
  • 1、Somehow I laughed because I thought of you.
  • 2、我不能给你全世界。但是。我的全世界。全部都能给你。
  • 3、路途遥远是平庸是惊世是绚丽是风是雨我都陪你
  • 4、Wait for the morning fire for cooking will not be too full, so back to cremate before the end.
  • 5、其实:你喜欢一个人就赋予了他伤害你的权利。
  • 念旧的人总是最容易受伤,喜欢拿余生来等一句别来无恙。
  • 6、念旧的人总是最容易受伤,喜欢拿余生来等一句别来无恙。
  • 7、Unable to reach the deep feeling of missing us and lying behind the dust.
  • 8、曾经只是一场骗局,他让我们都伤的很深。
  • 9、我居北海君南海,寄雁传书谢不能。黄庭坚《寄黄几复》
  • 10、爱上你的时候不懂感情离别的时候才刻苦铭心.

  • 11、失去的东西在拿回来就不是原来的样子了不是吗
  • 12、I would rather be ignored by others than be thoroughly questioned by others.
  • 13、大叔,我不信爱情,只相信你。
  • 14、你眼里的难过都快溢出来了​​​
  • 15、Some pain, say not to come out, can only endure, until can slowly forgotten.
  • 16、念君客游思断肠,慊慊思归恋故乡,君何淹留寄他方?曹丕《燕歌行二首其一》
  • 17、忠于爱情并不等于迷于爱情,更不是说活着就是为了爱情。
  • 18、一杯烈酒泼在地,敬这一场人间戏。来生我们在相遇,再写诗篇千万句。
  • 19、念君客游思断肠,慊慊思归恋故乡,君何淹留寄他方?曹丕《燕歌行二首其一》
  • Hurt not the value of happiness, think of the past, my heart Ceng Huainian with the past.

    20、Hurt not the value of happiness, think of the past, my heart Ceng Huainian with the past.

  • 21、不管我们结局如何,我只知道这辈子你欠我一个婚礼。
  • 22、Love you, my cheeks squeeze in; miss you, my chin moves down.
  • 23、The people like me sad or a person to be the best.
  • 24、放弃了单纯,让我更清楚滴看清了这个世界。
  • 25、You will never know how much I love you and how much I miss you.
  • 26、路途遥远是平庸是惊世是绚丽是风是雨我都陪你
  • 27、逝去的岁月,你以前的微笑,在回忆里怎样也散之不去。
  • 28、如果你是将领当两军交战的时候如果敌我实力悬殊任何人都可以害怕而唯一不可以害怕的人就是你。
  • 29、恋爱,在指缝间承诺,指缝,在恋爱下交缠。
  • 30、毕业是一种感觉,一种境界,一种氛围,难以说得清,道得明。

  • 31、有些人是山川是河流唯独不是可停泊的港口.
  • 32、相思本是无凭语,莫向花笺费泪行。晏几道《鹧鸪天醉拍春衫惜旧香》
  • 33、Actually I'm not that strong, just over and try to be brave.
  • Sometimes just a joke, become the ultimate commitment of life.
  • 34、Sometimes just a joke, become the ultimate commitment of life.
  • 35、如果你是将领当两军交战的时候如果敌我实力悬殊任何人都可以害怕而唯一不可以害怕的人就是你。
  • 36、You said that even if the front is a cliff, you can accompany me to jump, but just talking.
  • 37、I didn't go to retain, just because you're away from my world.
  • 38、Love this thing, time is the key, meet too early or too late, all not line.
  • 39、Unable to reach the deep feeling of missing us and lying behind the dust.
  • 40、The deepest loneliness is not a person for a long time, but in the heart without any expectations.

  • 41、这街道那么空,可你的影子却布满每个角落。
  • 42、被你喜欢过,真的很难觉得别人有那么喜欢我。
  • 43、鱼书经岁绝,烛泪流残月。徐灿《菩萨蛮秋闺》
  • 44、Illusion is not true, why was holding the final a glimmer of hope to fall.
  • 45、我为了爱你,不惜伤害了自己。
  • 46、其实没什么大不了,一转眼便天荒地老。
  • 47、Sometimes just a joke, become the ultimate commitment of life.
  • Actually, if you like a person, you give him the right to hurt you.
  • 48、Actually, if you like a person, you give him the right to hurt you.
  • 49、多数的错与失,是因为不努力,不坚持,不挽留。然后催眠自己说生活总会给你另即使没有人给你鼓掌,也要优雅的谢幕感谢自己认真的付出。
  • 50、Always in casual in, looking back the other shore, though long found.

  • 51、Happiness has nothing to do with me. People in love are so crazy.
  • 52、I didn't go to retain, just because you're away from my world.
  • 53、我能为你建造一个帝国,却唯独不容许你退后一步.
  • 54、我相信爱情,但不相信会发生在我身上。
  • 55、欲把相思说似谁,浅情人不知。晏几道《长相思长相思》
  • 56、直缘感君恩爱一回顾,使我双泪长珊珊。卢仝《楼上女儿曲》