2023-01-29 06:29:48
- 1、一回经蛇咬,三年怕草绳。
- 2、人应该靠自己,别人帮你一时,不能帮你一世。
- 3、Economy is like mud in swallow, and waste is like a river breaking its bank.
- 4、It is better to offend the public than to annoy others.
- 5、时间如雨后的彩虹,缓缓悄悄的消逝于蔚蓝天际。
- 6、有苦干的精神,事情便成功了一半。
7、The iron is beaten, the horse is riding.
- 8、日出红如血,竿后大雨落。
- 9、Better be an ant's leg than a sparrow's mouth.
- 10、南风吹到底,北风来还礼。
- 11、The sharper the knife, the brighter the strength.
- 12、刀越磨越亮,劲越练越强。
- 13、Paeonia lactiflora is the first and Peony is the foot.
- 14、刀越磨越亮,劲越练越强。
- 15、The bow is stable and not afraid of the wind.
- 16、骄傲来自浅薄,狂妄出于无知。
- 18、The bow is stable and not afraid of the wind.
- 19、People are united and Mount Tai is moved.
- 20、事业常成于坚忍,毁于急躁。
- 21、There are climbing heads in the mountains and running heads in the distance.
- 22、If you want to live a good life, diligence, thrift and saving are three treasures.
- 23、There are climbing heads in the mountains and running heads in the distance.
- 24、Once bitten by a snake, three years afraid of straw rope.
- 25、为寻一文钱,点完一支烛。
- 26、Eggs are laid before grain rain, and vines are stretched after grain rain.
- 28、谷雨种棉花,能长好疙瘩。
- 29、Lessons learned from failure, lessons learned from success.
- 30、薄地地瓜旱地谷,涝洼地里种秫秫。
- 31、船头座的稳,不怕风来颠。
- 32、Fear of choosing the wrong man, fear of choosing the wrong line.
- 33、有上不去的天,没过不去的关。
- 34、秋后的蚂蚱,还能蹦几蹦。
- 35、没有思想自由,就没有科学,没有真理。
- 36、The vegetable-growing wife eats food feet and the shoe-making wife barefoot.
37、The seed is the fruit at last; the effort is the success at last; the abandonment is the failure at last.
- 38、节约好比燕衔泥,浪费好比河决堤。
- 39、东风急,雨打壁。
- 40、After autumn, the grasshopper can jump a few times.
- 41、若要生活好,勤劳、节俭、储蓄三件宝。
- 42、秋后的蚂蚱,还能蹦几蹦。
- 43、A practical action is better than a dozen platforms.
- 44、Grain rain planting cotton, can grow good pimples.
- 45、Fear of choosing the wrong man, fear of choosing the wrong line.
- 46、A well-managed pond of fish can reach ten mu of grain.
- 48、话要说得瘦一点,事要办得肥一点。
- 49、人中有吕布,马中有赤兔。
- 50、种子最后是果实;努力最后是成功;放弃最后是失败。
- 51、久晴鹊噪雨,久雨鹊噪晴。
- 52、Free land must be seized inch by inch.
- 53、It's hard to cover two ears with one hand and boarding two ships with one foot.
- 54、南风吹到底,北风来还礼。
- 55、女怕选错郎,人怕选错行。
- 56、Eggs are laid before grain rain, and vines are stretched after grain rain.
57、Art lasts forever and time passes quickly.
- 58、一朝蒙雾,三朝雪。