
  • 1、我为爱而忘情,我为爱受折磨,不论忘情还是折磨。
  • 2、所有的晦暗都留给过往,从遇见你开始,凛冬散尽,星河长明。
  • 3、时间会慢慢沉淀,有些人会在你心底慢慢模糊。学会放手,你的幸福需要自己的成全。

  • 4、Because of the injury, the feeling becomes more careful.
  • 5、只缘感君一回顾,使我思君朝与暮。
  • 滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼。
  • 6、滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼。
  • 7、思悠悠,恨悠悠,恨到归时方始休,月明人倚楼。
  • 8、Time will slowly precipitate, some people will gradually blurred at the bottom of your heart. Learn to let go, and your happiness needs to be your own.
  • 9、1 3、直缘感君恩爱一回顾,使我双泪长珊珊。-卢仝《楼上女儿曲》
  • 10、爱情就像乘法,其中一项为零,其结果永远为零。
  • 11、草庐为家,明月入篱笆。清泉煮茶,闲话桑麻。溪边摘芦花,柳下喜春芽。
  • 12、你是不是一直这样,安静地,凝望那些日沉日落,无家可归的忧伤。
  • 13、天凉了,凉尽了天荒 地老了,人间的沧桑 爱哭了,这么难舍 心都空了,想放不能放天亮了,照亮了泪光 泪干了,枕边地彷徨

  • 14、彼岸花,花开无叶,叶生无花,相念相惜却不得相见。
  • 15、I do not know where the lover is, only looking up to the distance. I do not know whether it is in the southeast, or far in the northwest. In any case, we must go to that place.
  • 16、没有你,每天的生活只剩下呼吸;全世界,最要的就是你;这一生,只想和你在一起。
  • 17、执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。-柳永《雨霖铃》请不要失望,平凡是为了最美的荡气回肠。
  • 18、The enemy's thoughts of each other are more than the lovers' yearning for each other.
  • 19、Life will not be lovesickness, only to Acacia, then harm the Acacia.
  • 情敌的彼此思念,比情人的彼此思念还要多。
  • 20、情敌的彼此思念,比情人的彼此思念还要多。
  • 21、以我万劫不复为代价,护你三生富贵荣华,守你七世笑靥如花。
  • 22、天凉了,凉尽了天荒 地老了,人间的沧桑 爱哭了,这么难舍 心都空了,想放不能放天亮了,照亮了泪光 泪干了,枕边地彷徨
  • 23、最凄凉最弄人的不是你知道,失去所爱的那一刻,而是你还在徘徊,犹未知道已经失去。

  • 24、Love is like multiplication, one of which is zero, and its result is always zero.
  • 25、The enemy's thoughts of each other are more than the lovers' yearning for each other.
  • 26、不知情人在何方,只能抬头望远方。不知是在东南方,还是远在西北方。无论如何在何方,都要赶去那地方。
  • 27、Without you, the daily life is only breathing; the world, the most important is you; this life, just want to be with you.
  • 28、时间会慢慢沉淀,有些人会在你心底慢慢模糊。学会放手,你的幸福需要自己的成全。
  • 29、时间会慢慢沉淀,有些人会在你心底慢慢模糊。学会放手,你的幸福需要自己的成全。
  • 30、黑色的飞鸟掠过天空。我站在城中。看时间燃成灰烬。哗哗作响。
  • 31、想见你,在吞云吐月的疾风后,在日复一日的寻常里。
  • 32、Time will slowly precipitate, some people will gradually blurred at the bottom of your heart. Learn to let go, and your happiness needs to be your own.
  • 33、彼岸花,花开无叶,叶生无花,相念相惜却不得相见。

    There is a kind of love called the absence of love, not love but no fate, but also a kind of love called complete! To become all the other is to be himself.
  • 34、There is a kind of love called the absence of love, not love but no fate, but also a kind of love called complete! To become all the other is to be himself.
  • 35、你是不是一直这样,安静地,凝望那些日沉日落,无家可归的忧伤。
  • 36、想见你,在吞云吐月的疾风后,在日复一日的寻常里。
  • 37、The enemy's thoughts of each other are more than the lovers' yearning for each other.
  • 38、心若不动,风又奈何?你若不伤,岁月无恙。
  • 39、没有你,每天的生活只剩下呼吸;全世界,最要的就是你;这一生,只想和你在一起。
  • 40、Without you, the daily life is only breathing; the world, the most important is you; this life, just want to be with you.
  • 41、有生之年,只诉温暖不言殇,花味渐浓,茶味渐醇,倾心相遇,安暖相陪。
  • 42、没有你,每天的生活只剩下呼吸;全世界,最要的就是你;这一生,只想和你在一起。
  • 43、Without you, the daily life is only breathing; the world, the most important is you; this life, just want to be with you.

  • 44、以我万劫不复为代价,护你三生富贵荣华,守你七世笑靥如花。
  • 45、滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼。
  • 46、I give all the truth of the world to the moon, to illuminate every shadow in life for you!
  • 47、有生之年,只诉温暖不言殇,花味渐浓,茶味渐醇,倾心相遇,安暖相陪。
  • Equinox flower, flower leaves, Ye Sheng flowers, read, but not meet.
  • 48、Equinox flower, flower leaves, Ye Sheng flowers, read, but not meet.
  • 49、花红易衰似郎意,水流无限似侬愁。-刘禹锡《竹枝词四首其二》
  • 50、我把世上所有的真情送给月亮,要她为你照亮生活中的每一个阴影!
  • 51、心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇。盛宴之后,泪流满面。
  • 52、At the crossroads, we are separated. You walk my tears, I walk your hate.
  • 53、At the crossroads, we are separated. You walk my tears, I walk your hate.

  • 54、There is a kind of love called the absence of love, not love but no fate, but also a kind of love called complete! To become all the other is to be himself.
  • 55、My love for love, I suffered for love, regardless of love or torture.
  • 56、以我万劫不复为代价,护你三生富贵荣华,守你七世笑靥如花。
  • 57、失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。