
  • 1、我何尝不畏惧自己的可有可无与凉薄。。。
  • 2、The heart is tired to a certain degree, even angry and calculation of the strength is not.
  • 3、我一直觉得我们就该在一起.
  • 4、Love does not have a temporary cooling, in the relationship between people and people will not happen without misunderstanding.
  • 5、You at a loss in the human tide, I was behind you, for fear of making mistakes, or fear of missing.
  • Love does not have a temporary cooling, in the relationship between people and people will not happen without misunderstanding.
  • 6、Love does not have a temporary cooling, in the relationship between people and people will not happen without misunderstanding.
  • 7、我想告诉你,我一直在减肥,只是没有瘦而已。
  • 8、我开始尝试新的生活,试着穿不同以前风格的服装,试着喝不同口味的饮料,也试着做没有你的梦。
  • 9、The distance is probably you know I didn't sleep, I also know you didn't sleep, looked at each other, but can't say a word to say.
  • 10、人生么有等出来的美丽,只有走出来的辉煌。

  • 11、无人问候无人听
  • 12、一滴泪的滑落,需要多长时间?泪落无言,跌落一地的碎片。
  • 13、There is a kind of yearning that only care about not disturbing, there is a kind of greeting that only care about not comfortable.
  • 14、我何尝不畏惧自己的可有可无与凉薄。。。
  • 15、晓看天色暮看云,行也思君,坐也思君。
  • 16、摘掉眼镜过后我的世界变得模糊,你们这些没近视的能理解吗?
  • 17、What all don't talk to others, what you say is the truth, they hear is a joke.
  • 18、我的真心被无数次得不到回应之后迅速冲淡
  • There is no feeling in the right who is wrong, only who do not cherish who.
  • 19、There is no feeling in the right who is wrong, only who do not cherish who.
  • 20、等到天放晴的时候,也许我会好好再爱你一遍。

  • 21、我只能读着不给的空白,独自一人在原地徘徊。
  • 22、你会怎样回忆我,带着笑或是很沉默。
  • 23、你会遇到一处漂亮的风景然后留在那里
  • 24、今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思在谁家?
  • 25、指着心骄傲的说对你说,这里以后都是你。
  • 26、What all don't talk to others, what you say is the truth, they hear is a joke.
  • 27、Pointing to the heart proud to say to you, here are you.
  • 28、If not for loving you, how can you not sleep late at night, every thought about you, I miss you, miss you so much.
  • 29、亲爱的自己,你要足够坚强,无坚不摧的去面对那些妄想给你伤害的人和事,然后以骄傲的姿态目睹他们失望而归。
  • 30、别人再好,与我无关,你再不好,我都喜欢。

  • 31、I may not be as warm as the sun you, but I can do a moon in the darkest night for you.
  • Memories are memories, because we can not go back.
  • 32、Memories are memories, because we can not go back.
  • 33、爱情不是最初的甜蜜,而是繁华退却依然不离不弃的陪伴..
  • 34、永远不要从他人嘴里了解自己爱的人,好不好自己感觉,爱不爱自己知道
  • 35、我只能读着不给的空白,独自一人在原地徘徊。
  • 36、每个人心里总会有一个人,想了碰不得,扔了舍不得。
  • 37、生活就像万花筒,缤纷精彩,于是便有了那些所谓的快乐,幸福。
  • 38、I do not miss you very deliberately, but in many, many small moments, think of you.
  • 39、我多想一个不小心就和你白头偕老。
  • 40、积极思考造成积极人生,消极思考造成消极人生。

  • 41、每个人的一生里,都会遇见一个没有办法在一起的人,很多时候,我们以为那是无法抵御的强烈爱情,最后经历悲痛分别,以为人生的遗憾不过如此了,时过境迁,再回头看看那些荒唐岁月,竟要感谢当初的选择,因为开始懂得,原来没有办法在一起的人,其实就是错的人。
  • 42、I never know that you love me and want to leave me, even if it would be so good to me.
  • 43、你在人潮里不知所措,我却跟在你身后,伸手怕犯错,缩手怕错过。
  • 44、永远不要从他人嘴里了解自己爱的人,好不好自己感觉,爱不爱自己知道
  • 总是说我想太多说我有病那你有没有真的心疼过。
  • 45、总是说我想太多说我有病那你有没有真的心疼过。
  • 46、Always say I want to say too much I have a disease that you have really love too.
  • 47、告白和告别,一字之差;一个羞涩,一个苦涩。
  • 48、单身挺好碰到喜欢的人可以名正言顺地心动
  • 49、我尽量把呵呵换成哈哈我尽量把嗯换成好的我尽量关心身边每个人可是你们知道么我也会不高兴也会累。
  • 50、思念是一种美丽的孤独,也就只有在想念的时候,孤独才会显得特别美丽。

  • 51、Love is sometimes very contradictory, in the storm is crumbling, but unwilling to dull and tasteless.
  • 52、爱情不会没有暂时的冷却,在人与人之间的关系中也不会不发生误会。