
  • 1、May the joy and happiness around you today and always。
  • 2、不可逆转的是时间,不可侮辱的是人格。
  • 3、不知不觉又一个中秋佳节来临,祝你心里想着月饼,口里吃着月饼,脸儿乐得像月饼,甜甜蜜蜜赛月饼,愿祝福伴着您渡过一个快乐的中秋节!
  • 4、祝福你元旦快乐,一年更比一年好!
  • 5、元旦来临,连连惊喜送不停!弹指一挥间,时钟又走过多少圈?对你的祝愿一如从前,祝你快乐天天!
  • 我们向您献上新年的祝福!
  • 6、我们向您献上新年的祝福!
  • 7、月饼爱上馒头,拼命追求,馒头誓死不从;月饼难过的问:这是为了什么呢?馒头说:俺娘说啦,你肚子里都是花花肠子!中秋节快乐。

  • 8、送你一轮圆圆的月,思念为圆心,关怀长围绕;送你一个圆圆的饼,幸福为圆心,好运长环绕;送你一句圆圆的祝福,真诚为圆心,友情长围绕。中秋快乐!
  • 9、In the autumn to again, in order to thank you for your support and cooperation, with small text, express my endless friendship。 Wish your Mid-Autumn festival family reunion, career promotion, boundless happiness, everything is able to complete。
  • 10、月饼爱上馒头,拼命追求,馒头誓死不从;月饼难过的问:这是为了什么呢?馒头说:俺娘说啦,你肚子里都是花花肠子!中秋节快乐。
  • 11、In the track of time, people think there's a line, devoid of the line, the current pain ceased to exist.
  • 12、中秋十五家家忙着做甜饼,敬奉月亮聚团圆。中秋十五民俗气氛浓味漫延,奔走相告欢天地。中秋十五大餐宴味随风飘香,酒香肉味扑面来。祝你幸福美满聚团圆!
  • 13、Mood is like caterpillars become butterflies, I want to see, time is up, to take off.
  • 14、蝴蝶计算的,不是月份,而是瞬间,蝴蝶拥有足够的时间。
  • 15、在时间的轨道上,人们想象有一条线,超脱了这条线,当前的痛苦便不复存在。
  • 16、Moon cakes fall in love with steamed bread, desperately pursue, to attain the steamed bread from; Moon cakes sad ask: this is for the sake of what? Steamed bun say: an niang said, your belly is HuaHuaChangZi! Happy Mid-Autumn festival。
  • 17、从开始哭着嫉妒,变成了笑着羡慕,时间是怎么样划过了我皮肤,只有我自己最清楚。

  • 18、It was in the wrong time and wrong place, there was an error with the wrong people.
  • 19、New Year's day approaching, repeatedly send constantly surprise! Idle away one's, and through many times? Wish for you, as in the past, wish you happy every day!
  • 时时开心,刻刻快乐,分分充实,秒秒自在,天天甜蜜,周周精彩,月月发财,季季浪漫,年年幸福,岁岁平安!
  • 20、时时开心,刻刻快乐,分分充实,秒秒自在,天天甜蜜,周周精彩,月月发财,季季浪漫,年年幸福,岁岁平安!
  • 21、愿新年的烛光带给你祥和与喜悦,祝你新年充满爱。
  • 22、Butterfly calculation, not months but moments, and has time enough.
  • 23、Imperceptible another Mid-Autumn festival approaching, I wish you were thinking of moon cakes, his mouth eating moon cakes, face happy like moon cakes, sweet moon cakes, wish blessings with you through a happy Mid-Autumn festival!
  • 24、不知不觉又一个中秋佳节来临,祝你心里想着月饼,口里吃着月饼,脸儿乐得像月饼,甜甜蜜蜜赛月饼,愿祝福伴着您渡过一个快乐的中秋节!
  • 25、一肩明月天上悬,二分明月洒窗前,一日三月盼相见,五黄六月心如煎,七星捧月喜连连,八月十五庆团圆,九天揽月你最眩!中秋节快乐!
  • 26、愿快乐幸福永伴你左右。
  • 27、A shoulder moon hanging sky, sprinkle half moon of the window, looking forward to meet each other in March, a day five yellow heart like Fried in June, seven stars hold on xi, August 15th anniversary reunion, the most dazzling nine days to you! Happy Mid-

  • 28、A happy person is always satisfied with the present, not is a waste of time to think about the future.
  • 29、人类所有的力量,只是耐心加上时间的混合。所谓强者既有意义,又有等待时机。
  • 30、日升月落,日历一翻,一天过去了;钟声阵阵,爆竹声声,一年过去了。元旦快乐!
  • 31、除了聪明没有别的财产的人,时间是唯一的资本。
  • 32、This holiday season, give all my love to you。
  • 33、In addition to no other property of the wise, time is the only capital.
  • 或者生活是外买,上帝决定外买的时间。
  • 34、或者生活是外买,上帝决定外买的时间。
  • 35、Get into the habit of reading, is equal to the lonely time to exchange for the reserves of gold.
  • 36、The fire burns the skin, heal over time; Words hurt, will always be a scar.
  • 37、祝福到,祝你一年更比一年好!

  • 38、New Year's day approaching, repeatedly send constantly surprise! Idle away one's, and through many times? Wish for you, as in the past, wish you happy every day!
  • 39、Happy New Year, happy heart ripples, blessing of heaven, happiness index soared, joy into the ocean!
  • 40、蝴蝶计算的,不是月份,而是瞬间,蝴蝶拥有足够的时间。
  • 41、Cherish all the time, for good things, don't do meaningless.
  • 42、日升月落,日历一翻,一天过去了;钟声阵阵,爆竹声声,一年过去了。元旦快乐!
  • 43、Mid-Autumn festival arrived, lovers get together to enhance feelings, family members get together to enhance the family, and friends to enhance friendship, don't forget to text messages often words, I wish you all the feeling grows, a happy Mid-Autumn fes
  • 44、生命很短暂,别把那些重要的话憋着,会没有时间说的。
  • 45、May the joy and happiness around you today and always。
  • 46、May the joy and happiness around you today and always。
  • 47、I wish you a happy New Year's day, a happy Spring Festival, remember to often want to me!

  • 48、养成读书的习惯,等于把寂寞的时间兑换为储备的黄金。
  • 49、Nison moonset, a calendar, a day passed; The bell sounds, sound of firecrackers in the past one year。 New Year's day happiness!
  • 50、只要紧紧地地跟着时间的步伐,幸运之神就会永远跟着你。
  • 51、祝福到,祝你一年更比一年好!
  • 52、Irreversible time, do not insult is personality.
  • 53、The Great Wall never pour, ask you sound good Mid-Autumn festival; The spring has passed yumenguan。 I wish you a double salary; Every festive holiday times, take more month bonus; Landscape jiatianxia guilin, all the bills under her pillow; Happy Mid-Autu
  • 54、Have time to sigh in the past, it is better to smile in the future.
  • 55、火烫伤了皮肤,会随着时间痊愈;出话伤人,将永远留下疤痕。