

  • 2、What I miss is not you, but you give the fatal once.
  • 3、沉默是我的习惯,我的态度,不去辩解,不去说明,只要做了就好。
  • 4、如果我的掌纹堆积了尘,命运没法敲定前世今生。
  • 5、I love to leave my mark on you, but I don't remember you never belong to me.
  • Originally, really, a person afraid of loneliness, two people afraid of harm.
  • 6、Originally, really, a person afraid of loneliness, two people afraid of harm.
  • 7、虚心顺理,学者当守此四字。
  • 8、后来我才明白,有些事情我们能原谅,有些芥蒂我们能放下,有些遗憾我们能弥补,但是我们的爱情就是回不去了。
  • 9、有时候不是不信任,只是因为我比别人更在乎,更怕失去。
  • 10、Originally, really, a person afraid of loneliness, two people afraid of harm.
  • 11、以势交者,势倾则绝;以利交者,利穷则散。

  • 12、有些人要进来,就有一些人不得不离开。
  • 13、一只风筝,一生永远只为一根线冒险。
  • 14、执着追求并从中得到最大快乐的人,才是成功者。
  • 15、最怂的就是,明知道自己是备胎,却舍不得离开。
  • 16、Life can meet not many people, can be paid only a few.
  • 17、Deep feeling that I can not afford the burden, if only occasionally.
  • 18、爱你的人才不会给你买高跟鞋咧,因为他怕你难受。
  • One day someone will walk into your life, then you will realize that love is always worth waiting for.
  • 19、One day someone will walk into your life, then you will realize that love is always worth waiting for.
  • 20、If I had the palm of the palm of the dust, fate can not finalize the previous life.
  • 21、为什么总是在最后一刻才明白,我们的爱早就已不在。

  • 22、Carefully, not only can guard against infringed upon oneself, also can defense the willful indulgence and corruption.
  • 23、最来我们还是走散了,终归一句:经得起致死方休的流年,熬不过平凡静默的一生。
  • 24、位卑未敢忘忧国,事定犹须待盖棺。
  • 25、A man's dream may not be worth much, but a man's effort is very valuable.
  • 26、Who does not look forward, who will face many difficulties.
  • 27、Humility is the highest the self-denial of kung fu.
  • 28、执着追求并从中得到最大快乐的人,才是成功者。
  • 29、总有个人曾说要永远守护你,到头来却在别人的身边。
  • 30、从此以后,四海八荒,千秋万代,只有你我,再无我们。
  • 31、原来喜欢不可以伪装,原来快乐不可以假装,原来永远和瞬间一样。

  • 32、一步一步,看着走过的沧桑,重新过活。
  • 33、Modesty helps one to make progress, conceit makes one lag behind. We should always remember this truth.
  • 34、Rain is lonely, is lonely, is confused.
  • 35、别在喜悦时许诺,别在忧伤时回答,别在愤怒时做决定。三思而后行。
  • 36、没有一百分的另一半,只有五十分的两个人没有完全合适的两个人,只有互相迁就的两颗心。
  • 37、一只风筝,一生永远只为一根线冒险。
  • 38、Have confidence, work hard, success in the front.
  • 39、Some people want to come in, some people have to leave.
  • 40、我心里一直有你,只是比例变了而已。
  • 41、反正他都不难受,他需要自由,他都不会理会我的感受。

  • 42、爱情诞生的那年那月,是谁偷走我的心。
  • 43、Happy to know how to share, to be more happy.
  • 44、后来我们都很干脆,你没有回头,我没有挽留。从此成为陌路,音信全无。
  • Life can meet not many people, can be paid only a few.
  • 45、Life can meet not many people, can be paid only a few.
  • 46、把艰辛的劳作看作是生命的必然,即使没有收获的希望也心平气和的继续。
  • 47、Conceit of any art is a kind of destruction. Pride is a terrible misfortune.
  • 48、你若爱过一个人,恨她的时候会恨的更深。这种仇恨远比人类所有感情都强烈。
  • 49、你的选择是做或不做,做不一定会成功,但不做就永远不会有机会。
  • 50、如果以后你会不经意地想起我,请别忘记我曾那样深深地爱过你。
  • 51、毕竟他是暖男对谁都很好,毕竟他是太阳在哪都发光。
