

  • 2、隐藏秘密的一个好方法,就是把它当成玩笑讲给全世界听。
  • 3、I like people who make me smile, even when I don't want to smile.
  • 4、Not only the tears, only on behalf of sad, and not only you, just represent love.
  • 5、隐藏秘密的一个好方法,就是把它当成玩笑讲给全世界听。
  • 爱情只有存贮在堤岸里的水时,才能长年地滋润生活。
  • 6、爱情只有存贮在堤岸里的水时,才能长年地滋润生活。
  • 7、春节最有人情味,充满仁爱的时节,它如同阳光明媚、玫瑰吐露芬芳的六月。我的祝福,你感觉到了吗?
  • 8、不爱你,我怕失去全世界,爱你,我怕丢了我自己。
  • 9、有些人,一旦遇见,便一眼万年;有些心动,一旦开始,便覆水难收。
  • 10、天气预报:新年前后将出现强对流天气,大面积下钞票,局部有金条,快乐火山爆发,引发友情泥石流,欢乐台风登陆,预计极端快乐天气将围绕你持续数周。
  • 11、把美好的祝福,输在这条短信里,信不长情意重,我的好友愿你新年快乐!好久不见,十分想念。在这温馨的日子里,常常忆起共处的岁月。

  • 12、The only thing you can do when you no longer have something is not to forget.
  • 13、我小时过年,有一大群小孩子提着纸灯笼,各家乱转,回来的时候,口袋里装满了好吃的。但愿你也有这样美好的回忆!
  • 14、The promise of a lifetime can not easily say, you can't afford to give my future.
  • 15、You smile once I can be happy for several times, to see you cry once, I was sad for several years.
  • 16、新年的爆竹很给力,绽开对你的点点思绪,缤纷的祝福洒进你的世界里;春节的问候满满地,委托短信传递给你;春节如意!
  • 17、蔷薇盛放的年华尽端,你微笑的剪影,是守望静谧的唯一微光。
  • 18、最厌烦的感觉不是成为陌生人,而是逐渐陌生的态度。
  • 19、The dream is gone, the heart has been broken, leaving just in preparing to leave.
  • I can like a lot of people's life, decided to fall in love with you from the start.
  • 20、I can like a lot of people's life, decided to fall in love with you from the start.
  • 21、Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happend.

  • 22、今年的春节我特别思念你,我的爱人。让天上的星星为我们祝福,让响彻天际的声声爆竹传达你我此生不渝的真情。
  • 23、爱上你,对伱忠贞不二分分秒秒不停歇。恋上你,对伱始终如一日日夜夜在继续。
  • 24、Sometimes, accidentally know some things, just discover oneself care about is so ridiculous.
  • 25、相聚的日子里,为你酿一杯浓酒,斟成流动的相思。在新年的鞭炮声里,凝视着你红红的笑脸,我只想对你说,在新的一年我会更加爱你。
  • 26、Friendship can further be love, love is a step back but are no longer friends.
  • 27、最厌烦的感觉不是成为陌生人,而是逐渐陌生的态度。
  • 28、阳光,那么温暖,却灼灼逼人,月光,那么清幽,却寒冷刺骨。
  • 29、Durian snow, leisurely feeling, what autumn, hope to break the Tianya people return.
  • 30、I miss, are those who, though not perfect is as precious as ever.
  • 31、I want to spend the rest of my life, to remember your every twinkle and smile, every act and every move.

  • 32、I don't care, because I had put the heart temporarily elsewhere, actually such good.
  • 33、I don't care, because I had put the heart temporarily elsewhere, actually such good.
  • 我真的很希望能再和你一起,我不知道能一起走多远,但我知道最后的结局是我一直爱你直到我的生命结束,无论我们是否还在一起。
  • 34、我真的很希望能再和你一起,我不知道能一起走多远,但我知道最后的结局是我一直爱你直到我的生命结束,无论我们是否还在一起。
  • 35、I even don't have a picture of him. He only live in my memory.
  • 36、我怀念的,是那些虽然不完美却一样珍贵的曾经。
  • 37、I'm just a love you crazy, that's all. But you are doomed to be my that maniac.
  • 38、不要问曾经说过的话为什么就成为了儿戏?因为山盟海誓本来就是成年人的儿戏。
  • 39、The most happy love no words, the most romantic love, is to grow old with you.
  • 40、I was so silent, with a little bit of a clumsy. Just like your lost, never ever gave to me.
  • 41、愿意委屈自己的人,唯一的原因,就是深深爱着对方。

  • 42、Because loved, so mercy; Because understand, so tolerant.
  • 43、Meet like of the person must do, you're ugly it doesn't matter, one thousand she blind?
  • 44、男人就要对自己狠一点,冷热我能撑住,苦痛我能挺住,场面我可以hold住,但是现在就是对自己再狠,我也不能瞒你啊,我必须说出来,我爱你。
  • 45、异性友情的发展,就象双曲线,无限接近但永不触及。
  • 46、Forget years, forget pain, forget your bad, we never say goodbye.
  • 47、I wait for you, until I no longer love you, I miss you, until I no longer sad.
  • 点点心意点点情,信息声声传真情,祝福问候送不停,愿你天天好心情,亲情爱情样样行,工作顺心事业成,钞票天天赚不停,一生幸福笑盈盈!
  • 48、点点心意点点情,信息声声传真情,祝福问候送不停,愿你天天好心情,亲情爱情样样行,工作顺心事业成,钞票天天赚不停,一生幸福笑盈盈!
  • 49、I can like a lot of people's life, decided to fall in love with you from the start.
  • 50、当温柔不在,当泪水擦干,我现在的挽留还算不算?只愿不会成遗憾。
  • 51、The most happy love no words, the most romantic love, is to grow old with you.

  • 52、异性友情的发展,就象双曲线,无限接近但永不触及。
  • 53、Do not love you, I am afraid to lose the whole world, love you, I am afraid to lose myself.
  • 54、I want to spend the rest of my life, to remember your every twinkle and smile, every act and every move.
  • 55、我喜欢那些让我笑起来的人,就算是我不想笑的时候。
  • 56、我要有包容一切的心,包括你的冷淡总有一天,你会舍不得伤害我。