A man is not old as long as he is seeking something A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams

  • 1、莫向不幸屈服,应该更大胆、更积极地向不幸挑战!
  • 2、Is the true wisdom fortitude ambition。
  • 3、有理想在的地方,地狱就是天堂。有希望在的地方,痛苦也成欢乐。
  • 4、A person is creating success in the fight against the surrounding living environment。

  • 5、Suffer from eating to eat again, will not lose the。 Bitter, sweet and big。
  • We this world, never give a sad behind the medal。
  • 6、We this world, never give a sad behind the medal。
  • 7、Hold the fate in your hands。
  • 8、Not to find excuses for failure, only to find ways to succeed。
  • 9、拥有梦想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力。
  • 10、让我们将事前的忧虑,换为事前的思考和计划吧!
  • 11、We this world, never give a sad behind the medal。
  • 12、欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。
  • 13、Eat bitter, bitter, for the people。
  • 14、做一个积极主动的人,最重要的是奋斗心,热爱生命,勤奋实干,开放进取。

  • 15、每天醒来,敲醒自己的不是钟声,而是梦想。
  • 16、这个世界不是因为你能做什么,而是你该做什么。
  • 17、Of the most easy things in the world。
  • 18、Having a dream is a kind of intelligence, the realization of a dream is a kind of ability。
  • 19、过去不等于未来;没有失败,只有暂时停止成功;采取更大量的行动。
  • Is the true wisdom fortitude ambition。
  • 20、Is the true wisdom fortitude ambition。
  • 21、There is only one person who can not get through。
  • 22、Not to find excuses for failure, only to find ways to succeed。
  • 23、Life is not to go beyond the others, but to go beyond their own。
  • 24、A man can play the greatest potential only when he can do it all。

  • 25、取得成就时坚持不懈,要比遭到失败时顽强不屈更重要。
  • 26、人之所以能,是相信能。
  • 27、你经历的所有的困苦都是有意义的,因为这是你要承担重任的先兆。
  • 28、When you fall to the bottom, it is said, you can only go up, not down!
  • 29、Can let you down, not the opponent, but your heart。
  • 30、当世界给草籽重压时,它总会用自己的方法破土而出。
  • 31、旦立下目标,不达目标绝不罢手,方可成功。
  • 32、Eat bitter, bitter, for the people。
  • 33、If the blade is afraid of hurting yourself without contact with the grindstone, will never be sharp。
  • No big exaggerate。 The more shallow knowledge, the more deep the confidence。

    34、No big exaggerate。 The more shallow knowledge, the more deep the confidence。

  • 35、Running is not only a kind of ability, but also a kind of attitude, decide the level of your life.
  • 36、Don't wait for opportunities, and to create opportunities。
  • 37、We this world, never give a sad behind the medal。
  • 38、The success of a probability distribution, the key is that you can not adhere to the successful start of the moment。
  • 39、We this world, never give a sad behind the medal。
  • 40、上帝从不埋怨人们的愚昧,人们却埋怨上帝的不公平。
  • 41、欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。
  • 42、The place which the ideal is in, the hell maybe a heaven. The place which hope is in, the pain may becomes happiness.
  • 43、People only have the courage to say goodbye to the coast, to find a new ocean。
  • 44、Behind each of the strenuous efforts, there must be double reward。

  • 45、人之所以能,是相信能。
  • 46、Had no hope of things, bold attempt, often can succeed。
  • 47、Leisure time is to do some good and some time.
  • 闲暇是为了做出某种有益的事而有的时间。
  • 48、闲暇是为了做出某种有益的事而有的时间。
  • 49、机遇永远是准备好的人得到的。
  • 50、A person's dream may not be valuable, but a person's efforts are very valuable。
  • 51、The setback is actually the tuition fees payable to the success。
  • 52、上帝从不埋怨人们的愚昧,人们却埋怨上帝的不公平。
  • 53、把命运掌握在自己手中。
  • 54、The positive person sees an opportunity in every crisis, while the negative person sees some kind of misery in every opportunity。

  • 55、Grow beautiful is the advantage, live beautiful is the ability。
  • 56、The road to far also will come to an end, night long again there will be at the end, there will be rain again when stopped。
  • 57、Perseverance can conquer any one peak。
  • 58、世界上那些最容易的事情中,拖延时间最不费力。