
  • 1、这年头,不是缺少爱情,而是缺少敢于为爱情买单的人。
  • 2、所谓天才,那就是假话,勤奋的工作才是实在的。
  • 3、I like to laugh, because I want to put the sadness in my smile.

  • 4、Not no longer love, is afraid of love, once again being hurt.
  • 5、总是有那么那么一点点的小悲伤,不知该往何处发泄。
  • 现实中遇到的爱情,不是甜的发腻,就是苦得心酸,而我更渴望平平淡淡。
  • 6、现实中遇到的爱情,不是甜的发腻,就是苦得心酸,而我更渴望平平淡淡。
  • 7、Being angry is to punish yourself for what others have done wrong.
  • 8、You are an understatement, will I hurt inside.
  • 9、记住:你是你生命的船长;走自己的路,何必在乎其它。
  • 10、最美的感动是我以为人去楼空的时候,你依然在。
  • 11、不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。
  • 12、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world。
  • 13、所谓真爱,就是在爱到头破血流之后,依然能拿出一颗真心来待你。

  • 14、睫毛下的眼泪,是谁路过的风景,伤过的心。
  • 15、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。
  • 16、Nobel is a kind of wrestling, men and women sometimes to the satisfaction of all, because of the occasional cash. But in the majority of cases, both because it has become a lie, eventually turned into deception.
  • 17、偶尔的相遇,是我这辈子都忽略的绚丽。
  • 18、现实中遇到的爱情,不是甜的发腻,就是苦得心酸,而我更渴望平平淡淡。
  • 19、胜利者往往是从坚持最后五分钟的时间中得来成功。
  • Nobel is a kind of wrestling, men and women sometimes to the satisfaction of all, because of the occasional cash. But in the majority of cases, both because it has become a lie, eventually turned into deception.
  • 20、Nobel is a kind of wrestling, men and women sometimes to the satisfaction of all, because of the occasional cash. But in the majority of cases, both because it has become a lie, eventually turned into deception.
  • 21、要改变命运,首先要改变自己。
  • 22、能牵手的时候,请别肩并肩;能拥抱的时候,请别手牵手。能相爱的时候,请别说分开;拥有了爱情,请别去碰暧昧。
  • 23、最美的感动是我以为人去楼空的时候,你依然在。

  • 24、能牵手的时候,请别肩并肩;能拥抱的时候,请别手牵手。能相爱的时候,请别说分开;拥有了爱情,请别去碰暧昧。
  • 25、也许爱情总是这样,早先红了脸,后来红了眼。
  • 26、Outstanding people is one major advantage: in the negative and hard never yield in spite of reverses suffered.
  • 27、First love: just want to fall in love at first sight; love: want favors; nostalgia: want to obedience; romance. I want to you my East West.
  • 28、我喜欢笑,因为我想把悲伤融合在我的笑容里。
  • 29、能牵手的时候,请别肩并肩;能拥抱的时候,请别手牵手。能相爱的时候,请别说分开;拥有了爱情,请别去碰暧昧。
  • 30、No hope, hard work bentou.
  • 31、总是有那么那么一点点的小悲伤,不知该往何处发泄。
  • 32、我们曾经是天上飘下来的雪花,本来互不相识,但落地之后,便结为一体,结成冰,化成水,永远也就不分开。
  • 33、Being angry is to punish yourself for what others have done wrong.

  • 34、宁可曾经爱过而失败,也不要从来未曾有过一次爱。
  • 35、Home! Sweet home! Home is the most beautiful place in the world.
  • 36、拿的起,放得下。凡事别勉强!
  • 37、初恋:就想一见钟情;热恋:就想以身相许;留恋:就想百依百顺;失恋:就想你东我西。
  • 38、Life is not ideal, life is only a pile of shell.
  • 39、把那誓言轻轻戴在你的手指,从此以后俩个人要一生一世,仔仔细细看看你今夜美丽的样子,将是我未来怀抱里唯一的名字。
  • 40、你当我是个风筝,要不把我放了,要不然收好带回家,别用一条看不见的情思拴着我,让我心伤。
  • 41、Acquaintance is the most precious fate, miss is the most beautiful mood, care is the most sincere heart, the greeting is the most beautiful language, the friend are the most intimate tacit understanding.
  • 42、不要在我伤心难过的时候对我那么好,不然我会信以为真。
  • 43、Self willed, is dependent on the performance of. Because subconsciously think, that person will forgive you.

  • 44、学会坚强,做一只沙漠中永不哭泣的骆驼!
  • 45、Home! Sweet home! Home is the most beautiful place in the world.
  • 46、I think the most beautiful move is deserted when you are still in.
  • 47、你的一句轻描淡写,就将我伤到骨子里。
  • A person's happiness, not because he has more, but his care less.
  • 48、A person's happiness, not because he has more, but his care less.
  • 49、有些人,有些事。我不说,我不问,不代表我不在乎。
  • 50、你永远也看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为只有你不在我身边的时候,我才最寂寞。
  • 51、睫毛下的眼泪,是谁路过的风景,伤过的心。
  • 52、真理和美女都是赤裸裸的。
  • 53、It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

  • 54、You never see my most lonely time, because only you are not around me, I was the most lonely.
  • 55、See your hand I can feel at ease, to accompany you to the remotest corners of the globe.