2023-04-27 10:25:54
- 1、For the end of live national plan, not a hundred Mai Beijing nine.
- 2、为问花何在,夜来风雨,葬楚宫倾国。
- 3、生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。至今思项羽,不肯过江东。李清照《夏日绝句》
- 4、瞒人之事弗为,害人之心弗存,有益国家之事虽死弗避。吕坤
- 5、长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰。
- 6、梦到凤凰台上,山围故国周遭。
- 7、几回忆,故国莼鲈,霜前雁後。
- 8、It can give birth to the founding phase, not like.
9、Wang Zhongyuan date scheduled for the north division, been forgotten but weng.
- 10、做人最大的事情是什么呢?就是要知道怎样爱国。孙中山
- 11、为中华之崛起而读书。
- 12、忘身辞凤阙,报国取龙庭。
- 13、寸寸山河寸寸金,侉离分裂力谁任。
- 14、恨不抗日死,留作今日羞。国破尚如此,我何惜此头。吉鸿昌
- 15、三顾频烦天下计,两朝开济老臣心。杜甫《蜀相》
- 16、Inch inch inch of gold from the mountains and rivers, who was quite splitting force.
- 17、故国如尘,故人如梦,登高还懒。詹玉《醉蓬莱归故山》
- 18、Zong Chen thing syndrome, all in the truce.
19、Overlooking Luoyang, the vast Hu Bing. The bleeding of weeds, as the crown tassel.
- 20、但愿苍生俱饱暖,不辞辛苦出山林。于谦《咏煤炭》
- 21、In the night four or five sigh, often for big country worry.
- 22、The white horse saddle gold from Wu Huang, Su Yang long one hundred thousand flags.
- 23、几回忆,故国莼鲈,霜前雁後。
- 24、Ning centurion, Sheng as a scholar.
- 25、契阔死生君莫问,行云流水一孤僧。无端欢笑无端哭,纵有欢肠已成冰。晏殊和尚
- 26、为君既不易,为臣良独难。
- 27、The new dawn cold, heliotropes Huang, spring stop.
- 28、王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁。
- 30、Dream of the Phoenix Palace, around the mountains around the country.
- 31、For the end of live national plan, not a hundred Mai Beijing nine.
- 32、平生端有活国计,百不一试薶九京。
- 33、临患不忘国,忠也。《左传昭公元年》
- 34、梦到凤凰台上,山围故国周遭。
- 35、不见穿针妇,空怀故国楼。
- 36、Inch inch inch of gold from the mountains and rivers, who was quite splitting force.
- 37、If the motherland is difficult, you should be a striker.
- 38、忧国忘家,捐躯济难。《三国志》
39、Zhumenjiurouchou way of dying.
- 40、My heart is heavy frost sprinkled blood, autumn leaves to Qian Feng dan.
- 41、先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。范仲淹《岳阳楼记》
- 42、汉家君臣欢宴终,高议云台论战功。王维《少年行四首》
- 43、不知何处吹芦管,受降城外月如霜。
- 44、一箫一剑平生意,负尽狂名十五年。
- 45、最是仓皇辞庙日,教坊犹奏别离歌,垂泪对宫娥。
- 46、不见穿针妇,空怀故国楼。
- 47、6、人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。文天祥
- 48、得相能开国,生儿不象贤。
49、In the night four or five sigh, often for big country worry.
- 50、试看天堑投鞭渡,不信中原不姓朱。郑成功《出师讨满夷自瓜州至金陵》
- 51、闻风六郡伏,计日五戎平。
- 52、A flute sword flat business, as much as fifteen years of negative.
- 53、先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。范仲淹《岳阳楼记》
- 54、I ask where are the flowers, the wind and rain, and Chu Palace beauty.