6、只因生命在继续才盲目地产生信念,这种信念是空的。Because life goes on to produce blindly faith, the belief is empty。
7、谁能以深刻的内容充实每个瞬间,谁就是在无限地延长自己的生命。Who can with profound content enrich every moment, who is in infinite to extend the life of their own。
10、如能善于利用,生命乃悠长。Life is long, if can use。
11、生,我所欲也;义,亦我所欲也。二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也。, I want; Righteousness, also I desire also。 But if I cannot get both, give birth and take righteous one also。
14、世间之活动,缺点虽多,但仍是美好的。Activity of the world, many shortcomings, but it's still good。
15、生命如流水,只有在他的急流与奔向前去的时候,才美丽,才有意义。Life such as water, only in his jet and rushed forward, just beautiful, to be meaningful。
16、一个人要发现卓有成效的真理,需要千百万个人在失败的探索和悲惨的错误中毁掉自己的生命。A person to find the truth of a fruitful, need tens of millions of people in the failure of exploration and tragic mistake ruin your life。
17、生命在发展中得到延长,因为思想是衡量生命的尺度。Life in developing extended, because thought is the measure of life。
18、生,我所欲也;义,亦我所欲也。二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也。, I want; Righteousness, also I desire also。 But if I cannot get both, give birth and take righteous one also。
39、人最宝贵的东西是生命,生命属于我们只有一次。The most precious thing is the life, life belongs to us only once。
40、为了保存一个人的生命,而背叛了千万人的解放事业,遭到千万人唾弃,那活着还有什麽意思?In order to save the life of a human being, and betrayed the liberation of ten million people, ten million people spit on, the live and what mean?
45、生命,那是自然会给人类去雕琢的宝石。Human life, it is naturally to carve gems。
48、无知是生命本身存在的必要条件。如果我们了解一切,我们将无法忍受片刻的生存。Ignorance is a necessary condition for the existence of life itself。 If we know everything, we will not be able to endure a moment's survival。