2023-03-28 22:12:28
- 1、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
2、There is no discussion behind the scenes and no opinions face to face.
- 3、会说的惹人笑,不会说的惹人跳。
- 4、愿你惦记的人能跟你道声晚安独闯的日子里不觉孤单
- 5、文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作。白居易
- 6、如果付出爱,我们就能得到爱。即使在最困难的时候,这都是真理。
- 7、寂寞的人总是记住生命中出现的每一个人,正如我总是意犹未尽地想起你!
- 8、连你都舍得扔下我 那全世界还会有谁在乎我
- 9、Those who say we never separated, have scattered in the horizon.
- 10、In fact, I have been behind you, you will be sent back.
- 11、Lonely people always remember the life of every man, as I kept thinking of you!
- 13、爱情,是自身的圆满,我不再缺少些甚么了。
- 14、Happy to share, difficult to share.
- 15、原谅是容易的,再次信任,就没那么容易呢。
- 16、Suffer will at present if you do not listen to the old man's advice,
- 17、Please tell me you are mine. Each year, I belong to you forever.
- 18、Happiness is as long as the hand, even if lost sense of direction, but still not afraid.
- 19、不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。
- 20、如果两个人注定要在一起,最终他们总会找到方法找回彼此
- 21、Drops of water make rivers and grains make barrels.
- 23、A true friend is the one who is still with you when the whole world is far away from you.
- 24、Weakness deceives, strength deceives.
- 25、前三十年睡不醒,后三十年睡不着。
- 26、You never belong to me, or love me as always, but my heart will always belong to you, until I leave the world.
- 27、孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。李白
- 28、Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of.
- 29、“我每天都会想你一次然后每次都会给自己一巴掌所以我脸胖了”
- 30、打鱼的不离水边,打柴的不离山边。
- 31、爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。
- 33、A gentleman cares about the way but not the poor.
- 34、愿你惦记的人能跟你道声晚安独闯的日子里不觉孤单
- 35、There is no place to look for. It takes no effort.
- 36、守在寂寞的边缘
- 37、烟酒致癌我都明白可宝贝它们都不会嫌弃我
- 38、Because I want to forget you really good difficult, good reluctant. I was the iron heart of love you.
- 39、Don't make a hairless cattle, don't ride a horse without a fork.
- 40、踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费功夫。冯梦龙
- 41、不笑补,不笑破,只笑日子不会过。
42、There is no discussion behind the scenes and no opinions face to face.
- 43、There is no place to look for. It takes no effort.
- 44、The last time for you to stay, do not know is stubborn, or persistent.
- 45、No matter where you go, I'll be right behind you.
- 46、放下你的浮躁,放下你的懒惰,放下你的彪悍的人生,不需要解释。只要你按时到达目的地,很少有人在乎你开的是奔驰还是拖拉机。
- 47、Articles are written at the same time, songs and poems are written at the same time.
- 48、受人之托,忠人之事。冯梦龙
- 49、你要成为的是陷入泥潭跌入深渊亦无丝毫慌乱依旧傲然的王者
- 50、丝不织不成网,体不练不强壮。
- 51、You never belong to me, or love me as always, but my heart will always belong to you, until I leave the world.
- 53、想你是座孤岛隔绝所有拥抱
- 54、至于夏水襄陵,沿溯阻绝。郦道元
- 55、2014你在就好,即使我只是个你的路人甲。
- 56、There is a person let me feel very at ease, so I want to rely on him, and another person makes me feel very lonely, so I want to embrace him.
- 57、不眠不语不哭不笑不闹我终于学会安静了。。。
- 58、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
- 59、虽然我上班天天迟到,可是我下班愿开学沉迷学习无法自拔,爱上训练牛逼到炉火纯青。
- 60、Love, is its own success, I am no longer missing something.