Every noble work is at first impossible


  • 2、Struggling for this one thing is that it has been an endless day。
  • 3、只要你相信,奇迹一定会实现。
  • 4、Man who has perseverance can squeeze water out of the rock。
  • 5、Truth is the lifeblood of life, is the foundation of all values。
  • 做人要像竹子一样每前进一步,都要做一次小结。
  • 6、做人要像竹子一样每前进一步,都要做一次小结。
  • 7、Struggle is the father of all things。
  • 8、Steps how to continually before? The footprints left behind。
  • 9、In the face of fate don't compromise, in the face of difficulties don't flinch, such ability to do their own hero。
  • 10、Truth is the lifeblood of life, is the foundation of all values。
  • 11、All the firm and indomitable effort will sooner or later get remuneration。

  • 12、有决心,就有力量;有毅力,就会成功!
  • 13、Lost can also save money, once lost credibility is hard to recover。
  • 14、世间最容易的事是坚持,最难的事也是坚持。要记住,坚持到底就是胜利。
  • 15、The three conditions of the study are: To observe more to bear hardships and study。
  • 16、其实我不我们不需要想太多,只是做我们自己,只是不懈的追梦!
  • 17、说出来会被嘲笑的梦想,才有实现的价值即使跌倒了姿势也会很豪迈。
  • 18、Patience and endurance is better than a fierce fever。
  • 19、人生需要耐心,需要勇气,需要**,更需要信心。
  • 20、所谓强者,是既有意志,又能创造时机的人。
  • Face the problem, we can't retreat, because back and can't solve the problem。 Only seek the solution, is the best policy。

    21、Face the problem, we can't retreat, because back and can't solve the problem。 Only seek the solution, is the best policy。

  • 22、善待人生的每个梦想,给自己信心,要知道你有能力实现它。
  • 23、Anything you want to succeed, must be willing to hard work, and hold on to the end of perseverance。
  • 24、Whatever you do, if you work hard, you will not succeed。
  • 25、施予时不必求回报,接受时不要吝啬感激。
  • 26、True warrior, dare to face the bleak life, dare to face dripping blood。
  • 27、Let oneself mature, while looking for opportunity。 Such as the time is right, the ideal can be realized。
  • 28、Brain thinking, thinking by heart, confirmed by action.
  • 29、Ambition and love is the wings of great actions。
  • 30、志气和贫困是患难兄弟,世人常见他们伴在一起。
  • 31、命运之神关上一道门,必定会打开另一扇窗。

  • 32、面对问题,我们不能退缩,因为退缩并不能解决问题。只有努力寻求解决之道,才是上策。
  • 33、善待人生的每个梦想,给自己信心,要知道你有能力实现它。
  • 34、就算学习和生活再艰难,也要一边痛着,一边笑着,给生活一张漂亮的脸。
  • 35、Don't let the future you, hate now of oneself. I'm trying to become oneself to like that.
  • 只有自强、自立、自信,你才能付得起人生的账单。
  • 36、只有自强、自立、自信,你才能付得起人生的账单。
  • 37、Success is a journey, not a destination, so as long as everything goes well with in the process of success, is success。
  • 38、If you want to climb, don't put the rainbow as a ladder。
  • 39、只要不让年轻时美丽的梦想随岁月飘逝,成功总有一天会出现在你的面前。
  • 40、The secret of the invention is in constant efforts。
  • 41、选择一条适合自己的路坚持走下去,只要坚持,就会取得成功。

  • 42、没有一颗珍珠的闪光,是靠别人涂抹上去的。
  • 43、其实我不我们不需要想太多,只是做我们自己,只是不懈的追梦!
  • 44、Success is a journey, not a destination, so as long as everything goes well with in the process of success, is success。
  • 45、面对困难,许多人带了放大镜,但和困难拼搏一番,你会觉得困难不过如此。
  • 46、Beautiful fantasy than steadfastly doing things, as long as the start, even if it's late again later。
  • 47、Riches without roots, as far as possible from the ground。
  • 48、Struggle to improve life, is a worthy act。
  • 49、Children such as seedlings, must develop properly, can only germinate grow。
  • 50、五官刺激,不是真正的享受。内在安祥,才是下手之处。
  • Success is a journey, not a destination, so as long as everything goes well with in the process of success, is success。

    51、Success is a journey, not a destination, so as long as everything goes well with in the process of success, is success。

  • 52、就算学习和生活再艰难,也要一边痛着,一边笑着,给生活一张漂亮的脸。
  • 53、I work hard, I insist, I can make it.
  • 54、不要让未来的你,讨厌现在的自己。我正在努力变成自己喜欢的那个自己。
  • 55、Success is a journey, not a destination, so as long as everything goes well with in the process of success, is success。
  • 56、做任何事都要经受得挫折,要有恒心和毅力,满怀信心坚持到底。
  • 57、面对命运不妥协,面对困难不退缩,这样才能做自己的英雄。
  • 58、The duty of the revolutionary army is to fight the world of inequality。
  • 59、Life has a degree, life adds life。
  • 60、Struggling for this one thing is that it has been an endless day。