
  • 1、不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹,没有人能随随便便成功!加油!新的一年更不同!
  • 2、送一份美丽让周末好心情,送一份关怀让你骄傲,送一份青春让你不老,送一份梦想让你实现,送一份友情不需回报,再送一份你平安才算可靠!
  • 3、The essence of sport is not fun but continued lasting habit。运动的要义不在趣味而在继续持久,养成习惯。
  • 4、初夏的气息扑面而来,温暖的阳光渐渐灼烈,在这个五彩缤纷的季节,快出来晒晒吧,把心情晒得快乐,把日子晒得多彩。愿你越晒越幸福!
  • 5、不去争取不去把握的话,永远都不会有机会。

    Long time no see, very missed。 In this warm day, often recalled coexistence years。 I wish a happy New Year, happy!
  • 6、Long time no see, very missed。 In this warm day, often recalled coexistence years。 I wish a happy New Year, happy!
  • 7、With your sports arena valiant heroic, athletic field have you hard figure,运动场上有你们的飒爽英姿,运动场上有你们拼搏的身影,
  • 8、Health is a wonder drug, exercise is saver。卫生是妙药,锻炼是金丹。
  • 9、不去争取不去把握的话,永远都不会有机会。
  • 10、新年祝福﹐祝福是份真心意,不是千言万语的表白。一首心曲,愿你岁岁平安,事事如意!
  • 11、人是铁,饭是钢,一餐不吃饿得慌,吃好喝好休息好,身体才会更健康!
  • 12、心随境转是凡夫,境随心转是圣贤。
  • 13、生活不为任何人停留,你的生活只有现在!
  • 14、If you want to know the value of money, just borrow some from others.
  • 15、Water does not rot, a door hinge is never worm-eaten, moving also。流水不腐,户枢不蠹,动也。

  • 16、I dream every night with you。 I think, I must have entered the your dreams。 Let us in the same weave missing under the stars! Good night, I wish good dream tonight!
  • 17、我的梦中夜夜有你。我想,我也一定走进了你的梦里。愿我们在同一星空下编织思念!晚安,祝今晚好梦!
  • 18、The book is a study of burnout and weak movement, nothing exciting, but conversation was immediately teach and train us。钻研书本是一种倦怠而微弱的运动,无所激动,然而交谈却立即教导与训练我们。
  • 想知道金钱的价值,只需向别人借点。
  • 19、想知道金钱的价值,只需向别人借点。
  • 20、Athletes who use your strength, use your spirit to open up, a part of your long-distance running world!运动健将们,用你的实力,用你的精神,去开拓出,一片属于你的长跑天地!
  • 21、If you want to know the value of money, just borrow some from others.
  • 22、Wish you in the New Year, to get rich on marlboro, boarded the hongta career, lover's flattering ashimar, financial resources throughout the greater China。
  • 23、It's better to pray for your own strength than to pray for a dull life.
  • 24、The road to great heights must be rough.
  • 25、A line of blessing, with thick cordiality, a greeting, a true expression of me to you; On the journey of life, peace to happiness accompany, wish health and happiness。

  • 26、与其祈求生活平淡点,不如祈求自己强大点。
  • 27、people are toughened by difficult experiences。 艰苦的环境锻炼人的意志。
  • 28、不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹,没有人能随随便便成功!加油!新的一年更不同!
  • 29、不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹,没有人能随随便便成功!加油!新的一年更不同!
  • 30、早上好,送你清新的问候,温馨的祝福,清晨,美好的开始,祝你今天精神棒棒,活力多多,心情好好,一切都好!
  • 31、初夏的气息扑面而来,温暖的阳光渐渐灼烈,在这个五彩缤纷的季节,快出来晒晒吧,把心情晒得快乐,把日子晒得多彩。愿你越晒越幸福!
  • 祝你在新的一年里,致富踏上万宝路、事业登上红塔山、情人赛过阿诗玛、财源遍布大中华。
  • 32、祝你在新的一年里,致富踏上万宝路、事业登上红塔山、情人赛过阿诗玛、财源遍布大中华。
  • 33、前往伟大的颠峰之路,必定崎岖。
  • 34、当你决定不再在乎的时候,生活就好起来了!
  • 35、Wafts of early summer, the warmth of the sun is burning, in this colorful season, come out in fast, the happy mood to tan, tan your days。 The sun the happiness to you。

  • 36、If you want to know the value of money, just borrow some from others.
  • 37、话多不如话少,话少不如话好。
  • 38、Athletes have to line up in a circle around the playground, we only looked at them blankly。运动员们都要排队绕操场一圈,我们只有呆呆的看着他们。
  • 39、新年到,吃大餐;少喝酒,多吃菜;够不着,站起来;有人敬,耍耍赖;吃不了,兜回来!
  • 40、Man is iron, the meal is steel, don't eat so hungry panic to a meal, eat good drink good rest, the body will be more healthy!
  • 41、人生有两种境界,痛而不言,笑而不语。
  • 42、人生有两种境界,痛而不言,笑而不语。
  • 43、祝你在新的一年里,致富踏上万宝路、事业登上红塔山、情人赛过阿诗玛、财源遍布大中华。
  • 44、一线祝福,有着浓浓的情意,一声问候,表述着我对你的一片真情;在人生的旅途之上,愿快乐平安相伴,愿健康幸福同行。
  • The essence of sport is not fun but continued lasting habit。运动的要义不在趣味而在继续持久,养成习惯。

    45、The essence of sport is not fun but continued lasting habit。运动的要义不在趣味而在继续持久,养成习惯。

  • 46、Water does not rot, a door hinge is never worm-eaten, moving also。流水不腐,户枢不蠹,动也。
  • 47、祝身体天天都健康,心情时时都顺畅,烦恼全被我赶光,时常把你放心上,携手一起奔小康,共度幸福好时光。
  • 48、Mental state of mind is a common man, and mental state is a sage.
  • 49、当你决定不再在乎的时候,生活就好起来了!
  • 50、生活不为任何人停留,你的生活只有现在!
  • 51、Exercise should always, adhere to, and machines, regular exercise did not rust。锻炼身体要经常,要坚持,人和机器一样,经常运动才不能生锈。