
  • 1、生命中总有那么一段时光,充满不安,可是除了勇敢面对,我们别无选择。
  • 2、All cow force behind is helpless pain accumulation with high walls, all behind the helpless pain is silly force the same as the persistence.
  • 3、忍耐和坚持虽是痛苦的事情,但却能渐渐地为你带来好处。
  • 4、要在这个世界上获得成功,就必须坚持到底:至死都不能放手。
  • 5、我只有一个忠告给你,做你自己的主人。
  • Don't eat a woman in this world may have much better, don't be jealous of the women have not even one。
  • 6、Don't eat a woman in this world may have much better, don't be jealous of the women have not even one。
  • 7、路灯经过一夜的努力,才无愧地领受第一缕晨光的抚慰。
  • 8、经历沧桑的人是不会轻易气馁的。

  • 9、有了坚持不一定成功;但没有坚持,就注定失败。对于成功,坚持的塑造必不可少!
  • 10、Women learn to spruce up their, don't take simple to do, don't do housework, don't understand fashion, you are not a complete woman。
  • 11、我叫太阳每天把幸福的阳光洒在你身上,我叫月亮每天给你一个甜美的梦境,祝愿你事事如意!
  • 12、耐心是一切聪明才智的基础。
  • 13、I want you to know that there is a person in the world is waiting for you forever, whether in what, no matter where you are, anyway, you know, there is always such a person。
  • 14、不管多大多老,不管家人朋友怎么催,都不要随便对待婚姻,婚姻不是打牌,重新洗牌要付出巨大代价。
  • 15、知识是珍贵宝石的结晶,文化是宝石放出的光泽。
  • 16、我知道坚持对我来说是一件难事,但我仍会坚持下去,直到你不再坚持,我也就不必坚持了。
  • 17、知识是珍贵宝石的结晶,文化是宝石放出的光泽。
  • 18、思念总是有不得不收藏起来的时刻,而生命里最舍不得,藏得总是最深,且不让人知道。

  • 19、所有牛逼后面都是无奈痛苦堆积的高墙,所有无奈痛苦后面都是傻逼一样的坚持。
  • 不问的人永远和愚昧在一起。
  • 20、不问的人永远和愚昧在一起。
  • 21、人需要理想,但是需要人的符合自然的理想,而不是超自然的理想。
  • 22、求学的三个条件是:多观察、多吃苦、多研究。
  • 23、He who labors diligently forget all about eating and sleeping, lazy people always don't have the time.
  • 24、No matter how much your feelings now, after a long time to chat also with regards to anodyne。
  • 25、不管多大多老,不管家人朋友怎么催,都不要随便对待婚姻,婚姻不是打牌,重新洗牌要付出巨大代价。
  • 26、学习改变命运,奋斗成就未来。
  • 27、For love in any way you want, and keep the love is need of wisdom。
  • 28、Thoughts always have had to collect up moments, but in my life the most loathe to give up, tucked away is always the best, and do not let the person know。

  • 29、Hope, only diligence and company, to Britain.
  • 30、Knowledge is the crystallization of the precious gems, culture is the luster of the gem released.
  • 31、For love in any way you want, and keep the love is need of wisdom。
  • 32、If a person has enough faith, he can create the miracle.
  • 33、拼搏到无能为力,坚持到感动自己。
  • 获得爱情你可以随便用什么办法,而保持爱情却需要智慧。
  • 34、获得爱情你可以随便用什么办法,而保持爱情却需要智慧。
  • 35、我叫太阳每天把幸福的阳光洒在你身上,我叫月亮每天给你一个甜美的梦境,祝愿你事事如意!
  • 36、Everyone has the sense of responsibility, natural is affected by environmental education character and so on in the day after tomorrow, the strength of the sense of responsibility。
  • 37、耐心是一切聪明才智的基础。
  • 38、Experience the vicissitudes is not easily discouraged.

  • 39、Don't eat a woman in this world may have much better, don't be jealous of the women have not even one。
  • 40、Thoughts always have had to collect up moments, but in my life the most loathe to give up, tucked away is always the best, and do not let the person know。
  • 41、我要你知道,这世界上有一个人是永远等着你的,不管是在什么时候,不管你是在什么地方,反正你知道,总有这样一个人。
  • 42、生活真正的精彩,还是做自己,坚持梦想,坚持信仰。
  • 43、There will be a win game, really there will be ten percent.
  • 44、学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。
  • 45、逆风的方向,更适合飞翔。我不怕万人阻挡,只怕自己投降。
  • 46、比赛必有一胜,苦学必有一成。
  • 47、读书患不多,思义患不明;足己患不学,既学患不行。
  • 经历沧桑的人是不会轻易气馁的。


  • 49、Patience is the basis of all intellect and wisdom.
  • 50、Patience and persistence are painful, but it can gradually bring you benefits.
  • 51、我知道坚持对我来说是一件难事,但我仍会坚持下去,直到你不再坚持,我也就不必坚持了。
  • 52、To succeed in this world, we must stick to it: to death can't let go.
  • 53、笑,其实可以掩饰很多情绪,比如你的心虚,比如我的失望。
  • 54、Have insisted on not success; But no, it is destined to fail. Is necessary for success, adhere to the shaping of!
  • 55、Hope, only diligence and company, to Britain.
  • 56、最大的成功在于最大的付出。
  • 57、No matter how much your feelings now, after a long time to chat also with regards to anodyne。
  • 58、忠言逆耳利于行,良药苦口利于玻。
