
  • 1、总是像个笑话、演绎着臫己旳悲剧。
  • 2、所谓的勇敢,说好听点是乐观坚强,其实跟不要脸也没差。
  • 3、Yeah, I know, I'm not eligible.
  • 4、Melt your sorrow, fall in love with your beauty.

  • 5、The happiness of the palm of the hand, fragile can not afford you a little bit of indifference.
  • I love you love hell-bent, you love me only memories.
  • 6、I love you love hell-bent, you love me only memories.
  • 7、No love will die, there is no love without you.
  • 8、回忆淹没我们,时间拆散我们。
  • 9、人生短短数十载,最要紧的是满足自己,不是讨好他人。
  • 10、He let you red eyes, but you still smile to forgive, this is love.
  • 11、爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。
  • 12、We stray, just pretending to be around each other.
  • 13、我微笑。在任何我难过或者快乐的时候,我只剩下微笑。
  • 14、你的笑脸如花,让我看的痛彻心扉。

  • 15、Last night the enchanting faded makeup, leaving only the only pale and haggard.
  • 16、The world is willing to listen, accustomed to silence.
  • 17、Bestie, you deep in my mind.
  • 18、He let you red eyes, but you still smile to forgive, this is love.
  • 19、我不想承认,我想你了。
  • 转身回头,你依旧在原地求俄说别走。
  • 20、转身回头,你依旧在原地求俄说别走。
  • 21、是的,我知道,我没有资格要求。
  • 22、一个人走在街上,再从容也像赶路。
  • 23、不是因为你,我也不会变成这样一个患得患失的神经病。
  • 24、When love, has become the past, who remember who.

  • 25、I want to sing it to you, while you are young.
  • 26、为什么人和人、不能和平相处。
  • 27、Now that you have chosen to leave, and now you want me how to do it?
  • 28、我许你霞披凤冠,你应我且行天下。
  • 29、Bestie, you deep in my mind.
  • 30、不能忘记的,就是自己最不想忘记的。
  • 31、It is a fashion to leave the world, but we are not good at goodbye.
  • 32、Your eyes, like beautiful flowers.
  • 33、所谓的勇敢,说好听点是乐观坚强,其实跟不要脸也没差。
  • From heaven to hell, I'm just passing by.

    34、From heaven to hell, I'm just passing by.

  • 35、From heaven to hell, I'm just passing by.
  • 36、When love becomes affection, that is eternal love.
  • 37、Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of.
  • 38、You say you care about me, but in the end you see the blood of the injury.
  • 39、When love, has become the past, who remember who.
  • 40、I want to sing it to you, while you are young.
  • 41、原来伤心的天下里只有服输的权利。
  • 42、Love this thing, there is no future.
  • 43、The world is only so one you call me how can I do not cherish.
  • 44、宁愿被误会,也不想勉强去解释。

  • 45、The tears of the eyes of the flow, you still don't go back.
  • 46、Embarrassed, cry do not want to cry, laugh not like laugh.
  • 47、只要为你活过,我就不是粉末。
  • 陪你笑,陪你累,我们相依偎,陪你走完一生有何不可。
  • 48、陪你笑,陪你累,我们相依偎,陪你走完一生有何不可。
  • 49、爱情这东西,永远没有未来。
  • 50、一个人走在街上,再从容也像赶路。
  • 51、Love this thing, there is no future.
  • 52、融化你的忧伤,爱上你的美丽。
  • 53、Now that you have chosen to leave, and now you want me how to do it?
  • 54、When love, has become the past, who remember who.

  • 55、The only sad defeat in a world of rights.
  • 56、距离有什么可怕,时间有什么可怕,不再相爱才最可怕。
  • 57、I love you love hell-bent, you love me only memories.
  • 58、Beauty can only be used to deceive a man, smart can be used to deceive the world.