2023-03-04 07:39:28
1、The secret of success is to keep your goals and beliefs。
- 2、How lucky you are to have more efforts。
- 3、Play your part and do what you should do。
- 4、No matter how many times the number of times, they have to face life, full of hope。
- 5、不废吹灰之力。
- 6、好来不如好去。
- 7、No matter how many times the number of times, they have to face life, full of hope。
- 8、风马牛不相及。
- 9、昨天下了雨,今天刮了风,明天太阳就出来了。
- 10、色是刮骨刚刀。
11、Strength of action to determine the success rate of success。
- 12、没有无义务的权利,也没有无权利的义务。
- 13、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。
- 14、胜不娇败不馁。
- 15、The key to success is to believe in your ability to succeed。
- 16、一而再再而三。
- 17、朝廷不差饿兵。
- 18、君子不念旧恶。
- 19、龙从云虎风从。
- 20、How lucky you are to have more efforts。
- 22、Great strength lies in our hearts。
- 23、太岁头上动土。
- 24、没有无义务的权利,也没有无权利的义务。
- 25、闻名不如见面。
- 26、Smart out of diligence, genius is the accumulation of。
- 27、Great strength lies in our hearts。
- 28、Life is too short to give up tomorrow。
- 29、Do the right thing than to do the right thing。
- 30、Life is like the weather, can be expected, but often unexpected。
- 32、只要在多走一小步,仿佛是向同一方向迈的一小步,真理变会变成错误。
- 33、丁是丁卯是卯。
- 34、Only believe in yourself, to let others believe you。
- 35、With the active people together, can make us feel high。
- 36、Life is like a sea, only a strong willed person can get to the other side。
- 37、大事难事看担当,逆境顺境看襟度。临喜临怒看涵养,群行群止看识见。
- 38、要使周围的一切都大放光彩,自己也应该像蜡烛那样燃烧。
- 39、In sight of the wound, sooner or later, it will heal。
- 40、亲兄弟明算帐。
- 42、我首先要求诸君信任科学,相信理性,信任自己,并相信自己。
- 43、The secret of success is to keep your goals and beliefs。
- 44、In the life stage, never give a medal to the lagging。
- 45、风马牛不相及。
- 46、若要精人前听。
- 47、The key to success is to believe in your ability to succeed。
- 48、可望而不可即。
- 49、得着风便扯蓬。
- 50、When no one is ignored, firm rigid。 People envy, xinruzhishui。
- 52、海水不可斗量。
- 53、若要精人前听。
- 54、No one can conquer fate without contempt, endurance and struggle。