I like your name, your mischievous

  • 1、A woman to love yourself so that you are loved.
  • 2、我爱你始于初见,止于终老。
  • 3、Once you start to dislike someone。 Everything they do begins to annoy you。
  • 4、Frozen tofu can not hurt people, hurt the heart.
  • 5、I can do it, when you face the placid.

    You are like a strong drink, drunk life and death, do not drink hard to solve sorrow.
  • 6、You are like a strong drink, drunk life and death, do not drink hard to solve sorrow.
  • 7、I did not catch you when you pass you do not stop。
  • 8、过去是一杯酒,让我们在沉醉后哭泣。
  • 9、Memories that never go back are always roaring in life.
  • 10、梦断刀头,书开虿尾,别有相思随定。史达祖《齐天乐中秋宿真定驿》
  • 11、想离开的人从不缺借口,愿意留下的人也不需挽留。
  • 12、情话固然动听,但也很,刺耳。
  • 13、I lost the hidden, this is not.
  • 14、这一生,风雨兼程,就是为了遇见最好的自己。
  • 15、Some people, strong memories, faded relationships。

  • 16、如果没有能力给她幸福,就要有勇气放她离开。
  • 17、名花倾国两相欢,长得君王带笑看。李白《清平调其三》
  • 18、想去找你,发现没有理由,最后连借口都拿不出手。
  • 19、我们看错了世界,却说世界欺骗了我们。
  • 你是我执着的理由,也是我疯狂的借口。
  • 20、你是我执着的理由,也是我疯狂的借口。
  • 21、I'm not waiting for you, just waiting for you.
  • 22、Want to find you, find no reason, even excuses are not available at last.
  • 23、After breaking up, we are not strangers, but strangers than strangers.
  • 24、任何事情,总有答案。与其烦恼,不如顺其自然。
  • 25、你可能也不爱我,只是刚好遇见我。

  • 26、How warm once was, how lonely it was.
  • 27、Once you start to dislike someone。 Everything they do begins to annoy you。
  • 28、投入太多,眼泪是唯一的收获。
  • 29、清风不解语,怎知风光恋。
  • 30、Can't break clean, can't reconcile again as before, most torment people.
  • 31、我爱你,不是为了脱你的衣服。
  • 32、你就像烈酒,喝了醉生梦死,不喝难解忧愁。
  • 33、If you are my friend, please do not ask. If you meet me, please do not stay. If you meet me, please do not have.
  • In a twinkling of an eye, the earth has nothing to do with the wind and the moon.
  • 34、In a twinkling of an eye, the earth has nothing to do with the wind and the moon.
  • 35、就算要出卖灵魂,也要找个付得起价钱的人。

  • 36、我不是人民币,不是让你拿来换的。
  • 37、Those who want to leave never lack excuses, and those who are willing to stay do not need to stay.
  • 38、相顾无言,惟有泪千行。苏轼《江城子》
  • 39、You are the one who thinks most, and you are the one who dare not disturb.
  • 40、如果没有能力给她幸福,就要有勇气放她离开。
  • 41、It's very nice of you to leave, otherwise you will always go.
  • 42、You are my persistent reason and my crazy excuse.
  • 43、Don't say love easily, promise is debt!
  • 44、There is a deep picture on the wide seaside.
  • 45、Want to find you, find no reason, even excuses are not available at last.

  • 46、I'm not waiting for you, just waiting for you.
  • 47、Occasionally hear your news or heart fibrillation, though I have nothing to do with.
  • Originally, I was just a place you stray.
  • 48、Originally, I was just a place you stray.
  • 49、You use your gentle eyes, killed who want to forget you。
  • 50、把你放在心底,用回忆把你埋葬。
  • 51、取次花丛懒回顾,半缘修道半缘君。元稹《离思五首其四》
  • 52、电话那头,又是沉默,该放手,却难割舍。
  • 53、How dare you let me lose when I put the future on you?
  • 54、在这个告别的时代,讨厌到处都是孤独的感觉。
  • 55、思念,成为每天的必修课。

  • 56、Then I recall that you can only use the word "ha ha".
  • 57、明月楼高休独倚,酒入愁肠,化作相思泪。范仲淹《苏幕遮》
  • 58、He's not a dream. He's a young man I love.