One's own thing is treasure, another's thing is grass
2023-04-08 23:19:01
- 1、蚂蚁装到葫芦里乱碰
- 2、智慧唯一的自由。
- 3、冷锅里炒豌豆叫得响
- 5、自由是上帝赐给人类的最大的幸福之一。
- 6、山林树木知春意。
- 7、杉树烧梢,秋天雨少。
- 8、滴水成河,粒米成箩。
- 9、Academic diligence leads to wealth and thrift.
- 10、蚂蚁噙豌豆滚蛋
- 11、五月开茭花,大水淹篱笆。
- 12、黄连酿酒苦打成招(糟)
- 13、天气阴不阴,摸摸老烟筋。
14、Spring rain is as precious as oil, and rainy people do not worry.
- 15、May blossoms, flooding fences.
- 16、槐树下弹琴苦中作乐;苦中取乐
- 17、Lose once, learn once.
- 18、Drops of water make rivers and grains make barrels.
- 19、Freedom of thought is the highest independence.
- 20、苦瓜煮黄连苦闷(焖);苦在一起了
- 21、手拿烧红薯又吹又拍
- 22、Bamboo has no skin and can move in all seasons.
- 23、春天多种菜,能吃也能卖。
- 25、In the middle of the first month, it is good to plant pine.
- 26、Freedom is one of the greatest blessings God has bestowed on mankind.
- 27、五月开茭花,大水淹篱笆。
- 28、二两棉花弹(谈)不上
- 29、山林树木知春意。
- 30、The old cat is not at home, the mouse climbs up the house.
- 31、一争两丑,一让两有。
- 32、冷锅里炒豌豆叫得响
- 33、Freedom is one of the greatest blessings God has bestowed on mankind.
- 35、The purpose of freedom is to create freedom for others.
- 36、韭菜炒蒜苗清(青)一色
- 37、Planting trees and flowers will beautify the environment.
- 38、Trees and mountains know the meaning of spring.
- 39、春雨贵如油,有雨人不愁。
- 40、黄连树上长草苦苗苗
- 41、槐树下弹琴苦中作乐;苦中取乐
- 42、The grass is netted and the water in the river rises.
- 43、土蚕钻进花生壳里假充好人(仁)
- 45、自由的目的是为他人创造自由。
- 46、春天多种菜,能吃也能卖。
- 47、麻布手巾绣牡丹配不上;不配
- 48、The old cat is not at home, the mouse climbs up the house.
- 49、思想的自由就是最高的独立。
- 50、Close to the mountains, close to the water, close to the fish.
- 51、出汗不迎风,走路不凹胸。
- 52、蚂蚁装到葫芦里乱碰
- 53、Freedom is one of the greatest blessings God has bestowed on mankind.
- 55、纪律是自由的第一条件。
- 56、如果自由流于放纵,专制的魔鬼就乘机侵入。
- 57、春雨贵如油,有雨人不愁。
- 58、Xiangyang is a good tea planter, but back sun is a good fir planter.