2023-05-04 05:01:55
- 1、爱情如果想它美好,就不要去想太多它的结果。
- 2、只要我们能善用时间,就永远不愁时间不够用。
- 3、What called failure? Failure is the first step to something better.
- 4、Day didn't spirit for me, so my mind, my bones and muscles.
- 5、每一个生命都是美丽的,再小的花也不会拒绝。
- 6、对于一只盲目的船来说,所有方向的风都是逆风。英国
7、Only experienced the hardships of life, can realize the value of life.
- 8、失败是坚忍的最后考验。俾斯麦
- 9、进步是目的;理想是标准。雨果
- 10、一旦一个人停止寻求知识和信息,就会变得无知。
- 11、Walking on the rugged road, will know ahead of hardships.
- 12、态度决定一切。细节决定成败,习惯成就人生。
- 13、每走一步都走向一个终于要达到的目标,这并不够,应该每下就是一个目标,每一步都自有价值。歌德
- 14、Take learning as a play, don't think of it as a chore.
- 15、Never open unbeaten flower, the good faith the Chinese virtue never faded.
- 16、We are the master of the country, should be everywhere in the nation's sake.
- 18、太阳照亮人生的路,月亮照亮心灵的路。
- 19、行动也许不一定会带来快乐;但是没有行动就决没有快乐。本杰明·狄斯拉理
- 20、Although these three words seemingly ordinary, but to do must be in.
- 21、自己要懂得心疼自己,因为是为自己而活。
- 22、过去的是回忆,现在的是拼搏,未来的是目标。
- 23、爱无所求,被爱无所累,便是真正的自在和幸福。
- 24、生命苦短,只是美德能将它传到遥远的后世。
- 25、伟大的目标构成伟大的心灵。英国
- 26、On a regular basis to check the body, don't wait finally take you to the others.
- 28、奇迹多在厄运中出现。培根
- 29、我们自单行道以来,有几多梦飘散在时间的海。
- 30、在崎岖的道路上行走,才会知道前进的艰辛。
- 31、The real managers must have not the spirit of responsibility.
- 32、Those who leave and disappointed hurt, has not sent out the sound.
- 33、劳动是创套幸福的天使。宋琦
- 34、生活于愿望之中而没有希望,是人生最大的悲衰。
- 35、Since a one-way street, we have much dream floating in the sea of time.
- 36、定期去检查身体吧,别等最后别人送你去。
- 38、Stop the struggle, the rivers will become a backwater.
- 39、爱情不是轰轰烈烈的誓言,而是平平淡淡的陪伴。
- 40、燕雀安知鸿鹄之志。司马迁
- 41、帮助别人不希望得到回报的人,心里不感到失落。
- 42、Because of injury, feelings of being more careful.
- 43、人生是否有价值,关键要看活着人还是自己。
- 44、A perfect lie, deceive others, also don't cheat yourself.
- 45、自信是向成功迈出的第一步。爱因斯坦
- 46、机不可失,时不再来。张九龄
- 48、Nature has no ups and downs, the earth would not be fruitful achievements.
- 49、要认准自己的机会。皮塔库斯
- 50、一个人努力的目标越高,他的才力就发展得越快,对于社会就更有效果。苏联
- 51、Aspire to a mountain, doers of the word like water; Mountain, water qu da.
- 52、生命里建造在痛苦之上的,全部生活贯衣着痛苦。
- 53、婆慈媳贤婆媳如母女,清茶淡饭清淡胜佳肴。
- 54、Memories left me wen wan smile, dust covered already dead.