
  • 1、自从我得到你的爱,好像在漫漫的黑暗中见到了光明,好象在无涯的沙漠中得到了清泉,更好像在山石中发现了一枝鲜花,我怎能不感谢你呢?
  • 2、人说每逢佳节倍思亲,我道思亲之时更思你。想你就在月圆时。
  • 3、三只猪在吵架,老大骂:你好无聊,只会发信息!老二骂:你更无聊,天天发黄色笑话!不过最无聊的都是老三,只看不发。
  • 4、情意深深雨丝蒙蒙,爱在心头其乐融融,你的身影在我心中,对你永远情深意浓。我的真心只盼你懂,因为有你,我的世界精彩无穷!
  • 5、中秋佳节不送礼,发条短信祝福你,健康快乐长伴你,好运和你不分离!祝福你天天快乐。
  • 人说每逢佳节倍思亲,我道思亲之时更思你。想你就在月圆时。


  • 7、Mid-Autumn night together watching the distant moon, the moon convey our eyes and thoughts to each other, as she reflects sunlight!
  • 8、今日愚人节,特颁愚人令。学猫三声叫,让我笑一笑,朝天吼三吼,吓走大狼狗。此令既已下,望尔速执行。四一愚人节,愚人不从命。
  • 9、认识你纯属巧合!爱上你实属过错!失去你真属难过!想着你本属蹉跎!拥有你确属快活!祝福你天天快乐!爱着你天长地久!
  • 10、Let the round moon accompany you and I, let the moon convey my wishes and blessings。 I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn festival, the month circle person circle everything is satisfactory!
  • 11、你的温柔象天使在撒娇,你的美丽如惊艳的孔雀,你的体贴恰似心口上的风湿膏,你的眼睛好比可爱的大熊猫!
  • 12、People say every festive holiday times, when I said the festive think you more。 Miss you in during a full moon。
  • 13、Today's April fool's day, we went to fools。 Learn the cat three call, let me laugh, shout three shout into air, frighten big German shepherd。 Under this order is, at speed。 Designation for April fool's day, fool don't do it。
  • 14、听说最近你上电视了,不错哦!你可真上镜啊,那活蹦乱跳的样子,那自信满满的气势,那俏皮可爱的言行我早就知道,你演孙悟空准行!
  • 15、The Mid-Autumn festival is not altogether gifts clockwork SMS bless you, healthy and happy longer with you, good luck and you do not separation! Wish you a happy day。
  • 16、月是中秋圆,人是我最好。爱你诚挚心,天地可为鉴。

  • 17、People say every festive holiday times, when I said the festive think you more。 Miss you in during a full moon。
  • 18、三只猪在吵架,老大骂:你好无聊,只会发信息!老二骂:你更无聊,天天发黄色笑话!不过最无聊的都是老三,只看不发。
  • 19、Received information shaking, spirit, teach you how to behave, read information become stupid, don't turn you into a foolish people, delete to prove you are delusion, reply to show that you don't have the adult, this message to those trick, send a fool in
  • 20、Know you until now, you place in my heart you should be clear, in addition to you, others is a pile of shit in my eyes, but you don't, because you are two heap!
  • 如果你是小狗狗,我愿变成骨头给你啃;如果你孤单,我会用心来陪你;可这次我没带啥,只有香蕉一串,挂得高高的,我相信,你一定会叠上盒子把它摘取!
  • 21、如果你是小狗狗,我愿变成骨头给你啃;如果你孤单,我会用心来陪你;可这次我没带啥,只有香蕉一串,挂得高高的,我相信,你一定会叠上盒子把它摘取!
  • 22、你是我生命的力量,你是我身体的盾锁,你是我肌肤的清泉,你是我肢体的命脉,你是我五官的光彩,总之你就是我的全部,离开你我就支离破碎!
  • 23、Live very humble abode, live very timid, very annoyed, looks like squash, eat steamed corn-bread, April fool's day is coming, wish you and your colleagues happy "snap"。
  • 24、The moon this priceless, mountains all sentient beings。 Lu yao li, difficult lovesickness。 Man is not, the heart yearning。 I sincerely wish you and your family a happy happy reunion, happy life!
  • 25、Know you until now, you place in my heart you should be clear, in addition to you, others is a pile of shit in my eyes, but you don't, because you are two heap!
  • 26、Urgent notice: tonight to tomorrow morning have a small earthquake, for your safety, please wrapped in a quilt tonight, head a toilet, plant straw under the bed to sleep in his nostrils。

  • 27、想你的时候,我就闭上眼睛,想象你在我身边,你的笑,你的顽皮,你的可爱,可我发现,我会一直想你,因此我就要一直闭着眼睛,睁不开了!
  • 28、明月本无价,高山皆有情。人虽不至,心向往之。衷心祝愿您和家人团圆美满,幸福安康!
  • 29、我们的爱在春雨中萌芽,在夏日下成长,在秋风里成熟,在冬雪的辉映下结出累累硕果爱你一万年!
  • 30、卫生部发出通知,凡是家里还有月饼的一律上缴国库,不上缴国库上缴到我家也行,违令者今后不准晒月亮!
  • 31、一场清雪飞花渡,灯火阑珊花千树,梦里花开千百暮,思尽愁语泪传书,邀请明月翩翩舞,情郎佳人倾心诉。想你,就在瑞雪纷飞的夜晚,枕着你的笑语入眠。
  • 32、In the soft moonlight night, I miss you so much, my dear did you hear my heart beating?
  • 33、我真的很希望能再和你一起,我不知道能一起走多远,但我知道最后的结局是我一直爱你直到我的生命结束,无论我们是否还在一起。
  • 34、认识你至今,你在我心中的地位你应该很清楚,除你之外,其他人在我眼中是一堆屎,可你不一样,因为你是两堆!
  • 35、如果你冷,我将你拥入怀中;如果你恨,我替你擦去泪痕如果你爱我,我要向全世界广播;如果你离开我,我会默默地承受
  • 认识你至今,你在我心中的地位你应该很清楚,除你之外,其他人在我眼中是一堆屎,可你不一样,因为你是两堆!


  • 37、三只猪在吵架,老大骂:你好无聊,只会发信息!老二骂:你更无聊,天天发黄色笑话!不过最无聊的都是老三,只看不发。
  • 38、想你的时候,我就闭上眼睛,想象你在我身边,你的笑,你的顽皮,你的可爱,可我发现,我会一直想你,因此我就要一直闭着眼睛,睁不开了!
  • 39、一秒钟可以让我想起你,一分钟可以令我牵挂你,一整天可以使我惦记你,一辈子足够,让我守护你,就算一条短信也能告诉你:真的想你了!
  • 40、认识你纯属巧合!爱上你实属过错!失去你真属难过!想着你本属蹉跎!拥有你确属快活!祝福你天天快乐!爱着你天长地久!
  • 41、中秋之夜一起注视遥远的明月,月亮把我们的目光和思念传递给对方,一如她反射阳光!
  • 42、中秋佳节不送礼,发条短信祝福你,健康快乐长伴你,好运和你不分离!祝福你天天快乐。
  • 43、Know you until now, you place in my heart you should be clear, in addition to you, others is a pile of shit in my eyes, but you don't, because you are two heap!
  • 44、曾经相约相依相守,如今你却转身就走;曾经相约天长地久,如今却已无法挽留;即使用生命来拯救,相爱的路还是已到尽头;未来的日子请多多保重!
  • 45、如果我是蜻蜓,会用一千双眼睛看着你;如果我是蜈蚣,会用一千对臂膀抱着你;如果我是上帝,会派天使护着你。可惜我都不是,但我会用一颗真心爱着你!
  • 46、在月色廖人的夜里,我是如此的想念你,亲爱的你听到我的心跳了吗?

  • 47、你是我生命的力量,你是我身体的盾锁,你是我肌肤的清泉,你是我肢体的命脉,你是我五官的光彩,总之你就是我的全部,离开你我就支离破碎!
  • 48、Mid-Autumn night together watching the distant moon, the moon convey our eyes and thoughts to each other, as she reflects sunlight!
  • 49、Know you until now, you place in my heart you should be clear, in addition to you, others is a pile of shit in my eyes, but you don't, because you are two heap!
  • 50、Today's April fool's day, we went to fools。 Learn the cat three call, let me laugh, shout three shout into air, frighten big German shepherd。 Under this order is, at speed。 Designation for April fool's day, fool don't do it。
  • I heard that you recently on TV, good oh! You are on the mirror, the appearance of the wriggling, the confident imposing manner, the nifty and lovely words and deeds I know, you play the Monkey King!
  • 51、I heard that you recently on TV, good oh! You are on the mirror, the appearance of the wriggling, the confident imposing manner, the nifty and lovely words and deeds I know, you play the Monkey King!
  • 52、Your tenderness like angels in the play the woman, your beauty such as jing is colourful peacock, your thoughtfulness is rheumatism paste on the heart, your eyes like a lovely panda!
  • 53、The Mid-Autumn festival is not altogether gifts clockwork SMS bless you, healthy and happy longer with you, good luck and you do not separation! Wish you a happy day。
  • 54、听说最近你上电视了,不错哦!你可真上镜啊,那活蹦乱跳的样子,那自信满满的气势,那俏皮可爱的言行我早就知道,你演孙悟空准行!
  • 55、中秋之夜一起注视遥远的明月,月亮把我们的目光和思念传递给对方,一如她反射阳光!
  • 56、如果你冷,我将你拥入怀中;如果你恨,我替你擦去泪痕如果你爱我,我要向全世界广播;如果你离开我,我会默默地承受

  • 57、住的很蜗居,活的很窝囊,生的很窝火,长得似窝瓜,吃的是窝头,愚人节到了,祝你和你的同事一窝子都开心快乐。
  • 58、时常想你在心里,日日想你在哪里,总不忍心打扰你,今天只是太想你,发个信息告诉你,我在这里很想你。
  • 59、In the soft moonlight night, I miss you so much, my dear did you hear my heart beating?