
  • 1、Loneliness is a beautiful thought, and only in the thinking of the time, it looked so beautiful and lonely.
  • 2、No one can take away what's trurly yours..so if they took it away, it wasn't yours. Something better is on its way!
  • 3、When we stop complaining about the existing problems, and grateful to lucky some problems we don't have, is the happiness comes.
  • 4、任何事情都是意犹未尽时最刚好
  • 5、激流勇进者方能领略江河源头的奇观胜景。
  • 我也知道,没有人会把我当做全世界。
  • 6、我也知道,没有人会把我当做全世界。
  • 7、因为孤独是生命的常态所以陪伴才显得格外珍贵

  • 8、Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.
  • 9、Make the choice to be happy. The biggest part of being happy is to simply make up your mind to be a happy person.
  • 10、陪你的人多了我就显得渺小了不是吗
  • 11、We accept both the good and the bad, and without uttering a sound, we continue living.
  • 12、Too often, people only believe what they want to believe.
  • 13、When falling in love, some lose their head, others lose their heart.
  • 14、不联系,不见面,不说话,不发信息,心里总会留一个位置,放一个人
  • 15、当我对你越来越礼貌时我们或许就越来越陌生了.
  • 16、Not happy, is not the life out of the question, but the way you live out of the question.
  • 17、Don't forget to beginner's mind, the party must always. Only through the detours, more convinced that what is most want.

  • 18、Dont't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
  • So lucky, cause you can choose to love me or not, but myself only have to choose from loving you or loving you more.
  • 19、So lucky, cause you can choose to love me or not, but myself only have to choose from loving you or loving you more.
  • 20、I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.
  • 21、What today will be like is up to me , I get to choose what kind of day I will have、今天什么样,完全由我决定,今天怎样度过,由我选择。
  • 22、学着去坚强,狼一样的坚强,狼一般的活着,狼一样的残忍,狼一样的傲慢,哪怕遍体鳞伤。
  • 23、That's the worst part. Liking someone so much and knowing he'll never feel the same way.
  • 24、你爱过狗吗会说人话的那种,
  • 25、It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been losing until it arrives.
  • 26、We have all got our "good old days" tucked away inside our hearts, and we return to them in dreams like cats to favorite armchairs.
  • 27、芸芸众生,孰不爱生?爱生之极,进而爱群。

  • 28、You are at a wonderful stage of life.You have many wonderful stages of life yet to come,but they are not without their costs and perils.
  • 29、I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.
  • 30、留不住的人我送你走
  • 31、Sculpting in time of memories, years precipitate the feelings, because once touched, so unforgettable。时光雕刻着回忆,岁月沉淀了情感,因为曾经感动,所以难以忘怀。
  • 十再重要的人让你失望多了也变得不重要了
  • 32、十再重要的人让你失望多了也变得不重要了
  • 33、The best makeup is Smile. The best jewelry is Modesty. The best clothing is Confidence.
  • 34、Regardless of your past, take account your present and future.
  • 35、芸芸众生,孰不爱生?爱生之极,进而爱群。
  • 36、I never consider ease and joyfulneas the purpose of life itself.
  • 37、Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction .

  • 38、You don't love a girl because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her!
  • 39、Thank you for this gift of a whole new day、 I am grateful、感谢上苍赐予我全新的一天。我很感激。
  • 40、芸芸众生,孰不爱生?爱生之极,进而爱群。
  • 41、激流勇进者方能领略江河源头的奇观胜景。
  • 42、生命赐予我们每个人的不一样,我们所能做到的就是接受,接受甜密,也接受酸苦;接受公正,也接受不平;接受,接受…
  • 43、The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched, they must be felt with heart.
  • 44、散场时让这秘密埋藏在眼睛里我来过多久就向你隐藏了多久
  • [替我收揽所有虚妄不安扛下光与暗的人再不会有]
  • 45、[替我收揽所有虚妄不安扛下光与暗的人再不会有]
  • 46、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
  • 47、If I could,I surely would.

  • 48、笨拙的我们两人牵着手中我的手微微出汗这个时候一直持续就行了永远永远你都是我的挚爱
  • 49、Love is a game that two can play and both win.
  • 50、The fragmentation of the separation, this is you want to end、支离破碎的分离,这是不是你要的结局。
  • 51、The best makeup is Smile. The best jewelry is Modesty. The best clothing is Confidence.
  • 52、If you love life, life will love you back.- Arthur Rubinstein .
  • 53、You'll never find the right person, if you can't let go of the wrong one.