
  • 1、爱得愈深,苛求得愈切,所以爱人之间不可能没有意气的争执。劳伦斯
  • 2、Something is out of our control, so we have to control ourselves.

  • 3、Walking on the rugged road, will know ahead of hardships.
  • 4、You mustn't entertain foolish ideas, my heart is so big, is full of you.
  • 5、Aspire to a mountain, doers of the word like water; Mountain, water qu da.
  • To defeat their own is far more than beat than others.
  • 6、To defeat their own is far more than beat than others.
  • 7、无所不能的人实在一无所能,无所不专的专家实在是一无所专。邹韬奋
  • 8、Industrious, open for myself; The lazy man, such as open to others.
  • 9、爱情使人心的憧憬升华到至善之境。但丁
  • 10、Heard that happy is very simple. As soon as flushes simply to the time dilute.
  • 11、Once a person stops, seek knowledge and information become ignorance.
  • 12、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。

  • 13、爱无所求,被爱无所累,便是真正的自在和幸福。
  • 14、To defeat their own is far more than beat than others.
  • 15、爱情是一个不可缺少的、但它只能是推动我们前进的加速器,而不是工作、学习的绊脚石。张志新
  • 16、知识不是某种完备无缺、纯净无瑕、僵化不变的东西。它永远在创新,永远在前进。普良尼施尼柯夫
  • 17、每场悲剧都会在平凡的人中造就出英雄来。
  • 18、那些离别和失望的伤痛,已经发不出声音来了。
  • 19、Accustomed to you for my good, think that everything is granted.
  • Nature has no ups and downs, the earth would not be fruitful achievements.
  • 20、Nature has no ups and downs, the earth would not be fruitful achievements.
  • 21、得成比目何辞死,愿作鸳鸯不羡仙。卢照邻
  • 22、读书和学习是在别人思想和知识的帮助下,建立起自己的思想和知识。普希金

  • 23、真正的管理者必须有不推卸责任的精神。
  • 24、Love of flowers ethereal, as usual, dusty the vicissitudes of time.
  • 25、读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,自然哲学使人精邃,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑学使人善辩。培根
  • 26、我在科学方面所作出的任何成绩,都只是由于长期思索、忍耐和勤奋而获得的。达尔文
  • 27、生命苦短,只是美德能将它传到遥远的后世。
  • 28、就是神,在爱情中也难保持聪明。培根
  • 29、The past is a memory, now is a struggle, is the target in the future.
  • 30、We are the master of the country, should be everywhere in the nation's sake.
  • 31、不准你胡思乱想,我心就这麽大,装的全是你。
  • 32、To defeat their own is far more than beat than others.

  • 33、The sun light up the road of life, and the moon light to the soul.
  • 真正打动人的感情总是朴实无华的,它不出声,不张扬,埋得很深。周国平
  • 34、真正打动人的感情总是朴实无华的,它不出声,不张扬,埋得很深。周国平
  • 35、Those who leave and disappointed hurt, has not sent out the sound.
  • 36、爱情如果想它美好,就不要去想太多它的结果。
  • 37、爱比杀人重罪更难隐藏;爱情的黑夜有中午的阳光。莎士比亚
  • 38、爱情的欢乐虽然是甜美无比,但只有在光荣与美德存在的地方才能生存。古尔内尔
  • 39、说到底,爱情就是一个人的自我价值在别人身上的反映。爱献生
  • 40、因为受过伤,才对感情变得更加小心翼翼。
  • 41、对过去不后悔,对现在有信心,对未来满是希望。
  • 42、Truly powerful people never sneak god hands holding what brand.

  • 43、天没降大任于我,照样苦我心智,劳我筋骨。
  • 44、青年男子谁个不善钟情?妙龄女人谁个不善怀春?这是我们人性中的至神至圣。歌德
  • 45、Because of the fear of failure and dare to try, will never succeed.
  • 46、生命苦短,只是美德能将它传到遥远的后世。
  • 47、停止奋斗的脚步,江河就会沦为一潭死水。
  • You mustn't entertain foolish ideas, my heart is so big, is full of you.
  • 48、You mustn't entertain foolish ideas, my heart is so big, is full of you.
  • 49、Good at to master their time, is really great.
  • 50、Xiao is not kind to parents for fools, unfilial children is for fools.
  • 51、Familiar place no scenery; Unfamiliar places have a trap.
  • 52、真正打动人的感情总是朴实无华的,它不出声,不张扬,埋得很深。周国平

  • 53、Stop the struggle, the rivers will become a backwater.
  • 54、Industrious, open for myself; The lazy man, such as open to others.
  • 55、年轻女子的爱情像杰克的豆杆一样,长得飞快,一夜之间便可参天入云。萨克雷
  • 56、The past is a memory, now is a struggle, is the target in the future.