False of the sincerity, is worse than the devil

  • 1、Sincerely make you damage sometimes, but your mind is quiet; False sometimes make you for cheap, but your soul is uncomfortable.
  • 2、Cowards hold difficulties above their heads and heroes tread them under their feet.

  • 3、让我们将事前的忧虑,换为事前的思考和计划吧!
  • 4、人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。
  • 5、On the way to work, maybe we work is very ordinary, as long as you do, and are not ordinary ordinary work.
  • No matter how steep mountains, are always for those who left a climbing road.
  • 6、No matter how steep mountains, are always for those who left a climbing road.
  • 7、人生是一种承受,我们要学会支撑自己。
  • 8、Are you still faint from the run? Or was it my kissing expertise? (Edward)你还觉得头晕吗?是因为刚才奔跑,还是我亲吻的技术太好?
  • 9、I’m the worlds best predator, aren’t I? Everything about me invites you in-my voice, my face, even my smell。 As if i need any of that! (Edward)我是世界上最棒的猎食动物,对不对?我身上的一切都能让你上钩我的声音、我的脸,甚至包括我的气味,好像我没有那些东西不行似的!
  • 10、当你觉得自已充满斗志,充满信心,别人就会觉得你就是值得相信的你。
  • 11、Shall I explain how you are tempting me? (Edward)用我解释你什么地方让我动心了吗?
  • 12、好好去爱,去生活。记住,每天的太阳都是新的,不要辜负了美好的晨光。

  • 13、少一点预设的期待,那份对人的关怀会更自在。
  • 14、If you taste bitter hateful setbacks, friends, stand and will let you taste the joy of life.
  • 15、当你觉得自已充满斗志,充满信心,别人就会觉得你就是值得相信的你。
  • 16、Don't get bogged down in the past. If you always with a section in the previous chapter, you couldn't open a new page in life.
  • 17、Anchor is not afraid to bury myself. When people see it, is it at the time of service to humanity.
  • 18、当你没有借口的那一刻,就是你成功的开始。
  • 19、人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。
  • Conquer fear the quickest, indeed, the method of building self-confidence is to do the thing you fear, until you obtain successful experience.
  • 20、Conquer fear the quickest, indeed, the method of building self-confidence is to do the thing you fear, until you obtain successful experience.
  • 21、Diligence can make up the lack of wise, but the wise cannot make up for the defects of laziness.
  • 22、当你没有借口的那一刻,就是你成功的开始。

  • 23、困难像弹簧,看你强不强;你强他就弱,你弱他就强。
  • 24、When hardships come, it will be more aftertaste to surpass them.
  • 25、穿掘着灵魂的深处,使人受到了精神底苦刑而得到创伤,又即从这得伤和养伤和愈和中,得到苦的涤除,而上了苏生的路。
  • 26、Low down the anticipation in advance then the concern's for people could be more comfortable.
  • 27、人并非为获取而给予;给予本身即是无与伦比的欢乐。
  • 28、Life is a kind of endurance, we should learn to support ourselves.
  • 29、Cowards hold difficulties above their heads and heroes tread them under their feet.
  • 30、如果可恨的挫折使你尝到苦果,朋友,奋起必将让你尝到人生的欢乐。
  • 31、When you have no excuse, it is the beginning of your success.
  • 32、Be low-key and do things high-key, but not out of tune.

  • 33、Human life's work, choiceness or poor, are formed by his habit each.
  • Who were you, an insignificant little girl, to chase me from the place I wanted to be? (Edward)你是谁?不就是一个不起眼的小女孩儿吗?哪能让你把我从我喜欢待的地方赶走呢?
  • 34、Who were you, an insignificant little girl, to chase me from the place I wanted to be? (Edward)你是谁?不就是一个不起眼的小女孩儿吗?哪能让你把我从我喜欢待的地方赶走呢?
  • 35、Sincerely make you damage sometimes, but your mind is quiet; False sometimes make you for cheap, but your soul is uncomfortable.
  • 36、He stared into my eyes, and I saw how light his eyes were, lighter than I’d ever seen them, golden butterscotch。 (Bella)他盯着我的眼睛,我能看到他的眼睛是多么的明亮,比我以前看到的都要明亮,就像金黄色的奶油糖果一样。
  • 37、What am I going to do with you? Yesterday I kiss you, and you attack me! Today you pass out on me! (Edward)你叫我拿你如何是好呢?昨天我吻你,你打我!今天你又昏过去了!
  • 38、I wasn’t interesting。 And he was。 Interesting and brilliant and mysteriousand perfect and beautiful and possibly able to lift full-sized vans with one hand。 (Bella)我没有意思,他有。有意思才华横溢神秘莫测完美无缺仪表堂堂,而且还能够单手举起大型客货两用车。
  • 39、健康身体是基础,良好学风是条件,勤奋刻苦是前提,学习方法是关键,心理素质是保证。
  • 40、人性最可怜的就是:我们总是梦想着天边的一座奇妙的玫瑰园,而不去欣赏今天就开在我们窗口的玫瑰。
  • 41、Life is a kind of endurance, we should learn to support ourselves.
  • 42、Low down the anticipation in advance then the concern's for people could be more comfortable.

  • 43、When you feel yourself full of spirit, full of confidence, people will think you are a worthy of trust.
  • 44、If you want to invite a troublesome guest, lend him money.
  • 45、Knowledge, discrimination, integrity, knowledge and of good moral character, is the main condition of success, after interest and opportunity.
  • 46、健康身体是基础,良好学风是条件,勤奋刻苦是前提,学习方法是关键,心理素质是保证。
  • 47、Difficulties like spring, see you is not very strong. You strong he is weak, you weak he was strong.
  • Don’t be offended, but you seem to be one of those people who just attract accidents like a magnet。 Sotry not to fall into the ocean or get run over or anything, all right? (Edward)你可别不高兴,我觉得你似乎就是那种就像磁铁一样,对事故特别有吸引力的人。所以,尽量别掉到海里去了,或者往车轮下面钻什么的,好吗?
  • 48、Don’t be offended, but you seem to be one of those people who just attract accidents like a magnet。 Sotry not to fall into the ocean or get run over or anything, all right? (Edward)你可别不高兴,我觉得你似乎就是那种就像磁铁一样,对事故特别有吸引力的人。所以,尽量别掉到海里去了,或者往车轮下面钻什么的,好吗?
  • 49、Refused to perfectionism; Real world syncopation with perfectionist, it just come to work.
  • 50、When you feel yourself full of spirit, full of confidence, people will think you are a worthy of trust.
  • 51、勤奋可以弥补聪明的不足,但聪明无法弥补懒惰的缺陷。
  • 52、少一点预设的期待,那份对人的关怀会更自在。

  • 53、I never stopped to read the new technology and new knowledge in the books, not because they don't understand new information and the trend of The Times.
  • 54、Only you could get in trouble in a town this small。 You would have devastated their crime rate statistics for a decade, you know。 (Edward)只有你才会在这么小的一个城市里遇到麻烦。你知道吗,你本来会打破他们十年来的犯罪率统计数据的。
  • 55、His skin was icy as ever, but the trail his fingers left on my skin was alarmingly warm-like I’d been burned, but didn’t feel the pain of it yet。 (Bella)他的肌肤还是那样冰凉,可他的触摸却是火热的。