
  • 1、Life always offers you a second chance。 It is called tomorrow。
  • 2、The voice, once you have taken away.
  • 3、Several th bustling places, happiness keeled over drunk the dreamland。
  • 4、奥运精神,永驻我心。
  • 5、Dream, as if you never wake up。
  • We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us。
  • 6、We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us。
  • 7、Do not say that the conditions of their friends are much higher, the fate of the, you want to escape can not escape.
  • 8、Sincere and sincere, gold and stone for the open.
  • 9、The reason why people can, is to believe that.
  • 10、原来我的心也会痛还那么清晰透彻。

  • 11、One is a gorgeous short dream, one is the brutal long reality.
  • 12、同心合力,创造辉煌。
  • 13、好想永远这样的看着你 ,即使你从来没有发现过我。
  • 14、我不是温柔人,却为你做尽了温柔事。
  • 15、好的种子,不怕埋没,总有出土的一天。
  • 16、知人知面不知心。
  • 17、拥有了爱情,就别去碰暧昧。
  • 18、The missing hidden in the heart, as the monsoon gradually lost the face.
  • 19、只有不断前进,才能到达最**。
  • Unite and make good achievements.

    20、Unite and make good achievements.

  • 21、曾以为我们的爱会很久很久。请原谅我不能陪你走到最后。
  • 22、拥有了爱情,就别去碰暧昧。
  • 23、应知学问难,在乎点滴勤。
  • 24、Unite and make good achievements.
  • 25、Listen to me, you make a woman look very happy。
  • 26、Warm home, sunshine sand field.
  • 27、I acted like it wasn't a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart。
  • 28、Don't push me to study, I can study hard.
  • 29、I would like a strains have no feet of plants, in-situ waiting, and put you in my heart deeply。
  • 30、What is fleeting, but only their own treasure is eternal.

  • 31、Love understands love; it needs no talk。
  • 32、You have the need, I have a result.
  • 33、我装作一切都无所谓,虽然我已心力交瘁。
  • 我想要的爱情不是一辈子不吵架,而是吵架了还能一辈子。
  • 34、我想要的爱情不是一辈子不吵架,而是吵架了还能一辈子。
  • 35、Thank you for having me grow up, it's just a little different.
  • 36、不要逼我学习,我学习起来可厉害了。
  • 37、One is a gorgeous short dream, one is the brutal long reality.
  • 38、Relationship is like a piece of paper, broken, and then how to piece together there are cracks.
  • 39、A successful man finds a way, and a failed person makes excuses.
  • 40、Don't see a love one, love too much, your love will depreciate.

  • 41、A plough, a harvest.
  • 42、Most afraid of the world to find times but found no one.
  • 43、后来,我们才知道,那不是爱,那只是对自己说谎。
  • 44、如果有一天我们变陌生了,那么我就重新认识你。
  • 45、Pain makes people change。
  • 46、把握现在,决战今天。
  • 47、Challenge yourself and break through the limit.
  • Perseverance is the one that is perseverant.
  • 48、Perseverance is the one that is perseverant.
  • 49、Unite to strive for success.
  • 50、勇于进取,敢于创新。

  • 51、我装作一切都无所谓,虽然我已心力交瘁。
  • 52、班级兴亡,我的责任。
  • 53、Relationship is like a piece of paper, broken, and then how to piece together there are cracks.
  • 54、Hard work, the first to win.
  • 55、Out of all your lies, "I love you" was my favorite。
  • 56、The so-called love is a person, the first moment to make you cry, the next moment to make you laugh.