
  • 1、Life without love is suffering.
  • 2、只要嫁得好,不要嫁得早。
  • 3、If you want to be in good health, don't marry too early.
  • 4、爱情所需要的唯一礼物就是爱情。
  • 5、Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart.
  • A woman's life is a history of love.
  • 6、A woman's life is a history of love.
  • 7、The longer true love lasts, the less rusty it becomes.
  • 8、Love from the eyes is not easy to fake!
  • 9、情侣留言伤感语段大全

  • 10、劳资在社会上混的时候 你还在穿开裆裤衩呢 在这跟我装
  • 11、Love is hard, and you can't expect it to come out like a dream.
  • 12、深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。
  • 13、Marry in haste and regret for life.
  • 14、喜欢你不需要理由 因为你是我的。
  • 15、我搁笔含情从唐诗宋词再到明清烟雨三千痴缠也不够喻你.
  • 16、我爱的人、不是我的爱人。
  • 17、As long as you marry well, don't marry early.
  • 爱情不是用眼睛,而是用心灵看着的。
  • 18、爱情不是用眼睛,而是用心灵看着的。
  • 19、Some words, put the heart, do not say, no meaning.

  • 20、有钱,爱情就能长久。
  • 21、Chastity is an asset derived from rich love.
  • 22、Immersed in time, memory was also cut a piece of the fall.
  • 23、爱情使顺从变成为易事。
  • 24、It is impossible to love and reason at the same time.
  • 25、以后的以后少一些自以为是,多一些自知之明。
  • 26、爱情的话语全在双眼之中。
  • 27、标了价的爱情是虚假的。
  • 28、有些人不是我的罚酒,是我罚酒三杯也不能说的名字
  • 29、我一生无题多情都不提

    Immersed in time, memory was also cut a piece of the fall.
  • 30、Immersed in time, memory was also cut a piece of the fall.
  • 31、Love cannot be measured by common sense.
  • 32、一旦你确实需要爱,你就会发现它正在等待着你。
  • 33、有时候,生命的确让人感觉空洞。
  • 34、The whole world is watching the rain, only I see him with no umbrella.
  • 35、Love is hard, and you can't expect it to come out like a dream.
  • 36、匆忙结婚,后悔终生。
  • 37、最想说的话在眼睛里,草稿箱里,还有梦里
  • 38、爷们不狠,何以站稳。
  • 39、迎接每一个伤害,他教会我坚强。

  • 40、爱情的萌芽是智慧的结束。
  • 41、永远是很长的,而我永远爱你。
  • Pursue love, it soars, escape love, it follows.
  • 42、Pursue love, it soars, escape love, it follows.
  • 43、The flowers are fresh, but she needs to be watered.
  • 44、You do not love me, I can take any reason to stay.
  • 45、最平凡的爱,最让人依赖。
  • 46、真正的爱情越久越不生锈。
  • 47、秋叶凋零 , 蓦然回首 , 你我的情早已沉积于心
  • 48、十世界上最幸福的事情莫过于,在想哭的时候还有人逗你笑。
  • 49、贫困与爱情,都难瞒过人。

  • 50、Love cannot be measured by common sense.