
  • 1、Maybe God wants you to meet many wrong people before you meet the right one, so when this happens, you'll be thankful.
  • 2、世界很大,我们很小
  • 3、累了,疲倦了,不会在爱你了。
  • 4、I dare not say who is a very good relationship, I am afraid I love a person.
  • 5、哭过以后我要大声的讽刺笑,继续伪装勇敢的自己。

    I turned back and saw a piece of memory. Slowly, all the traces of you.
  • 6、I turned back and saw a piece of memory. Slowly, all the traces of you.
  • 7、平时最喜欢开劳斯莱斯和宾利,和朋友出去玩的话是开保时捷,如果是要飙车首选法拉利,当然最爱开的还是玩笑。
  • 8、Never stop smiling, not even when you're sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.
  • 9、是别人说的两情相悦还是你说的一厢情愿。
  • 10、我怕爱你太早不能和你终老。
  • 11、I thought of all the unexpected with your future, but forgot to consider that you will not be in.
  • 12、我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。
  • 13、Sometimes, just want to have someone to hug me, until I feel really good.
  • 14、永远都不要停止微笑,即使在你难过的时候,说不定有人会因为你的微笑而爱上你。
  • 15、有一个人让我觉得很安心,所以想要依靠他,而另一个人让我觉得很孤单,所以想要拥抱他。

  • 16、我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。
  • 17、I know I am not strong, but I need to pretend like this, because you are not in my side.
  • It doesn't matter if you're late with you.
  • 18、It doesn't matter if you're late with you.
  • 19、The more you wanna know whether you have forgotten something, the better you remember, I once heard that, the only thing you can do when you no longer have something is not to forget.
  • 20、As long as there is love in the heart, there will be no happiness.
  • 21、爱情怎么能容许介入,心酸怎么能说清楚。
  • 22、Now we only have the tacit understanding, is quietly lying on the other side of the friends list, or their live.
  • 23、Maybe God wants you to meet many wrong people before you meet the right one, so when this happens, you'll be thankful.
  • 24、Why you are close to me, I took a magnifying glass can not see your shadow.
  • 25、似枯木似落花周围喧闹丝不入耳念你

  • 26、Do not take the initiative, afraid of losing, active, and afraid of love.
  • 27、没有结局的日记,渐成灰色的字迹,我爱的那个他在哪里。
  • 28、没有结局的日记,渐成灰色的字迹,我爱的那个他在哪里。
  • 29、There is no end of the diary, getting gray handwriting, I love the one he was.
  • To accompany us to the end of the people, may not be the most love, but will be the most appropriate.
  • 30、To accompany us to the end of the people, may not be the most love, but will be the most appropriate.
  • 31、I turned back and saw a piece of memory. Slowly, all the traces of you.
  • 32、“有些人即使你忘了输入法都替你记着”
  • 33、每个人都会遇见那么一个人,永远无法忘却,也永远不能拥有。
  • 34、你从不揣摩我的心思,却还责怪我善变难懂。
  • 35、我期待着你的回来,千盼万盼却等来一场空白

  • 36、最怕的是,明明已经很久不再想念你,你却悄悄跑到我梦里来。
  • 37、有些路,只能一个人走;有些人,只能边走边忘。
  • 38、The greatest joy in the world is to share, whether love or friendship.
  • 39、To love someone in secret is like a seed in bottle waiting for growing up, though not sure whether the future will be more beautiful, it will be more beautiful.
  • 40、对你的思念太重,压断了电话线,烧坏了手机卡,掏尽了钱包袋,吃光了安眠药,唉!可我还是想见你。
  • 41、世界很大,我们很小
  • 不主动,怕失去,主动,又怕自作多情。
  • 42、不主动,怕失去,主动,又怕自作多情。
  • 43、We do not say goodbye, just a tacit agreement no longer disturb each other.
  • 44、There are two realms of life, one is pain, the other is laughter, and the other is not language.
  • 45、Time will not let me forget you, will only be accustomed to the absence of you.

  • 46、有一个人,教会你怎样去爱了,但是,他却不爱你了。
  • 47、原来,有些事过得再久,想起来的时候还是一样的难过。
  • 48、With a glass of pure water, in the face of the complexity of a lifetime.
  • 49、最怕的是,明明已经很久不再想念你,你却悄悄跑到我梦里来。
  • 50、我们都能勇敢的面对你爱的人不爱你,但是谁都无力面对当因为喜欢无论我有多爱善良,这是追问它。