People have 2 acres of fields, a mu field is to eat during the day, night a mu tian is plowing his future

  • 1、任何人均不得因其不法行为而获益。
  • 2、Law is a double prism, it is not only to the parties, also according to the judicial person all the time.
  • 3、Without great difficulty, there would be no great cause.
  • 4、生活只有在平淡无味的人看来才是空虚而平淡无味的。
  • 5、程序是法治和恣意而治的分水岭。
  • The advantages of the method, weigh, also at the time of the criterion.
  • 6、The advantages of the method, weigh, also at the time of the criterion.
  • 7、Bumpy road you can see the hair donkey endurance, can be seen trouble in the life of the loyalty of friendship.
  • 8、Understand life and love life happy is the man who is.

  • 9、堂堂正正做人,清清白白为官,公公正正办案。
  • 10、生,我所欲也;义,亦我所欲也。二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也。
  • 11、Method is clear, is good not seize the corrupt, strong shall not abuse the weak and the not oligonucleotides.
  • 12、没有法律就没有犯罪,没有法律就没有刑罚。
  • 13、The robes, brushed remain uncorrupted; In one thousand, the displacement mood bad money.
  • 14、Common morality is the foundation of society, common conscience is the basis of the law.
  • 15、And old hide my life really, want to hide me and always will, however, I still love it.
  • 16、Method is clear, is good not seize the corrupt, strong shall not abuse the weak and the not oligonucleotides.
  • 17、, I want; Righteousness, also I desire also. But if I cannot get both, give birth and take righteous one also.
  • 18、廉洁自律乃人民法官本色,公正司法为人民法官天职。

  • 19、生活的真缔老躲着我,想来也将永远躲着我,不过,我还是照样爱它。
  • The law is no say in the presence of violence.
  • 20、The law is no say in the presence of violence.
  • 21、我们的生命只有一次,但我们如能正确地运用它,一次足矣。
  • 22、法律是无私的,对谁都一视同仁,在每件事上,她都不徇私情。
  • 23、The law is the basic intention of let citizens as cheerful as possible.
  • 24、Any of a person's life, should be restricted by certain regulations.
  • 25、从真理到谬误就一步之遥,从法官到被告仅一念之差。
  • 26、法,国之权衡也,时之准绳也。
  • 27、生活只有在平淡无味的人看来才是空虚而平淡无味的。
  • 28、法律是明灯,指引着生活的航程;法律是标尺,刻划出人生的去从。

  • 29、Law is a lamp, guiding the voyage of life; Law is a ruler, skinned out life to from.
  • 30、着法袍,劲拂两袖清风;迎千年,尽驱钱情歪风。
  • 31、法,国之权衡也,时之准绳也。
  • 32、国徽不容权钱交易使之失色,天平不容徇私枉法使之失衡。
  • 33、如果法律是非正义的,它就不能存在。
  • 生命的用途并不在长短而在我们怎样利用它。许多人活的日子并不多,却活了很长久。
  • 34、生命的用途并不在长短而在我们怎样利用它。许多人活的日子并不多,却活了很长久。
  • 35、National emblem should not be trade power make it blank, balance is not selfish to imbalances.
  • 36、以无情的目光论事,以慈悲的目光看人。
  • 37、请托是对法官尊严的亵渎,受贿是将法官灵魂的贱卖。
  • 38、法分明,则贤不得夺不肖,强不得侵弱,众不得暴寡。

  • 39、以无情的目光论事,以慈悲的目光看人。
  • 40、不经巨大的困难,不会有伟大的事业。
  • 41、程序是法治和恣意而治的分水岭。
  • 42、Life is a process to the tired of long.
  • 43、普遍的道德是社会的基础,普遍的良心是法律的基础。
  • 44、法律的真正目的是诱导那些受法律支配的人求得他们自己的德行。
  • 45、作为一个法官要时刻牢记:千里之堤易溃于蚁穴,立身处世须防微杜渐。
  • 46、国徽不容权钱交易使之失色,天平不容徇私枉法使之失衡。
  • 47、无论何人,如为他人制定法律,应将同一法律应用于自己身上。
  • Request another's help is to judge the dignity of blasphemy, bribery is to judge the sale of the soul.

    48、Request another's help is to judge the dignity of blasphemy, bribery is to judge the sale of the soul.

  • 49、法律是一面双棱镜,它不仅对着当事人,还时时刻刻照着司法者。
  • 50、From truth to fallacy, just one step away from the judge to the defendant only sometimes.
  • 51、If the law is just, it cannot exist.
  • 52、法律是一面双棱镜,它不仅对着当事人,还时时刻刻照着司法者。
  • 53、如果你具备开始的勇气,就有了成功的豪情。
  • 54、小恶不容于乡,大恶不容于国。
  • 55、法律的真正目的是诱导那些受法律支配的人求得他们自己的德行。
  • 56、From truth to fallacy, just one step away from the judge to the defendant only sometimes.
  • 57、The whole meaning of life lifes in the continuous exploration has yet to know things, is constantly adding more knowledge.
  • 58、了解生命而且热爱生命的人是幸福的。
