Treat others well, be considerate, love life and live hard

  • 1、为社会服务是很受人赞赏的道德理想。
  • 2、不求做的最好,但求做的更好。
  • 3、人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。
  • 4、相信自己,一定能成功。
  • 5、战胜别人,先要战胜自己。
  • His brave man in life, not his conscience adventure.
  • 6、His brave man in life, not his conscience adventure.
  • 7、我们曾在因太阳而喜悦的甜美空气中愠怒;我们厌倦了心中阴沉的迷雾:现在我们在发黑的污泥中悲痛。
  • 8、饱暖则气昏志惰,饥寒则神紧骨坚。
  • 9、Can show very integrity of the very situation. ─ ─ William Shakespeare

  • 10、恋爱给人以智慧,而它常常借智慧而支持。
  • 11、哲学家是忠于智慧和健全理智的,因而是坏蛋贼骗子。
  • 12、Youth is beautiful; Squandering youth is a crime.
  • 13、学习的成功与失败原因是多方面的,要首先从自己身上找原因,才能受到鼓舞,找出努力的方向。
  • 14、相信自己,一定能成功。
  • 15、青年是我们的未来,是我们的希望。
  • 16、不论成功还是失败,都是系于自己。
  • 17、On the day of misfortune, it is no longer a great pain to recall happiness.
  • 18、成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,持续累积而成。
  • 19、青春之所以幸福,是因为它有前途。

    Responsibility is just as important as water, air, food.
  • 20、Responsibility is just as important as water, air, food.
  • 21、珍惜时间可以使生命变的更有价值。
  • 22、Youth is happy, because it has a future.
  • 23、Mountain river night three to four, wicker, such as cut flowers, such as dye.
  • 24、True friendship is a plant of slow growth.
  • 25、朋友永远第一,朋友的事永远最紧要。
  • 26、不要慨叹生活的痛苦!慨叹是弱者。
  • 27、尘世上的名声只不过是一阵微风,时而从这边吹来,时而从那边吹来,因改变方向而改变名称。
  • 28、责任就像水、空气、食物一样重要。
  • 29、Hankou sunset inclined dodo, dongting colchicine.

  • 30、只有整个人类的幸福才是你的幸福。
  • 31、我们一起攀登,直到我透过一个圆洞,看见一些美丽的东西显现在苍穹。我们于是走出这里,重见满天繁星。
  • 32、Work with courage people, from WuZiGou reading.
  • 33、In the deepest despair, meet the most beautiful scenery.
  • 以毒攻毒,毒气有朝一日必会归了心。
  • 34、以毒攻毒,毒气有朝一日必会归了心。
  • 35、浩气冲天贯牛斗,英雄事业未曾酬。
  • 36、读书长知,思考长智,虚心长识,应用长技。
  • 37、知识像烛光,能照亮一个人,也能照亮无数人。
  • 38、道德常常能填补智慧的缺陷,而智慧却永远填补不了道德的缺陷。
  • 39、Youth is happy, because it has a future.

  • 40、人一看重机会,就难免被机会支配。
  • 41、Boys don't show with YunZhi, empty negative natural body eight feet.
  • 42、人不能像走兽那样活着,应该追求知识和美德。
  • 43、Work with courage people, from WuZiGou reading.
  • 44、只有坚持才能获得最后的成功。
  • 45、人不能像走兽那样活着,应该追求知识和美德。
  • 46、如果爱,请干净地爱,把爱情献给爱情。
  • 47、一件事物越完美,就越感到幸福,这样也就越感到痛苦。
  • Mountain river night three to four, wicker, such as cut flowers, such as dye.
  • 48、Mountain river night three to four, wicker, such as cut flowers, such as dye.
  • 49、浩气冲天贯牛斗,英雄事业未曾酬。

  • 50、为社会服务是很受人赞赏的道德理想。
  • 51、For the social service moral ideal is to feel appreciated.
  • 52、To study the success and failure of the reason is various, should begin from myself to find the reason, can be encouraged, find out the direction of the efforts。
  • 53、道德常常能填补智慧的缺陷,而智慧却永远填补不了道德的缺陷。
  • 54、To live is to learn, not learn to live.
  • 55、告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我唯一的力量就是我的坚持精神。
  • 56、People value the opportunity, it would inevitably be opportunities.
  • 57、只有坚持才能获得最后的成功。