2023-02-18 06:14:23
- 1、刚出土的黄连苦苗苗
2、The old cat is not at home, the mouse climbs up the house.
- 3、花生壳里的臭虫冒充好人(仁)
- 4、嗑瓜子吃核桃不能不求人(仁)
- 5、葫芦掉下井不沉;不成
- 6、春天多种菜,能吃也能卖。
- 7、炉子里烤山芋拣熟的拿
- 8、葵花籽里拌盐水唁闲(捞咸)嗑
- 9、扳了葫芦挖子挖一个少一个
- 10、龙无云不行,鱼无水不生。
- 11、水里泛青苔,天有风雨来。
- 13、A gentleman talks and a villain acts.
- 14、Close to the mountains, close to the water, close to the fish.
- 15、What you say makes you laugh, but what you don't say makes you jump.
- 16、If you want to be rich, plant more trees.
- 17、刚出土的黄连苦苗苗
- 18、Planting trees and flowers will beautify the environment.
- 19、Dragon can't live without clouds, fish can't live without water.
- 20、春天多种菜,能吃也能卖。
- 21、按下葫芦浮起瓢此起彼落
- 23、植树种花,环境美化。
- 24、It is better to plant in spring than in autumn.
- 25、南天门种南瓜难上难(南上南)
- 26、The grass is netted and the water in the river rises.
- 27、韭菜炒蒜苗清(青)一色
- 28、Fight for two ugliness, let two have one.
- 29、含羞草勾腰,大雨快要到。
- 30、春植宁早勿晚,秋栽宁晚勿早。
- 31、植树种花,环境美化。
- 33、君子动口,小人动手。
- 34、书斋无花不成宅,农家无树不成户。
- 35、八月间的核桃满人(仁)
- 36、干河滩里栽牡丹好景不长;好景难常
- 37、会说的惹人笑,不会说的惹人跳。
- 38、杉树烧梢,秋天雨少。
- 39、It is better to plant in spring than in autumn.
- 40、会说的说一句,不会说的说十句。
- 41、哑巴食黄连有苦说不出
- 43、Mimosa waist, heavy rain is coming.
- 44、清水煮白菜一清(青)二白
- 45、阿公吃黄连苦也(爷)
- 46、有意挖黄连挖苦
- 47、绸缎上锈牡丹锦上添花
- 48、The chiropractic order is in place, but the brothers are in urgent need.
- 49、葫芦壳挂在房梁上上不着天,下不着地
- 50、吃子黄连跳舞苦中取乐
- 51、水里泛青苔,天有风雨来。