

  • 2、Economy is like mud in swallow, and waste is like a river breaking its bank.
  • 3、A bird without wings can't fly and a boat without oars can't row.
  • 4、Before rain, twist does not fall heavily, after rain, twist does not fall long.
  • 5、Civil officers move their mouths and military officers break their legs.
  • The cloth is warm and the vegetable root is fragrant.
  • 6、The cloth is warm and the vegetable root is fragrant.
  • 7、谷雨前结蛋,谷雨后拉蔓。
  • 8、A practical action is better than a dozen platforms.
  • 9、谷雨时节,飞絮逐水乱纷纷,问候随风情切切。春雨普降,万物复苏景欣欣,祝福如云喜洋洋。愿春雨滋润你心田,幸福永伴你身边!谷雨快乐!
  • 10、老牛肉有嚼头,老人言有听头。
  • 11、一个实际行动,胜过一打纲领。

  • 12、昨天是一张废票,今天是一张钞票,明天是一张期票。
  • 13、听话听音,看人看心。
  • 14、Pride comes from shallowness, arrogance comes from ignorance.
  • 15、春薯栽炕秧,夏薯插剪秧。
  • 16、If you are not afraid of shallow learning, you are afraid of short ambition.
  • 17、Time is like a rainbow after rain, slowly and quietly disappearing in the blue sky.
  • 18、Learning is the hobby of smart people, like to point out the fool.
  • 19、刀越磨越亮,劲越练越强。
  • 20、Do things according to the law and speak out to the people.
  • 谷雨,谷雨,对雨采茶。


  • 22、路灯经过一夜的努力,才无愧地领受第一缕晨光的抚慰。
  • 23、谷雨到,布谷叫;前三天叫干,后三天叫淹。
  • 24、种子最后是果实;努力最后是成功;放弃最后是失败。
  • 25、不怕不识货,只怕货比货。
  • 26、应该懂得这样一个道理:要努力,努力,再努力;如果开始不成功,还要努力,努力,再努力。
  • 27、人应当要么是一件艺术品,要么戴一件艺术品。
  • 28、有所成就是人生唯一的真正的乐趣。
  • 29、People are united and Mount Tai is moved.
  • 30、冬者岁之余,夜者日之余,阴雨者时之余。
  • 31、如果我们都去做自己能力做得到的事,我们真会叫自己大吃一惊。

  • 32、No matter guilty or innocent, we are afraid of the plague official Zhu Bi.
  • 33、谷雨不种花,心头象蟹爬。
  • 34、屋里不烧火,屋外不冒烟。
  • 35、用赢得的权力的品质来维护权力,就很容易获得成功。
  • Old beef has a chewing head, old people have a listening ear.
  • 36、Old beef has a chewing head, old people have a listening ear.
  • 37、红薯上皮粪,沟溜长跑。
  • 38、人生的意义在于过的有意义,别白活这一生,生不带来死不带去。
  • 39、People go up and water flows down.
  • 40、Listen, listen and watch.
  • 41、成功的秘诀,在于随时随地把握时机。

  • 42、After autumn, the grasshopper can jump a few times.
  • 43、Eggs are laid before grain rain, and vines are stretched after grain rain.
  • 44、布衣暖,菜根香。
  • 45、当金钱开始说话,事实就闭上嘴。
  • 46、爱好学习的是聪明人,喜欢指点的是蠢家伙。
  • 47、人中有吕布,马中有赤兔。
  • 48、细雨漫漫满天飞,阵阵雨丝化缠绵,谷雨时节雨纷纷,对你思念在心田。出门在外心担忧,谷雨时节雨菲菲,愿你幸福好滋味,满心欢喜为你开。
  • 49、儿童不是用规则可以教得好的,规则总是会被他们忘掉的。习惯一旦培养成功之后,便用不着借助记忆,很容易地自然地就能发生作用了。
  • 50、Before rain, twist does not fall heavily, after rain, twist does not fall long.
  • A practical action is better than a dozen platforms.

    51、A practical action is better than a dozen platforms.

  • 52、谷雨时节耕作忙,好开篇来好收场。撒种浇水土培上,汗水伴着河水流,心花伴着鲜花香,快乐浸着枝芽伸,幸福装进口袋扛。谷雨快乐。
  • 53、话要说得瘦一点,事要办得肥一点。
  • 54、刀越磨越亮,劲越练越强。
  • 55、老牛肉有嚼头,老人言有听头。
  • 56、成功的领导人不是温度计,而是恒温器。
  • 57、Thin land melon dry valley, waterlogged depression planting barley.
  • 58、Coarse tea and light rice can support people, ragged clothes and pants can cover the cold.
  • 59、When money starts talking, the facts shut up.