Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards人往高处走,水往低处流。


  • 2、可不可以不要不理我躲避我,尽管我爱你而你不爱我。
  • 3、A drop of tears fall, need how long? Tears fall silent, fall a piece of ground.
  • 4、我们不能再做梦了,尽管它是如此美好。
  • 5、He saw the light, and the sun was shining brightly.
  • 每个人心里总会有一个人,想了碰不得,扔了舍不得。
  • 6、每个人心里总会有一个人,想了碰不得,扔了舍不得。
  • 7、你要记得,紫檀未灭,我亦未去。
  • 8、Most of the time are they dug a pit, and then bound to jump into the pit is dug for themselves, jump is his jump, finally couldn't climb out of it is their own.
  • 9、同学们三五成群在打雪仗,大大小小的雪球,流星一般穿过雪幕,盲目地四处飞扬。
  • 10、枝头上的小鸟吱吱喳喳地唱起歌,好像也来参加我们的联欢会。
  • 11、The older you grow up, the more you feel, how rare it is to meet someone in your life who spoils you.

  • 12、牵着你的手,无论是在哪里,我都感觉像是在朝天堂奔跑。
  • 13、Do not lend money to others, money is often the boss, you do not know his place.
  • 14、Even if you don't lie beside me, I still believe you love me.
  • 15、Heart tired, squat down to appease his shadow, told myself must be strong; grievance, look up at the sky, told he will not easily lost tears.
  • 16、比一比这两条鱼谁长的帅,长得帅就是明天的菜。
  • 17、越长大越觉得,一辈子能遇上一个,把你宠上天的人,有多难得。
  • 18、In fact, you do not have a cold, I have never thought of entanglement.
  • 19、Did not have that childish, and Russia is still the former Russia, has not changed.
  • 不诋毁前任,是对自己过往的尊重,也许是错了,但至少那会儿认为是对的。
  • 20、不诋毁前任,是对自己过往的尊重,也许是错了,但至少那会儿认为是对的。
  • 21、你们怎么还会有这么多的热情去痛恨和深爱

  • 22、幸福不在于你是谁,你拥有什么,而仅仅在于你自己去怎么看待。
  • 23、He saw the light, and the sun was shining brightly.
  • 24、我只能读着不给的空白,独自一人在原地徘徊。
  • 25、Did not have that childish, and Russia is still the former Russia, has not changed.
  • 26、His hand was only a little short of touching her, when she made a face, like a slippery loach running out of the distance.
  • 27、Mature heart is not getting old, but the tears still smile in the eyes.
  • 28、参加朋友的婚礼,您别喝高了不省人事,这事很雷人。
  • 29、We can no longer dream, even though it is so beautiful.
  • 30、自娱自乐自悲自喜自导自演自生自灭。
  • 31、我怕对你关心过多变成了自作多情了.

  • 32、Brave to leave, like a kite, flying to the hot blue sky.
  • 33、秋风,穿尘而过,云水间,静无言,守在红尘,守候一份约定。
  • 过去的不再回来,回来的不再完美。
  • 34、过去的不再回来,回来的不再完美。
  • 35、轻泻的月光,氤氲低语,笼住紧闭的窗口;萧瑟的冬雨,徘徊踌躇,如何传递脉脉祝福?抱膝自语,就这样想你吧!在夜里。
  • 36、参加朋友的婚礼,您别喝高了不省人事,这事很雷人。
  • 37、Always say I want to say too much I have a disease that you have really love too.
  • 38、Enjoyment from sad since hi self-directed emerge of itself and perish of itself.
  • 39、牵着你的手,无论是在哪里,我都感觉像是在朝天堂奔跑。
  • 40、也许,你走出了我的视线,但是,却没走出我的思念。
  • 41、Don't listen to the slow song don't revisit don't drink drunk and don't think of him.

  • 42、I won't let you a person, you would rather a person.
  • 43、浪漫是每个女人的天性,任何一个普通的女人,都希望自己能够拥有一段浪漫的爱情。所以,倘若男人想追求心仪的女人时,千万别忘记了浪漫这个词,更别忘记要尽可能的让她感到你的浪漫。浪漫对于女人来说,就像是玫瑰花一样让人无法拒绝,倘若她不是特别的讨厌你,那么要相信你的浪漫攻势一定会有成功的一天。试想一下,当她面对一个男人暗恋一个女人,给她写了99封信仍然没有回应之后,终于决定不再等下去,和另外一个女人结婚了。后来,他才发现她曾经给她回过一封信,说到如果他写来第省钱
  • 44、每次玩完电脑,都要找拖鞋。
  • 45、她这会儿正在秋千上轻盈地荡呢!那红褂子忽快忽慢地划着惹眼的红线,抖出一阵阵时近时远的醉心的、甜畅的笑,活像一只早春的灵秀可爱的小燕子。
  • 46、All kinds of plants and plants are destined by fate. Flowers have a short life span and become Buddhas. When I meet you, life is willing to wither.
  • 47、Don't listen to the slow song don't revisit don't drink drunk and don't think of him.
  • 你要找的不是一个完美的人,而是一个对你而言最合适的人。
  • 48、你要找的不是一个完美的人,而是一个对你而言最合适的人。
  • 49、Happiness lies not in the mere possession of you, in your possession, but in your own.
  • 50、我们不能再做梦了,尽管它是如此美好。
  • 51、我们不能再做梦了,尽管它是如此美好。

  • 52、别人怎么看你和你毫无关系你要怎么活也和别人毫无关系
  • 53、不如清了这杯浊酒散了这场老友.
  • 54、I can only read the blank, alone in place.
  • 55、Everyone's heart there will always be a person, want to touch, throw away.
  • 56、总是说我想太多说我有病那你有没有真的心疼过。
  • 57、可能我不能像太阳一样温暖你,但我能做一个月亮在最漆黑的夜为你而明。
  • 58、I want to say, I'm not good without you! It's not the same alive.