
  • 1、You give the gentle, I was so fascinated.
  • 2、为什么我的眼里常含着泪水,因为我对这片土地爱得深沉。
  • 3、字里行间的悲哀,都是因为你。
  • 4、**你的葬礼我会盛装出席。
  • 5、在春天里,动物们也从沉睡中醒来。小草开始发芽了,大地上到处都显现出欣欣向荣的景象。一眼望去,到处都是一片绿景象,就像一幅水彩画。
  • 退一步,让一步,来成全别人。


  • 7、永远是很长的,而我永远爱你。
  • 8、Time to encourage people to let go of the deep love!
  • 9、没有了你,这个世界多么寂寞。
  • 10、I love you, the simple word.
  • 11、Head decided to pocket, mentality decides success or failure.
  • 12、Love makes people progress, marriage makes people.
  • 13、Think of you every day, have your company, happiness is so natural.
  • 14、Your tears, they mean nothing to me.
  • 15、我喜欢交朋友但不喜欢供祖宗。
  • 16、悲伤已经够难受了,更何况是隐藏悲伤。

  • 17、Grace in the face of all, be neither humble nor pushy.
  • 18、You give the care, is the reason for my happy.
  • 19、爱是牵挂,爱是奉献,是思念的痛,是回忆的甜,是难舍难分,是晨昏心颤的期盼,爱人,你好吗?
  • And the one I want to.
  • 20、And the one I want to.
  • 21、Your tears, they mean nothing to me.
  • 22、What all mind, and what all forgive.
  • 23、Your humble not worth a hair care.
  • 24、如果我们相遇却不能在一起,那我宁愿我们从没有遇见。
  • 25、退一步,让一步,来成全别人。
  • 26、爱一个女孩子,与其为了她的幸福而放弃她,不如留住她,为她的幸福而努力。

  • 27、如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。
  • 28、命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求。
  • 29、I don't need you to like it, and I don't want you to hate it.
  • 30、I'll dress up at your funeral.
  • 31、One simple happiness, a worldly will grow old.
  • 32、**你的葬礼我会盛装出席。
  • 33、甜食要少吃,动听的话少放心里。
  • 不卑不亢,从容优雅,面对一切。
  • 34、不卑不亢,从容优雅,面对一切。
  • 35、与卿同一身,此生愿足矣。
  • 36、人一简单就快乐,一世故就变老。

  • 37、If the person you love doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
  • 38、你是我猜不到的不知所措,我是你想不到的无关痛痒。
  • 39、我们的爱,诠释我们的无奈。
  • 40、我们的爱,诠释我们的无奈。
  • 41、I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but I never knew, that laughter can also call me to tears.
  • 42、怕相思,已相思,轮到相思没处辞,眉间露一丝。
  • 43、My sense of insecurity has destroyed too many things.
  • 44、爱我别走,简简单单的一句话。
  • 45、I love you, the simple word.
  • 46、Met you, my life is happy.

  • 47、命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求。
  • There are no trails of the wings in the sky, while the birds has passed away.
  • 48、There are no trails of the wings in the sky, while the birds has passed away.
  • 49、Time, it is the most fair thing in the world.
  • 50、无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。
  • 51、To have a strong, dare not forget.
  • 52、爱我别走,简简单单的一句话。
  • 53、别在我离不开你的时候离开我。
  • 54、纸飞机飞的再远带不走我的心情。
  • 55、你给的温柔,我还是那么着迷。
  • 56、I don't hate you, because I don't want to remember you.
