Honestly the most can move the heart

  • 1、我从不间断读新科技、新知识的书籍,不至因为不了解新讯息而和时代潮流脱节。
  • 2、也许你听过笨鸟先飞,但是你绝对没记住,枪打出头鸟。
  • 3、眼睛所能看到的地方,就是你会到达的地方。
  • 4、我从不间断读新科技、新知识的书籍,不至因为不了解新讯息而和时代潮流脱节。
  • 5、Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm。无热情成就不了伟业。
  • 人类一生的工作,精巧还是粗劣,都由他每个习惯所养成。
  • 6、人类一生的工作,精巧还是粗劣,都由他每个习惯所养成。
  • 7、When you feel yourself full of spirit, full of confidence, people will think you are a worthy of trust.
  • 8、船锚是不怕埋没自己的。当人们看不见它的时候,正是它在为人类服务的时候。
  • 9、Care for and bless others silently, it is a kind of invisible alms.
  • 10、Not man for the access to give; To give itself is unparalleled joy.

  • 11、Fighting skill again gao, also afraid of chopper! Wear Diao again, a brick of pour!
  • 12、人性最可怜的就是:我们总是梦想着天边的一座奇妙的玫瑰园,而不去欣赏今天就开在我们窗口的玫瑰。
  • 13、Be good, is a kind heart; Do a nice guy, is a fickle face.
  • 14、靠着忠诚,你能与伟大的心灵为伴,有如一个精神上的家庭。
  • 15、Low down the anticipation in advance then the concern's for people could be more comfortable.
  • 16、Care for and bless others silently, it is a kind of invisible alms.
  • 17、当你觉得自已充满斗志,充满信心,别人就会觉得你就是值得相信的你。
  • 18、Beauty is in the eye of the gazer。情人眼里出西施。
  • 19、No matter how steep mountains, are always for those who left a climbing road.
  • A road of a thousand miles begins with one step。千里之行始於足下。

    20、A road of a thousand miles begins with one step。千里之行始於足下。

  • 21、Human nature is the most poor: we always dream of the horizon of a wonderful rose garden, and not to appreciate in our Windows open roses today.
  • 22、Be good, is a kind heart; Do a nice guy, is a fickle face.
  • 23、让我们将事前的忧虑,换为事前的思考和计划吧!
  • 24、Life is the secret of success is a good chance comes, seize it immediately.
  • 25、靠着忠诚,你能与伟大的心灵为伴,有如一个精神上的家庭。
  • 26、人类一生的工作,精巧还是粗劣,都由他每个习惯所养成。
  • 27、真诚有时使你受损害,但你的心灵是安静的;虚假有时使你占廉价,但你的灵魂深处是不安的。
  • 28、Wear digging into the depths of the soul, makes a man by the end of mental torture and trauma, and that is, from this and sidelined and practice and, deleting is bitter, but the Su Sheng road.
  • 29、Difficulties like spring, see you is not very strong. You strong he is weak, you weak he was strong.
  • 30、不管多么险峻的高山,总是为不畏艰难的人留下一条攀登的路。

  • 31、Sincerely make you damage sometimes, but your mind is quiet; False sometimes make you for cheap, but your soul is uncomfortable.
  • 32、Conquer fear the quickest, indeed, the method of building self-confidence is to do the thing you fear, until you obtain successful experience.
  • 33、Low down the anticipation in advance then the concern's for people could be more comfortable.
  • 人生成功的秘诀是当好机会来临时,立刻抓住它。
  • 34、人生成功的秘诀是当好机会来临时,立刻抓住它。
  • 35、Constant dropping wears the stone。滴水穿石。
  • 36、Every night to sit in a chair, exhausted from a day didn't feel real.
  • 37、我们中国祖师大德们常说,爱不重不生娑婆,念不一不生净土。
  • 38、每天晚上疲惫地坐到椅子上时,才觉得真真切切地过了一天。
  • 39、The same thing, and would like to open is heaven, he took things too hard is hell.
  • 40、We should put down to the money and power, rather than itself.

  • 41、不要纠缠过去;如果你老是回味上一章节,那你就没法翻开生活中新的一页。
  • 42、Life is the secret of success is a good chance comes, seize it immediately.
  • 43、Knowledge, discrimination, integrity, knowledge and of good moral character, is the main condition of success, after interest and opportunity.
  • 44、拒绝完美主义;现实世界不眷顾完美主义者,它只垂青踏实做事的人。
  • 45、A clear conscience laughs at false accusations。白日不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。
  • 46、As you sow you shall mow。种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
  • 47、每天晚上疲惫地坐到椅子上时,才觉得真真切切地过了一天。
  • Misfortunes never come alone/single。祸不单行。
  • 48、Misfortunes never come alone/single。祸不单行。
  • 49、眼睛所能看到的地方,就是你会到达的地方。
  • 50、All let nature take its course, all happy-go-lucky, is the ZhiJing of mind.

  • 51、一切顺其自然,一切随遇而安,乃心性之至境。
  • 52、A little body often harbors a great soul。浓缩的都是精品。
  • 53、Only dedication to society, to find out the meaning of life is actually short and risky.
  • 54、Maybe you listened to, but you definitely don't remember, harbored.
  • 55、不去耕耘,不去播种,再肥的沃土也长不出庄稼,不去奋斗,不去创造,再美的青春也结不出硕果。
  • 56、Storms make trees take deeper roots。风暴使树木深深扎根。