2023-02-13 01:59:39
- 1、理科生要重文,文科生要重理。文要天天看,理要天天练。
- 2、即使爬到最高的山上,一次也只能脚踏实地地迈一步。
- 3、Do not regret, can be separated are not the right people.
- 5、遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严。
- 6、请你离开!因为我不再爱你了!
- 7、站在新起点,迎接新挑战,创造新成绩。
- 8、不要遗憾,能分开的都不是对的人。
- 9、高三不再有,劝君珍惜之。一年之经历,终身之财富。
- 10、那首你最爱的歌。落得有一些凌乱。俄怎么拾起?
- 11、有志的人战天斗地,无志的人怨天恨地。
- 12、Every day is a starting point, every day a little increase, every day a little harvest!
- 13、The greatest enemy is ourselves, let us go beyond the self, the ultimate challenge, run-off test!
- 15、与诚信携手同行,跟欺诈挥手道别。
- 16、在考场上没有弱者的眼泪,只有强者的天下。
- 17、信心来自于实力,实力来自于勤奋。
- 18、Inferiority complex, although the opposition with pride, but the reality is the most close to the pride.
- 19、Everyone knows that even if every day monotonous and boring. But we always going to have.
- 20、我怕我的记忆像沙漏,越来越少,总有一天会模糊。
- 21、我想用余生来续写属于我们幸福,写着写着就泪流满面。
- 22、People are easy to me, I do not effect; difficult to me, I do not fear.
- 23、真的放的下吗?放下的是爱,是情!可留下的却是伤,是痛!永远也挥不去抹不掉!
- 25、Rest is a nurse to nourish the weary spirit.
- 26、Do not busy not idle work well, not salty not light have a wonderful life.
- 27、All the victories, compared with the conquest of their own, are insignificant.
- 28、冲刺拼搏,在前进中寻找乐趣。
- 29、Examination, is not only the competition of intelligence, but also the spirit of the spirit of the competition.
- 30、只有经过地狱般的磨练,才能拥有创造天堂的力量;只有流过血的手指才能弹出世间的绝唱。
- 31、Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from hard work.
- 32、有时候丢下面子说句对不起’可以赢得更多的尊重。
- 33、High people sometimes need to stand on foot, then short people sometimes need to bend the body.
- 35、进取用汗水谱烈军属着奋斗和希望之歌。
- 36、所有的胜利,与征服自己的胜利比起来,都是微不足道。
- 37、Valuable is not how much you straight, but look at how many people you can help.
- 38、莫找借口失败,只找理由成功。
- 39、Don't be too care about her looks, because ability won't write on the face.
- 40、隐身,不是为了躲避谁,只是希望有谁发现我消失了。
- 41、Thinking with the brain, with the intention to consider, with action to prove.
- 42、曾经试着用微笑细数你给的伤,无奈最后泪却随微笑流出眼眶。
- 43、不要在忙碌中迷失了自己,在学习之余,欣赏一下生活,会让你的心情像花儿一样绽放。
- 45、有时候丢下面子说句对不起’可以赢得更多的尊重。
- 46、第一个青春是上帝给的;第二个青春是靠自己努力的。
- 47、看清楚,想透彻,答准每道题。
- 48、True temperament woman, never flaunt his nest of everything.
- 49、在分手时,你不配说祝你幸福这四个字。
- 50、没有伞的孩子,必须努力奔跑!
- 51、Rest is a nurse to nourish the weary spirit.
- 52、看清楚,想透彻,答准每道题。
- 53、我爱他轰轰烈烈最疯狂,我的梦狠狠碎过却不会忘。
- 55、爱上你,只用了一瞬间,忘记你却用了一辈子。
- 56、See clearly, want to thoroughly, answer every question.
- 57、Frustrated and disappointed, disappointed vivid, shaken students failed.
- 58、隐身,不是为了躲避谁,只是希望有谁发现我消失了。
- 59、夜晚的漆黑也掩藏不了我的泪水。