2023-03-20 13:05:48
- 1、我若不快乐,谁替我哀伤.
2、It was a summer afternoon. The clear blue sky was dotted with fluttering larks。这是一个夏日的午后。清澈湛蓝的天空点缀着飞舞的云雀。
- 3、Spring walked along with the shatter, in the summer threw over a body’s green leaf to jump in the warm braw is walking. 春天走了随着粉碎,在夏天把超过身体的绿叶子跳暖风走。
- 4、Love is the only thing that holds the dark at bay.
- 5、春天的雨,细腻而轻柔,给山野披上美丽的衣裳;夏天的雷,迅疾而猛烈,为生命敲响热烈的战鼓;秋天的风,凉爽而惬意,为落叶送去温馨的问候;冬天的雪,慈祥而温厚,为庄稼带来多情的呵护。
- 6、Breakage is not the most cruel thing, the cruelest is standing on the debris pretending to be a pain, not stubbornly looking for.
- 7、你隔岸观火却不救我我逃离火海为你而活
- 8、每天夜晚,都能看见皎洁的明月高挂在天边,弯弯的,似女子的细眉。到了今天,那月亮还是只成了个近似的半圆,离月圆应该还有绚丽的礼花请出了今天的主角——月亮,它从树梢中缓缓升起,显得那样高贵、典雅。它披着银纱,迈着轻盈的步伐,月亮,好似过了月亮,圆圆的,像纺车,纺着她浪漫的遐思。
- 9、我想,我还没有成熟到可以原谅背叛。
- 10、我想,我还没有成熟到可以原谅背叛。
- 11、The longest day has an end.
12、Learn to don't complain, don't care about, don't look at the past, because your future will be better than the past.
- 13、Walking on the road, the wind coming like a heat wave attacks。走在路上,迎面的风似热浪扑来。
- 14、你隔岸观火却不救我我逃离火海为你而活
- 15、你太高估我了吧,我就是拿得起放不下
- 16、And forever has no end.
- 17、我还要用这双哭红的眼睛去看错多少人才能遇见对的你。
- 18、没有可以撒娇的对象就要学会见好就收
- 19、有些人的相遇,要等到整个世界都消失了风景,要等到时光也停止了流淌,等到岁月的纹路爬满了沧桑的脸庞,等到本来健步如飞的身体在时光痕迹中被雕刻出佝偻的模样。而有的人的相遇,要等到就连梦想也随着一天一天瞬息游动的白云逐渐的消散,要等到草木枯荣了几十个记不得年头的季节,要等到花瓣飘飞成了融雪,要等到记忆中的那个人在漫长而遥远的道路前方逐渐改变了容颜,残留下来回忆里略带了温暖的笑容。
- 20、When falling in love, some lose their head, others lose their heart.
- 21、Dont't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
- 23、春天的雨,细腻而轻柔,给山野披上美丽的衣裳;夏天的雷,迅疾而猛烈,为生命敲响热烈的战鼓;秋天的风,凉爽而惬意,为落叶送去温馨的问候;冬天的雪,慈祥而温厚,为庄稼带来多情的呵护。
- 24、请珍惜那个对你好却不要你任何回报的男生
- 25、都道是金玉良缘,俺只念木石前盟。空对着,山中高士晶莹雪;终不忘,世外仙姝寂寞林。
- 26、所谓人生便是取决于遇见谁
- 27、The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but in front of my eyes, you not in my eyes.
- 28、Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.
- 29、我想,我还没有成熟到可以原谅背叛。
- 30、To be or not to be,that's a question
- 31、Spring walked along with the shatter, in the summer threw over a body’s green leaf to jump in the warm braw is walking. 春天走了随着粉碎,在夏天把超过身体的绿叶子跳暖风走。
- 33、We accept both the good and the bad, and without uttering a sound, we continue living.
- 34、No pains,no gains.
- 35、Love alone could waken love!
- 36、Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.
- 37、Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.
- 38、May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.
- 39、One half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it.
- 40、Can forgive, can not care, can give up, can be forgotten, but you can not don't love myself.
- 41、现实走过了。留下了回忆。回忆里,我们曾结伴走过。
- 43、Breakage is not the most cruel thing, the cruelest is standing on the debris pretending to be a pain, not stubbornly looking for.
- 44、The value of life lies not length of days, but in the use of we make of them.
- 45、马上愚人节了,其实我想在那天表白。
- 46、Don't forget to beginner's mind, the party must always. Only through the detours, more convinced that what is most want.
- 47、There isn't a setback and comes with a smile, but there are some setbacks can be conquered in a smile.
- 48、The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched, they must be felt with heart.
- 49、Roadside trees stand in the slumped, wind, still leaves, it fell full thick gray.路旁的梧桐树无精打采地站立在那,一丝风,树叶纹丝不动,上面落满了厚厚的灰。
- 50、我想,我还没有成熟到可以原谅背叛。
- 51、别和我谈恋爱,虚伪。有本事咱俩结婚。