The day of abandoned field, is the rise of tyranny

  • 1、If the compass feet are still, forever also could not draw a circle.
  • 2、What's important is not who you are, but who is that you make friends with.
  • 3、怯懦的人,会把朋友送给刽子手。
  • 4、The most easy thing in the world, the delay time is the least effort.
  • 5、No business knowledge, the talent is high, can't st.
  • 生存的第一定律是:没有什么比昨天的成功更加危险。


  • 7、There is time to learn, the problem is that we are not good at crowded, willing to drill.
  • 8、Asked to learn there will be a teacher, assembly, like friends.
  • 9、你若聪明,莫把那人当做朋友,假如他和你的敌人交情深厚。
  • 10、Thousand Lin Fengyu warbler ask friends, wan li yun goose line breaks.
  • 11、If you are smart, don't put that person as a friend, if he and the attachment of your enemies.
  • 12、Not daily, as well, the day to go back.
  • 13、People to independent living, learning useful skills.
  • 14、要学习的时间是有的,问题是我们善于不善于挤,愿不愿意钻。
  • 15、世界上那些最容易的事情中,拖延时间最不费力。
  • 16、All sad past, when time is slowly precipitation, you will find your own happiness is much larger than expected.

  • 17、Asked to learn there will be a teacher, assembly, like friends.
  • 18、重要的不在于你是谁生的,而在于你跟谁交朋友。
  • 19、Friendship is always a virtue for, not the assistant of evil.
  • Teaching must start from learners of the existing experience.
  • 20、Teaching must start from learners of the existing experience.
  • 21、In those books to bash fame and learning on the cover of the author's name is impressively printing.
  • 22、Many who look like friends is not friends, but many are friends does not appear like friends.
  • 23、But don't know, and don't learn with; Know not line, with don't know.
  • 24、青年最主要的任务是学习。
  • 25、Survival is the first law: no more dangerous than yesterday's success.
  • 26、青年最主要的任务是学习。

  • 27、In an emergency to abandon your friends do not trust.
  • 28、不要没有朋友,也不要有过多的朋友。
  • 29、我们必须把旧的习惯,旧的束缚抛弃,使得我们可以重新飞翔。
  • 30、所有的忧伤都是过往,当时间慢慢沉淀,你会发现,自己的快乐比想象的多得多。
  • 31、People to independent living, learning useful skills.
  • 32、Violate the rules and regulations is the enemy of safety, accident's friend.
  • 33、Violate the rules and regulations is the enemy of safety, accident's friend.
  • Sometimes, the two never met people do is also likely to meet a become intimate friends.
  • 34、Sometimes, the two never met people do is also likely to meet a become intimate friends.
  • 35、人生如棋,一局不可以回头的棋,一步一个脚印,一旦走了就不能悔棋。
  • 36、As long as there's something I don't know, you should study forever.

  • 37、According to understand their own meaning, don't look down on yourself, be the opinions of others astray.
  • 38、Many who look like friends is not friends, but many are friends does not appear like friends.
  • 39、掌握新技术,要善于学习,更要善于创新。
  • 40、A man without a friend is only half a man.
  • 41、我们必须把旧的习惯,旧的束缚抛弃,使得我们可以重新飞翔。
  • 42、If we are to do their ability to do it, we would call surprise ourselves.
  • 43、走得最慢的人,只要他不丧失目标,也比漫无目的地徘徊的人走得快。
  • 44、信赖一个人之前,先同他一块儿吃掉一大堆盐。
  • 45、友谊永远是美德的辅佐,不是罪恶的助手。
  • 46、以切磋之谊取友,则学问日精;以慎重之行利生,则道风日远。

  • 47、学而不知道,与不学同;知而不能行,与不知同。
  • Without a friend, also don't have too many friends.
  • 48、Without a friend, also don't have too many friends.
  • 49、学而不知道,与不学同;知而不能行,与不知同。
  • 50、没有朋友的人,只能是半个人。
  • 51、违章是安全的大敌,车祸的朋友。
  • 52、Youth's main task is to learn.
  • 53、Cool wind blow red maple leaf, let the strong cold words to mature.
  • 54、信赖一个人之前,先同他一块儿吃掉一大堆盐。
  • 55、人生就像一出戏,恩恩怨怨又何必太在意,名和利啊什么东西,生不带来死不带去。
  • 56、重要的不在于你是谁生的,而在于你跟谁交朋友。
