2023-05-15 08:20:41
- 1、诚实比一切智谋更好,而且它是智谋的基本条件。
2、caring for children, feeling true love and enjoying children's fun.
- 3、用爱谱写教育的乐章。
- 4、Show others your best every day.
- 5、教育应当培植出活力,使学生向上长。
- 6、paving roads for stones and protecting flowers for spring mud.
- 7、Listen to every child's inner voice with love.
- 8、Look at every child with appreciation.
- 9、Yu Yingcai is willing to be a ladder, with two sleeves of teaching whip.
- 10、Like children, treat them kindly.
- 11、真诚并不意味着要指责别人的缺点,但却意味着一定不恭维别人的缺点。
12、Jing, diligent, respectful, tight, quiet.
- 13、诚实而无知,是软弱的,元用的;然而有知识而不诚实,却是危险的,可怕的。
- 14、鼓励孩子尽量不依赖成年人。
- 15、静心的做老师,尽心的教学生。
- 16、education should cultivate vitality and make students grow up.
- 17、education should cultivate vitality and make students grow up.
- 18、Dear child, the teacher is your best friend!
- 19、实话可能令人伤心,但胜过诺言。
- 20、创新突破稳定品质,落实管理提高效率。
- 21、我们的每一个孩子都是好孩子。
- 23、Look at every child with appreciation.
- 24、有实事求是之意,无哗众取宠之心。
- 25、我们要记着,作了茧的蚕,是不会看到茧壳以外的世界的。
- 26、创新是一个企业进步的灵魂。
- 27、铺路作石子,护花化春泥。
- 28、完全忠实于自己,丝毫不隐瞒自己,这是一道很好的练习题。
- 29、To be honest and conscientious
- 30、用爱倾听每一个孩子心底的声音。
- 31、every student is a good student.
- 33、真诚是一种心灵的开放。
- 34、对待学生要像春天般的温暖。
- 35、Be a teacher and teach students.
- 36、children, like flowers, need to be nurtured with love and patience.
- 37、Show others your best every day.
- 38、give your life, and you will get something.
- 39、Take the children's hands and welcome every day happily!
- 40、只有勇于承担,才有更大责任。
- 41、give your life, and you will get something.
- 43、奉献人生,付出才会有收获。
- 44、There is a love in erudite memory and a laugh in explicit.
- 45、Let love grow with us.
- 46、用知识武装我们的头脑,用科学实现我们的梦想!
- 47、connect the emotions of love with every child.
- 48、I want to grow up with my children.
- 49、坦白是使人心地轻松的妙药。
- 50、Do it down-to-earth, but also down-to-earth in mind.
- 51、静心的做老师,尽心的教学生。
- 53、说老实话,干良心事
- 54、Loving children is the most important thing in teachers'life.
- 55、眼中有孩子,心中有目标。
- 56、创新管理理念,融入文化元素。