
  • 1、Merciless eyes, eyes to see people with compassion.
  • 2、不管你有多难过,始终要相信,幸福就在不远处。
  • 3、法律是一面双棱镜,它不仅对着当事人,还时时刻刻照着司法者。

  • 4、法律的真正目的是诱导那些受法律支配的人求得他们自我的德行。
  • 5、Law is a double prism, it is not only to the parties, also according to the judicial person all the time.
  • Can't stand the blow and setback, Chen Shou not neglect and insipid, it will be difficult to achieve.
  • 6、Can't stand the blow and setback, Chen Shou not neglect and insipid, it will be difficult to achieve.
  • 7、不经巨大的困难,不会有伟大的事业。
  • 8、Of course even couples who have always let him know that you are a woman, you need his care.
  • 9、Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.
  • 10、No matter how sad you are, and always want to believe, happiness is not far away.
  • 11、人生就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一块会是什么味道。
  • 12、Winners never quit, quitters never succeed.
  • 13、人心是杆秤,法律是准绳。

  • 14、不管你有多难过,始终要相信,幸福就在不远处。
  • 15、以无情的目光论事,以慈悲的目光看人。
  • 16、不管你有多难过,始终要相信,幸福就在不远处。
  • 17、Of course even couples who have always let him know that you are a woman, you need his care.
  • 18、成功者绝不放弃,放弃者绝不会成功。
  • No law, no crime, no law, no penalty.
  • 19、No law, no crime, no law, no penalty.
  • 20、The choice of choice may be difficult, can insist on self need more endurance.
  • 21、不经巨大的困难,不会有伟大的事业。
  • 22、每天晚上疲惫地坐到椅子上时,才觉得真真切切地过了一天。
  • 23、The real purpose of law is the induced those controlled by the law of the people for the virtue of who they are.

  • 24、选择可能难,能坚持自我的选择更需要自持力。
  • 25、Merciless eyes, eyes to see people with compassion.
  • 26、选择可能难,能坚持自我的选择更需要自持力。
  • 27、普遍的道德是社会的基础,普遍的良心是法律的基础。
  • 28、The more dare to stage a husband, he is more energetic.
  • 29、生活是一个走向厌倦的漫长过程。
  • 30、成功者绝不放弃,放弃者绝不会成功。
  • 31、人生就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一块会是什么味道。
  • 普遍的道德是社会的基础,普遍的良心是法律的基础。
  • 32、普遍的道德是社会的基础,普遍的良心是法律的基础。
  • 33、As a judge should always remember: the devil is easy to think, in conducting veterinarian.

  • 34、Method is clear, is good not seize the corrupt, strong shall not abuse the weak and the not oligonucleotides.
  • 35、作为一个法官要时刻牢记:千里之堤易溃于蚁穴,立身处世须防微杜渐。
  • 36、选择可能难,能坚持自我的选择更需要自持力。
  • 37、Harvest is the cause of rain gauge; Gathered the striver on every drop of sweat.
  • 38、The law is no say in the presence of violence.
  • 39、当然即使是老夫老妻也要时刻让他知道你是女人,你需要他的呵护。
  • 40、任何一个人的生活,都应当受一定法规的制约。
  • 41、Winners never quit, quitters never succeed.
  • 42、我们的生命只有一次,但我们如能正确地运用它,一次足矣。
  • 43、Whoever, such as a law for others, should be the same law applied to them.

  • 44、Harvest is the cause of rain gauge; Gathered the striver on every drop of sweat.
  • Understand life and love life happy is the man who is.
  • 45、Understand life and love life happy is the man who is.
  • 46、Life only in bland is empty and bland.
  • 47、生活的全部意义在于无穷地探索尚未知道的东西,在于不断地增加更多的知识。
  • 48、To his own life on other people's memory, as long life.
  • 49、生,我所欲也;义,亦我所欲也。二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也。
  • 50、From truth to fallacy, just one step away from the judge to the defendant only sometimes.
  • 51、受思深处宜先退,得意浓时便可休。
  • 52、Whoever, such as a law for others, should be the same law applied to them.
  • 53、Our ideal, however, belong to the future.

  • 54、The real purpose of law is the induced those controlled by the law of the people for the virtue of who they are.