Freedom of speech is the mother of all rights

  • 1、在人与人的交往中,礼仪越周到越保险。
  • 2、礼貌和文明是我们共处的金钥匙。
  • 3、一个人炫耀什么,说明内心缺少什么。
  • 4、会过去的,就会过去的。我们的痛苦,我们的悲伤,我们的负罪。
  • 5、如果你能记住我,全世界忘了我又如何。
  • A civilized society should not have such a brutal law.
  • 6、A civilized society should not have such a brutal law.
  • 7、手边留情花似锦,脚下留情草如茵!
  • 8、Why easy to share joy, sadness can only taste alone?
  • 9、医生是我们文明世界的精华。
  • 10、How much time calculation of life, the life value with contribution calculation.

  • 11、You like the sun, in the haze of my heart, hurt sad.
  • 12、学的到东西的事情是锻炼,学不到的是磨练。
  • 13、即使爬到最高的山上,一次也只能脚踏实地地迈一步。
  • 14、Between grief and nothing, I am willing to choose grief.
  • 15、Let's put the dishonor as part the heaviest punishment!
  • 16、在人与人的交往中,礼仪越周到越保险。
  • 17、The real civilization is the result of all people grow happiness.
  • 18、学的到东西的事情是锻炼,学不到的是磨练。
  • 19、把困难举在头上,它就是灭顶石;把困难踩在脚下,它就是垫脚石。
  • 害怕痛苦的人已经在承受他所害怕的痛苦了。


  • 21、手边留情花似锦,脚下留情草如茵!
  • 22、The so-called love, is a kind of no would be sad, had also sad thing.
  • 23、If you can remember me, the world forget me how.
  • 24、随着文明的发展,诗歌几乎势在必衰。
  • 25、文明就是要造成有修养的人。
  • 26、让我们把不名誉作为刑罚最重的部分吧!
  • 27、活在昨天的人失去过去,活在明天的人失去未来,活在今天的人拥有过去和未来。
  • 28、微笑是我们的语言,文明是我们的信念。
  • 29、侈则多欲。君子多欲则念慕富贵,枉道速祸。
  • 30、How much time calculation of life, the life value with contribution calculation.

  • 31、Fish so pitiful, sad, also can't close your eyes.
  • 32、Politeness and the civilization is the key we coexist.
  • 33、Hand spare flower like brocade, spare grass at the foot of the carpet!
  • 会过去的,就会过去的。我们的痛苦,我们的悲伤,我们的负罪。
  • 34、会过去的,就会过去的。我们的痛苦,我们的悲伤,我们的负罪。
  • 35、礼貌之风为每一个人带来文明、温暖和愉快。
  • 36、If you can remember me, the world forget me how.
  • 37、In interpersonal communication, the etiquette is more considerate more insurance.
  • 38、No good leisure, is impossible to have highly civilization.
  • 39、You like the sun, in the haze of my heart, hurt sad.
  • 40、凡真心尝试助人者,没有不帮到自己的。

  • 41、People value most is a privilege, even if it is the privilege of the funeral.
  • 42、积极的人在每一次忧患中都看到一个机会,而消极的人则在每个机会都看到某种忧患。
  • 43、Fish so pitiful, sad, also can't close your eyes.
  • 44、一个人的礼貌,就是一面照出他的肖像的镜子。
  • 45、彬彬有礼的风度,主要是自我克制的表现。
  • 46、In interpersonal communication, the etiquette is more considerate more insurance.
  • 47、Aggressive, are not necessarily makes sense.
  • 礼貌使人类共处的金钥匙。
  • 48、礼貌使人类共处的金钥匙。
  • 49、Sometimes you care about too much, to oneself is a kind of torture.
  • 50、Manners make human co-existence of golden key.

  • 51、随着文明的发展,诗歌几乎势在必衰。
  • 52、Since you look for a road, why ask to go long.
  • 53、没有充分闲暇,就不可能有高度文明。
  • 54、Fish so pitiful, sad, also can't close your eyes.
  • 55、Politeness and the civilization is the key we coexist.
  • 56、For people, the greatest joy, the greatest happiness is to put his spirit power to others.
  • 57、Live in yesterday's people lost in the past, live in tomorrow's people lost in the future, live in today with the past and the future.