
  • 1、岁月散去,秋水悠悠,几十年的人生旅途,转眼白头,错说了多少痴心话,错认了多少烦恼家,夕阳旧帘栊,一句弥陀好。
  • 2、最幸福不过是,你曾温柔呼唤,而我恰好有过应答

  • 3、孤独一人也没关系,只要能发自内心地爱着一个人,人生就会有救哪怕不能和他生活在一起
  • 4、只可惜时光匆匆,那一腔孤勇,最后都在岁月里成了空。
  • 5、匆忙的时光,安静的掠过你我,你们远去,我在原地,喜欢这样安静的把你们想起,旅途中的风景之一。
  • We are like the sun and sunflower, each other is the life of each other.
  • 6、We are like the sun and sunflower, each other is the life of each other.
  • 7、有的人,遇见一次就是一生。有的人,离开一次就是永别。如果离别总要到来,那就趁还在一起时认真相爱。
  • 8、岁月散去,秋水悠悠,几十年的人生旅途,转眼白头,错说了多少痴心话,错认了多少烦恼家,夕阳旧帘栊,一句弥陀好。
  • 9、自己的媳妇哄着惯着不丢人,这叫爱。
  • 10、I can not say it why love you, but I know that you are the one I don't love others reasons.
  • 11、You said the wind blew away and you should go away. Don't cry if you can't keep it.
  • 12、我说不出来为什么爱你,但我知道,你就是我不爱别人的理由。

  • 13、爱一个人往往爱得太深最后得到的不是永恒的爱而只是短暂且痛苦的爱。
  • 14、残梦已尽,为何还痴痴不放?往事已过,为何还迟迟不忘?陌路上的人身已转,为何还苦苦相追?匆匆人生,残酷的岁月留下多少无情的痕。
  • 15、朋友们,我们正在不断成长,不能再怀恋过去了。就如俄国诗人普希金说的:而那过去了的就会成为亲切的怀恋!朋友们啊!记住!岁月在流逝,我们在成长!
  • 16、朋友们,我们正在不断成长,不能再怀恋过去了。就如俄国诗人普希金说的:而那过去了的就会成为亲切的怀恋!朋友们啊!记住!岁月在流逝,我们在成长!
  • 17、Memory flows into a river, I pass by the bank, close my eyes, joys and sorrows intertwined.
  • 18、纸飞机飞的再远带不走我的心情。
  • 19、Marriage nine pieces, twelve pieces, fool just divorce so expensive!
  • 我们也曾紧紧相拥,说着永远相爱的情话。
  • 20、我们也曾紧紧相拥,说着永远相爱的情话。
  • 21、Some people go is never returned, so, wait and hesitation is the world's most ruthless killer!
  • 22、傻瓜、我们之间的誓言,一辈子爱你。

  • 23、时光,流逝着;岁月,沉淀着,一转身便是一个光阴的故事,我相信时光能够见证一切。
  • 24、生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。
  • 25、Love others, also loved by others, that is all, this is the law of the universe. In order to love, we did not exist.
  • 26、Between trance and hear the sound of your similar first a quiver and stare blankly.
  • 27、时间总是不经意间从指缝中消失,在我们还来不及欣赏它的时候,它已经一去不复返。
  • 28、孤独一人也没关系,只要能发自内心地爱着一个人,人生就会有救哪怕不能和他生活在一起
  • 29、You said the wind blew away and you should go away. Don't cry if you can't keep it.
  • 30、Love others, also loved by others, that is all, this is the law of the universe. In order to love, we did not exist.
  • 31、When you fall in love, is to give each other, together. Love, is together, not separate.
  • 32、Love not only included sadness and scars, also includes the complains, envy and contempt.

  • 33、我们缺少的不是机会,而是在机会面前将自己重新归零的勇气。
  • Waiting for your concern, until I close my heart.
  • 34、Waiting for your concern, until I close my heart.
  • 35、There is always a person, as long as you smile, you defeated.
  • 36、We do not lack opportunity, but in front of the opportunity to zero courage again.
  • 37、这辈子我们需要一见钟情很多人,两情相悦一些人,然后白头偕老一个人
  • 38、傻瓜、我们之间的誓言,一辈子爱你。
  • 39、寂寞就是你说话时没人在听,有人在听时你却没话说了。
  • 40、Beautiful lies hurt you more often than violence, physical injury can recover, the in the mind of the wound is no cure.
  • 41、有一种友谊不低于爱情, 不叫暧昧、叫蓝颜。
  • 42、将爱情当作理想的人,不会有真正的理想。

  • 43、有一种友谊不低于爱情, 不叫暧昧、叫蓝颜。
  • 44、不要以为时间还有很多,经得起漫不经心和浪费,只有经历了很多事情,才知道没有来日方长,只有时光匆匆。很多人
  • 45、有的人走了就再也没回来过,所以,等待和犹豫才是这个世界上最无情的杀手!
  • 46、你从沉睡中醒来吧,你看一眼就能战胜伤害你的一切。
  • 47、流逝的岁月,流逝的神话,这些许是地是神的旨意,温柔的宇宙,我这颗小星球又能怎样?只有在流逝中等待新的奇迹。
  • Love is a beautiful song, but it is not easy to write.
  • 48、Love is a beautiful song, but it is not easy to write.
  • 49、When I know you, I think I really love you.
  • 50、We also hugged each other tightly and talked about love forever.
  • 51、Some people go is never returned, so, wait and hesitation is the world's most ruthless killer!
  • 52、当爱情错过时,只能证明是我们无能。

  • 53、时间可以让深的东西越来越深,也可以让浅的东西越来越浅,岁月告诉我们,爱必须与时日一起成长,因为最好的爱情是在时光最深处。
  • 54、信任也是一种爱。爱你,所以相信你。
  • 55、Maybe is the day the sun just, the breeze no noise, you just laughed at, so I'm tempted.