
  • 1、只有不快的斧,没有劈不开的柴。
  • 2、I envy you very much, because you can choose to accept or reject, and I can only choose love you or more like you.
  • 3、World is so chaotic, for whom pure installed。世界那么乱,装纯给谁看。

  • 4、一个人最大的缺点不是自私、多情、野蛮、任性,而是偏执地爱一个不爱自己的人。
  • 5、Some people like this, they are maggots all over the world feel is a big bog。有些人就是这样, 自己是蛆就觉得全世界是一个大粪池。
  • Sometimes I hum up memories, memories of the is you hold me, hold me, kiss me, comfort me, is that you loved me.
  • 6、Sometimes I hum up memories, memories of the is you hold me, hold me, kiss me, comfort me, is that you loved me.
  • 7、不是我不爱了,只是你已触犯了我的底线。
  • 8、我很羡慕你,因为你可以选择接受或是拒绝,而我只能选择喜欢你或者更喜欢你。
  • 9、People always want to do some thing good spirits know, dry point bad children always thought that ghosts do not know, we are too embarrassed to let a ghost。人干点好事儿总想让鬼神知道,干点坏事儿总以为鬼神不知道,我们太让鬼为难了。
  • 10、Happiness is not without fear and worry; adversity is not without comforts and hopes.
  • 11、我们穷人要翻身,没有理由讲辛苦;我们穷人要翻身,没有理由讲兴趣。
  • 12、时间会告诉我们:简单的喜欢最长远,平凡中的陪伴最心安,懂你的人最温暖。
  • 13、爱上一个人的时候,总会有点害怕,怕得到他,怕失掉他。

  • 14、你是我用心用命去爱得人,到最后终究是过客,你叫我怎能不难过。
  • 15、Some love, destined to I of silence, some people, doomed to will be missed.
  • 16、人在得不到的时候,什么都可以不介意,得到之后,什么都有点介意。
  • 17、骏马是跑出来的,强兵是打出来的。
  • 18、有时候我会哼起回忆,回忆里是你牵着我、抱着我、吻着我、安慰我,是你曾经爱过我。
  • 19、不是我不爱了,只是你已触犯了我的底线。
  • 20、You are my heart YongMing love person, in the end, after all, is a traveler, you call I how can not sad.
  • I always thought, I did not sorry to anyone, but now I know, I am sorry, is my own.
  • 21、I always thought, I did not sorry to anyone, but now I know, I am sorry, is my own.
  • 22、心里留给他的位置,只盼每天醒来有他温暖的笑脸。
  • 23、Once you have the feeling to someone, those feelings will always leave a heart, you may not like them, but you always care about.

  • 24、Fall in love with a person, always a little afraid, afraid to get him, afraid to lose him.
  • 25、A friend of the depth of trust, not you will not see him laugh, but to see you willing to cry in front of him。对一个朋友信任的深浅,不是看你会不会对他笑,而是看你愿不愿意当着他的面哭。
  • 26、爱上一个人的时候,总会有点害怕,怕得到他,怕失掉他。
  • 27、Picked up a penny in the street, it should be handed pol。 Uncle ice hand side, this is the principle。 But they picked up ten dollars this is beyond the scope of the principle。在马路边捡到一分钱,这要上交给pol。ice叔叔手里边 ,这是原则。但捡到十块钱 这已经超出了原则的范围了。
  • 28、With a wry smile I forgive you for the rest of the only suspicion between the sad are we?
  • 29、Enthusiasm is a beautiful secret。 No warm beauty is unattractive。热情是美丽的秘密。没有热情的美丽是没有吸引力的。
  • 30、I am a lump coal, not easily ignited, can burn, will into a pile of ashes, burn again, is gone.
  • 31、我死了吗?没有,所以我不能活得像死了一样!
  • 32、有时候,不是对方不在乎你,而是你把对方看的太重要。
  • 33、Set goals and then refine the goals for every step of the action.

  • 34、I envy you very much, because you can choose to accept or reject, and I can only choose love you or more like you.
  • 35、如果缺少破土面出并与风雪拚搏的勇气,种子的前途并不比落叶美妙一分。
  • Being angry is to punish yourself for what others have done wrong.
  • 36、Being angry is to punish yourself for what others have done wrong.
  • 37、有些爱,注定一世缄默,有些人,注定终会错过。
  • 38、闭上嘴乖乖被我保护不就好了,我能为你做的,就只有这点了。
  • 39、骏马是跑出来的,强兵是打出来的。
  • 40、我死了吗?没有,所以我不能活得像死了一样!
  • 41、Laughing just a face, has nothing to do with happiness。笑只是一个表情,与快乐无关。
  • 42、I always thought, I did not sorry to anyone, but now I know, I am sorry, is my own.
  • 43、Front man for his wife to work generally consists of a tie, the man from the bed for a long time lover solution belt for him。男人上班前一般由老婆为他系领带,男人上床前多时由情人为他解裤带。

  • 44、Sometimes, not the other party don't care about you, but you take each other watch too important.
  • 45、有些爱,注定一世缄默,有些人,注定终会错过。
  • 46、Success is not an important thing, it is an important effort.
  • 47、如果有个人对你特别好,记得千万别把那个人弄丢了。
  • 48、Do not do the biggest difference is: the latter has the right to comment on the former。做与不做的最大区别是:后者拥有对前者的评论权。
  • 49、Optimism is an impassioned and beautiful music, constantly inspires you to advance the cause of the road.
  • 50、Women like men have a sense of security; men are often insecure woman to attract。女人喜欢有安全感的男人;男人却往往被缺乏安全感的女人吸引。
  • With a wry smile I forgive you for the rest of the only suspicion between the sad are we?
  • 51、With a wry smile I forgive you for the rest of the only suspicion between the sad are we?
  • 52、If someone very good for you, remember never lost that person.
  • 53、我想和你在一起,几天也好。在某个地方,某个时候。

  • 54、A pretty face is for others to look at, but the wisdom of the mind is to give their own use.
  • 55、Success, often live in the failure of the next door!
  • 56、Fall in love with a person, always a little afraid, afraid to get him, afraid to lose him.
  • 57、Some people like this, they are maggots all over the world feel is a big bog。有些人就是这样, 自己是蛆就觉得全世界是一个大粪池。
  • 58、People always want to do some thing good spirits know, dry point bad children always thought that ghosts do not know, we are too embarrassed to let a ghost。人干点好事儿总想让鬼神知道,干点坏事儿总以为鬼神不知道,我们太让鬼为难了。
  • 59、乐观是一首激昂优美的进行曲,时刻鼓舞着你向事业的大路勇猛前进。