
  • 1、Really want to hold you from now on, tightly hold you, until you come to god.
  • 2、I love sad tears, and the girl for the man.
  • 3、淡淡的味道、蠢蠢的自己。单单的以为、纯纯的爱情。
  • 4、一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本是费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。《蓝莓之夜》

  • 5、Between people, there will always be met; Between the heart and heart, always love.
  • 记住了并不代表是永恒,忘却了也不等于没发生。
  • 6、记住了并不代表是永恒,忘却了也不等于没发生。
  • 7、做人如果没有梦想,那和咸鱼有什么区别?《少林足球》
  • 8、A woman with kid gloves, and the man's duplicity, is proportional to the.
  • 9、在中国的土地上,绝不允许你们横行霸道!――《平原游击队》
  • 10、想你的时候,喜欢看着地图,近在咫尺又遥不可及!
  • 11、真相是一种美丽又可怕的东西,需要格外谨慎地对待。《哈里波特》
  • 12、Don't put the love when the game, because I can't afford to play.
  • 13、你教会我坚强,教会了我心狠手辣,后来,你却说你怀念我当初的模样。
  • 14、人与人之间,总有邂逅;心与心之间,总会生情。

  • 15、哭花了妆,泪湿了衣裳。
  • 16、When you love a person, you will realize tattoos he is in your heart, deep in your heart forever.
  • 17、有本事你就照顾好自己,不然就老老实实地让我来照顾你!
  • 18、太柔软的心,不敢敞开给人任意伤,只能背起坚硬的壳,继续流浪。
  • 每个成功男人的背后,都有一个女人。每个不成功男人的背后,都有两个。《春光乍泻》
  • 19、每个成功男人的背后,都有一个女人。每个不成功男人的背后,都有两个。《春光乍泻》
  • 20、If there were an extra ticket, would you come with me?
  • 21、心里有就有,心里没有就没有。《周渔的火车》
  • 22、If one day you call me, I don't look back, just for one reason. I cried.
  • 23、There is no law. There is no limit. There is only one rule: never fall in love.
  • 24、有本事你就照顾好自己,不然就老老实实地让我来照顾你!

  • 25、我读书少,你别骗我。《精武门》
  • 26、I often think of some people. No miss so sticky, no desire so hot, is thin.
  • 27、敬仰天上的神名,热爱自己的女人,保护自己的祖国。《特洛伊》
  • 28、每个人都在忙,要么忙着活,要么忙着死,只有这两种选择。《肖申克的救赎》
  • 29、Cry spent makeup, tears wet clothes.
  • 30、记住了并不代表是永恒,忘却了也不等于没发生。
  • 31、不管你的想法是对是错,都不要强迫别人去接受。应试教育才那么做。
  • 多希望地球是平的,那样,我一直望下去,就可以看到你。《似水年华》
  • 32、多希望地球是平的,那样,我一直望下去,就可以看到你。《似水年华》
  • 33、但是它们不在了,定会让你感到寂寞。《肖申克的救赎》
  • 34、做人如果没有梦想,那和咸鱼有什么区别?《少林足球》

  • 35、Too soft heart, not open to people any injury, can only carry a hard shell, continue to roam.
  • 36、You taught me strong, taught me later, you said you extremely cruel and merciless, I miss the original appearance.
  • 37、真相是一种美丽又可怕的东西,需要格外谨慎地对待。《哈里波特》
  • 38、We give up, painted white memory, that can be a beautiful camouflage.
  • 39、大概因为太想见了,所以看到自己想看的了。《后来的我们》
  • 40、I quietly take you and I in the same group, read together.
  • 41、I quietly take you and I in the same group, read together.
  • 42、If one day I want to leave, I will leave all, only take my own.
  • 43、I often think of some people. No miss so sticky, no desire so hot, is thin.
  • 44、I have been watching you, with all you know or do not know the way.

    Have skill you will take good care of yourself, otherwise it honestly let me to take care of you!
  • 45、Have skill you will take good care of yourself, otherwise it honestly let me to take care of you!
  • 46、我心疼为男人伤心流泪的女孩。
  • 47、Whenever you want to have a feeling, just sweet fermentation.
  • 48、美好的爱情大都相似,而不幸的爱情最后都成了故事,如果当时你没走,后来的我们会不会不一样?《后来的我们》
  • 49、以后你就是我的人了,和我的驴一样,给你盖个章。《大话西游》
  • 50、A man will not be able to don't blame the woman reality, women will not be able to don't blame men flower heart.
  • 51、Remember do not represent is eternal, forget also is not equal to didn't happen.