
  • 1、不要告诉别人你今天难受过,什么也别对别人说,因为说了也没有用。
  • 2、The distant shadow of the lone sail is blue, only the sky current of the Yangtze River is visible.
  • 3、是不是因为我向你靠近的脚步太轻,而她的闯进刚好惊动了你的心。
  • 4、The smoke and fire in the night sky, light the night. But the corner of my heart is not bright.
  • 5、日里闲游,夜里熬油。
  • 这应该是你,始终如一,永远不变。
  • 6、这应该是你,始终如一,永远不变。
  • 7、Love is a carefully designed lie.

  • 8、落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。
  • 9、没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。
  • 10、Once I loved you so much that I didn't love myself, but now I am numb.
  • 11、If we meet but can not be together, then I would rather that we never met.
  • 12、爱情是一个精心设计的谎言。
  • 13、The woman is with the ear love, but you men, if will have love is to fall in love with the eyes.
  • 14、The old cat is not at home, the mouse climbs up the house.
  • 15、我们的认识是一场意外,但它是美丽的意外。
  • 16、What I can lose, but do not want to lose you.
  • 17、当你不能再拥有的时候,唯一可以做的就是令自己不要忘记。

  • 18、Better confess your mistakes than lie.
  • 19、买瓜看皮,扎针看孔。
  • 20、People are afraid of politeness.
  • Continue to dream as waiting for the paradise in the hell in the memories.
  • 21、Continue to dream as waiting for the paradise in the hell in the memories.
  • 22、Drill a well that you can't do, and make an endless effort.
  • 23、野臣潜随击壤老,日下鼓腹歌可封。鲍防《元日早朝行》
  • 24、落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。
  • 25、是不是因为我向你靠近的脚步太轻,而她的闯进刚好惊动了你的心。
  • 26、所谓的爱情,只不过是年少时荷尔蒙泛滥的误导。
  • 27、朝市不足问,君臣随草根。高適《登百丈峰二首》

  • 28、Not until the end of time, as long as in the rest of life with me on it.
  • 29、The so-called love, can only allow two people. One can not, one more can not.
  • 30、Sometimes, you need to leave someone for a while, you will find yourself much need him.
  • 31、婚姻的基础是爱情,是依恋,是尊重。
  • 32、Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out as soon as the input.
  • 33、虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。
  • 34、宁可认错,不可说谎。
  • 35、每當夜深人靜想起你的時候,眼淚總是忍不住的往下流。
  • If we meet but can not be together, then I would rather that we never met.
  • 36、If we meet but can not be together, then I would rather that we never met.
  • 37、Don't you know I'm strong, you don't know that I was strong enough to do all.

  • 38、病骨支离纱帽宽,孤臣万里客江干。陆游《病起书怀》
  • 39、爱是一种遇见,不能等待,也不能准备。
  • 40、Squeezing sores do not leave pus and avoid secondary pain.
  • 41、每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。
  • 42、没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。
  • 43、不要告诉别人你今天难受过,什么也别对别人说,因为说了也没有用。
  • 44、暗恋是神圣的﹐要以对方的幸福为依归。如果有痛楚﹐也该留给自己。
  • 45、A good drum rings as soon as it hits, and a good lamp turns on as soon as it pulls out.
  • 46、你完整了我的人生,但我却只是你人生中的一章节。
  • 47、Love a person who does not love you is like holding a cactus. The closer you hold, the more hurt you are.

  • 48、Evil is rewarded with evil, and good is rewarded with good.
  • 49、挤疮不留脓,免受二回痛。
  • 50、人生本来就是一场即兴演出,没有做不成的梦,只有不早醒的人。
  • 病骨支离纱帽宽,孤臣万里客江干。陆游《病起书怀》
  • 51、病骨支离纱帽宽,孤臣万里客江干。陆游《病起书怀》
  • 52、吃饭象条龙,做活象条虫。
  • 53、我什么都可以失去,但不想失去你。
  • 54、除了你,还有谁有资格在我心里走来走去。
  • 55、事怕合计,人怕客气。
  • 56、在回忆里继续梦幻不如在地狱里等待天堂。
  • 57、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

  • 58、精益求精,艺无止境。
  • 59、Xiao Shu thundered and turned into Huangmei.
  • 60、野臣潜随击壤老,日下鼓腹歌可封。鲍防《元日早朝行》