
  • 1、Time or the feelings of a precipitation, engraved, or the feelings of a kill, and to dust.
  • 2、You are beside me or in the horizon, thinking of you in the corner of the world, I feel that the whole world has become gentle and stable.
  • 3、Miss you every night, my eyes are like a silk drizzle float by falling in the rhyme of the tip, break into a grain of grain.
  • 4、人生么有等出来的美丽,只有走出来的辉煌。
  • 5、When negative emotions, don't say. Mind your own mouth, sometimes do dumb, is a kind of state.
  • 毁灭即将降临的时候,其前兆往往就是疯狂//。
  • 6、毁灭即将降临的时候,其前兆往往就是疯狂//。
  • 7、你还怕大雨吗是不是还留短头发.
  • 8、When negative emotions, don't say. Mind your own mouth, sometimes do dumb, is a kind of state.

  • 9、Life, there is such a beautiful, only to come out of the brilliant.
  • 10、True love is clearly know no results, but also thinking about to continue.
  • 11、你说的话,那么的美好,让我分辨不出是真是假。
  • 12、我以为酒可以灌死思念,谁知道思念学会了游泳。
  • 13、为什么我喜欢的人是要靠伤害我来长大最后拿成熟稳重去爱别的小朋友
  • 14、我会将有关你的所有记忆,都封尘在岁月里。
  • 15、对你的想念真的很妙,有时它让我疼,有时又能给我止疼。
  • 16、很多人都想和你在一起,但没人和我一样,想永远和你在一起。
  • 17、Excuse me, does not mean I explain how good, but I Shebudeer.
  • 18、最怕此生已经决定自己过,没有你,却又突然听到你的消息。

    More like a person, the more I think he is ugly, more see more ugly, the more the more ugly.
  • 19、More like a person, the more I think he is ugly, more see more ugly, the more the more ugly.
  • 20、柠檬有暖人的黄色但内心一片酸涩
  • 21、What you say, so beautiful, let I could not tell the difference between is true or not.
  • 22、过得力不从心却又不敢泄气
  • 23、时间可以治愈伤口,也可以让我彻底的忘记你。
  • 24、当有负面情绪的时候,不要说。管好自己的嘴,有时候做哑巴,是一种境界。
  • 25、There is no feeling in the right who is wrong, only who do not cherish who.
  • 26、过得力不从心却又不敢泄气
  • 27、那个暑假你去我遥远的家玩,我们一同去攀登那最美的山峰,可半路你就体力不支了,一路上我死死的拉住你的手把你向上拖,当我们爬的山顶的时候,我累的几乎要倒在地上了,但也笑的好开心。因为,虽然我们是恋人,可你却总不喜欢我牵你的手,我又老想牵它。www.liyancom
  • 28、人生就是自给自足,如果有朋友提携是锦上添花,没有也不会太糟。

  • 29、柠檬有暖人的黄色但内心一片酸涩
  • 30、There is no feeling in the right who is wrong, only who do not cherish who.
  • 31、爱情永远都处在时差中,不是你早,就是我晚,反正永远不同步。
  • 越喜欢一个人越觉得他长得丑,越看越丑,越丑越喜欢。
  • 32、越喜欢一个人越觉得他长得丑,越看越丑,越丑越喜欢。
  • 33、What you say, so beautiful, let I could not tell the difference between is true or not.
  • 34、There is a kind of yearning that only care about not disturbing, there is a kind of greeting that only care about not comfortable.
  • 35、Don't drink from strangers, and don't take someone else's hand.
  • 36、别人再好,与我无关,你再不好,我都喜欢。
  • 37、我的心不是公交车,不是有空位就可以坐下来。
  • 38、真正的爱情是明明知道没有结果,却还想着继续。

  • 39、我会将有关你的所有记忆,都封尘在岁月里。
  • 40、放弃时间的人,时间也会放弃他.
  • 41、Don't know him well, let you leave me for him regardless of personal danger.
  • 42、为什么我喜欢的人是要靠伤害我来长大最后拿成熟稳重去爱别的小朋友
  • 43、走了,他真的走了,带着我的那一份真心,也带走了对情感的所有依恋。
  • 44、Pointing to the heart proud to say to you, here are you.
  • 越喜欢一个人越觉得他长得丑,越看越丑,越丑越喜欢。
  • 45、越喜欢一个人越觉得他长得丑,越看越丑,越丑越喜欢。
  • 46、We don't need too much care, we just need a little bit of care.
  • 47、在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。
  • 48、自恋的人都是可爱的,因为自恋,所以,更懂得爱情。

  • 49、Time will slowly precipitation, some people will be in your heart gradually blurred. Learn to let go, you need to own perfect happiness.
  • 50、等到天放晴的时候,也许我会好好再爱你一遍。
  • 51、积极思考造成积极人生,消极思考造成消极人生。
  • 52、等到天放晴的时候,也许我会好好再爱你一遍。
  • 53、放弃时间的人,时间也会放弃他.