
  • 1、Adults are uncomfortable when they are not adults.
  • 2、宁可人负我,切莫我负人。
  • 3、鲤鱼鲫鱼产卵,认真育肥细管。
  • 4、蓬人莫乱讲,遇事莫乱闯。
  • 5、天大的官司,地大的银子。
  • The more lazy people are, the more greedy they eat.
  • 6、The more lazy people are, the more greedy they eat.
  • 7、谷雨雨,蓑衣笠麻高挂起。
  • 8、For a hundred years and thirty-six thousand days, time is only a fleeting moment.
  • 9、比赛必有一胜,苦学必有一成。
  • 10、A bull's eye sees a man's height, but a dog's eye is low.

  • 11、I am afraid that it will be cold in winter.
  • 12、自在不成人,成人不自在。
  • 13、冬不蒙首,春不露脊。
  • 14、A brother will not deceive his neighbours, but he will not deceive his neighbours.
  • 15、谷喜岭,稻喜洼,地瓜最喜高地沙。
  • 16、A blind man does not talk about light, but a leper does not talk about sore.
  • 17、会嫁嫁对头,不会嫁嫁门楼。
  • 18、谷雨时节,播上一份希望,浇灌勤奋水源,丰收之时幸福满仓,种下一份梦想,施好拼搏肥料,丰收之际业绩累累,谷雨愿你播种理想,收获欢乐不断!
  • 19、谷雨有雨棉花肥,谷雨有雨好种棉。
  • 20、谷雨来到,送你春天吉祥雨:清早有细雨,淋来满身福;上午转小雨,财运要降临;午后变中雨,快乐很密集。祝福随风潜入夜,春风阵阵说思念,愿快乐如愿!

  • 21、庸医治标,名医治本。
  • 22、宁可身骨苦,不叫面皮羞。
  • 23、鼓不打不响,钟不敲不鸣。
  • 24、The valley must grow from strength to strength.
  • 25、有理的想着说,没理的抢着说。
  • 26、Know your heart and know your heart.
  • 27、谷雨到,寒潮跑,气温高,衣减少,运动好;食重补,壮气血,情绪调,多欢笑,莫焦躁,莫忧郁,肝气顺,体安康。愿谷雨带给你更多的快乐雨。
  • 28、日落云里走,雨在半夜后。
  • 29、琚侣不怕山峰高,麦子哪怕碾子压。
  • 30、Lost money is easier to find, but time to lose is nowhere to be found.

  • 31、鼓不打不响,钟不敲不鸣。
  • 32、天大的官司,地大的银子。
  • 33、Literary plays depend on the mouth, and martial arts depend on legs.
  • 34、莫说人家短,莫道自己长。
  • 35、惜时如金,持之为学。
  • 门前垂柳院中花,墙边扁豆瓜满架。
  • 36、门前垂柳院中花,墙边扁豆瓜满架。
  • 37、A good man runs to the end.
  • 38、好雨生百谷,挚友常祝福!愿你抱着平安、拥着健康、揣着幸福、携着快乐、带着甜美、牵着财运、拽着吉利、迈入谷雨好时节中,快乐渡过每一天!
  • 39、漫天飞舞的是谷雨时节的绵绵细雨,默默传递的是谷雨时节的默默祝福,真心祈祷的是要你永远开心快乐,谷雨时节送祝福,愿你幸福!
  • 40、门前垂柳院中花,墙边扁豆瓜满架。

  • 41、Strength and weakness lie in strength.
  • 42、Better choose the straight and the less.
  • 43、Know why today.
  • 44、Seeking medical advice after illness is not as good as preventing before disease.
  • 45、It's better to do it than to miss it.
  • 46、三月种瓜结蛋蛋,四月种瓜扯蔓蔓。
  • 47、宁可做过,不可错过。
  • 48、谷雨麦怀胎,立夏长胡须。
  • 49、Every man has his heart, and every man has his own.
  • 50、June is not hot.

  • 51、不怕人不敬,就怕已不正。
  • 52、谷雨时节到,幸福不能少。愿你工作中一"谷"作气,事业高升;朋友间"谷"道热肠,人缘美好;生活中欢欣"谷"舞,快乐舒畅!
  • 53、谷雨到,寒潮跑,气温高,衣减少,运动好;食重补,壮气血,情绪调,多欢笑,莫焦躁,莫忧郁,肝气顺,体安康。愿谷雨带给你更多的快乐雨。
  • 54、庸医治标,名医治本。
  • 55、3 0、勤学好问,天天长进。
  • 56、宁可身骨苦,不叫面皮羞。
  • 57、To be rich and ungrateful is not to be rich.
  • 58、地瓜块长,深翻才能长。
  • 59、好雨生百谷,挚友常祝福!愿你抱着平安、拥着健康、揣着幸福、携着快乐、带着甜美、牵着财运、拽着吉利、迈入谷雨好时节中,快乐渡过每一天!
  • 60、谷雨,谷雨,有谷就要雨;谷雨,谷雨,金谷来及雨;谷雨,谷雨,好谷来好雨;谷雨,谷雨,有情便有意;祝你谷雨幸福甜蜜,快乐如意!
