一次小结。
  • 13、What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.
  • 14、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
  • 15、If you're lucky enough to be different, don't ever change.如果你很幸运能够与别人不同,请不要改变。
  • 16、Though malice may darken truth,it cannot put it out 恶意可以糟塌真理;但无法消灭真理。
  • 17、Reputation is often got without merit and lost without fault 无功得名是常事,无过失名也是常事。
  • 18、Reputation is often got without merit and lost without fault 无功得名是常事,无过失名也是常事。
  • 人生没有什么事是一定的,都是在碰,在等,在慢慢寻找。


  • 20、The fragmentation of the separation, this is you want to end.支离破碎的分离,这是不是你要的结局。
  • 21、If you trust before you try, you may repent before you die 不经考验就依赖,不到瞑目便的悔。
  • 22、The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point but does not move.
  • 23、Adversity successfully overcome is the highest glory 成功地克服困难是最大的光荣。
  • 24、希望是惟一所有的人都共同享有的好处;一无所有的人,仍拥有希望。
  • 25、让自己更平和一点,更豁达一点,对于身边的过错,让自己更宽容一点。人人都有他的难处,何必强求于人。
  • 26、The fragmentation of the separation, this is you want to end.支离破碎的分离,这是不是你要的结局。
  • 27、You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.
  • 28、Always be a first-rate version of yourself.做最好的自己!
  • 29、当你觉得特别苦、特别难的时候,这或许就是人生要转折的时候了。处于人生低谷的你,接下来要迎接的可能就是上坡路。

  • 30、The waterfall sing, “I find my song, when I find my freedom.
  • 31、What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.
  • If you're lucky enough to be different, don't ever change.如果你很幸运能够与别人不同,请不要改变。
  • 32、If you're lucky enough to be different, don't ever change.如果你很幸运能够与别人不同,请不要改变。
  • 33、I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate.宁愿失败地做你爱做的事情,也不要成功地做你恨做的事情。(George Burns)
  • 34、Keep trying!Don't give up the ship.继续努力! 别放弃!
  • 35、Thank you for this gift of a whole new day. I am grateful.感谢上苍赐予我全新的一天。我很感激。
  • 36、每个人都是自己前途最权威的设计者和建筑师。
  • 37、Eat a peck of salt with a man before you trust him 在你信任一个人之前,先要深入了解他。
  • 38、I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起。(玛丽亚•凯莉)
  • 39、人的一生很迷惘,在兜兜转转的过程中,可能会得到很多,也可能失去很多,这也许是天意弄人,所以,朋友们,要珍惜眼前拥有的,别在失去以后才后悔!

  • 40、Keep trying!Don't give up the ship.继续努力! 别放弃!
  • 41、Your father's honour is to you but a second-hand honour 对于你来说,父亲的荣誉只是间接的荣誉。
  • 42、Your father's honour is to you but a second-hand honour 对于你来说,父亲的荣誉只是间接的荣誉。
  • 43、The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point but does not move.
  • 44、Adversity successfully overcome is the highest glory 成功地克服困难是最大的光荣。
  • 与其在脑海中胡乱勾画不现实的蓝图,还不如用行动披荆斩棘。
  • 45、与其在脑海中胡乱勾画不现实的蓝图,还不如用行动披荆斩棘。
  • 46、人的一生很迷惘,在兜兜转转的过程中,可能会得到很多,也可能失去很多,这也许是天意弄人,所以,朋友们,要珍惜眼前拥有的,别在失去以后才后悔!
  • 47、当你觉得特别苦、特别难的时候,这或许就是人生要转折的时候了。处于人生低谷的你,接下来要迎接的可能就是上坡路。
  • 48、I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate.宁愿失败地做你爱做的事情,也不要成功地做你恨做的事情。(George Burns)
  • 49、Thank you for this gift of a whole new day. I am grateful.感谢上苍赐予我全新的一天。我很感激。

  • 50、Always be a first-rate version of yourself.做最好的自己!
  • 51、I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起。(玛丽亚•凯莉)
  • 52、When his weapons win he is defeated himself.